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How to Start your Fitness Routine

It's easier than you think

By KianPublished about a year ago 4 min read


Getting fit is a goal that many people have. But reaching this goal can be hard to achieve if you don’t have a plan or the motivation needed to make it happen. In this article, we’ll discuss how setting goals and making plans can help you reach your fitness routine.

This is a revolutionary exercise workout that will not take much of your time!

Set a goal

Setting a goal is the first step to achieving your fitness goals. You can’t achieve anything if you don’t know what it is, so setting goals will help keep you focused on what matters and make sure that all of your efforts are working towards something specific.

The most important thing about setting a goal is that it should be:

Specific — What do I want? What am I trying to accomplish? Why do this at all? This goes beyond just writing down “lose weight” or “get fit”. If possible, try writing out exactly how much weight (or distance) or fitness level increase per week/month/year until reaching an ideal state of being (e.g., 10 lbs lost).

Make a plan to reach your goal.

Planning is essential to success, and it’s the first step to achieving your goal. Planning helps you set goals, break them down into steps and track progress towards reaching them. For example:

If your goal is losing weight, plan out how many pounds you want to lose each week or month. Then break those goals down into smaller chunks that are more manageable — for example: “I will walk 30 minutes every day this week.” This way when it comes time for next week’s workout schedule all you have to do is add another 30-minute walk!

Identify your excuses.

When you’re trying to start a fitness routine, it can be hard to get started. You may have many excuses that keep you from working out and staying active. For example:

“I don’t have enough time.”

“I’m too tired after work/school.”

“My friends won’t want to go with me.”

If you let these excuses become part of your routine and life, then they will become harder and harder for you to overcome.

Be specific, measurable and timely.

Before you start on a fitness routine, it’s important to define the problem. For example: “I want to lose weight and get in shape” is an open-ended goal that doesn’t give you much direction. On the other hand, being specific about what exactly you want will help keep you motivated throughout your journey.

For example: “I want to lose 10 pounds by June 1st” or “I will run 5 miles every day this month”. Be sure that these goals are measurable so that they can be tracked over time and make sure they are timely so there is a clear end date (or at least some sort of deadline).

Include rewards along the way.

The next step is to set some goals and rewards. You could choose to reward yourself with a massage or even just a new pair of shoes every time you hit a milestone, but the most important thing is that the reward be meaningful to you. If it’s something that will derail your progress in any way, don’t do it! For example: if one of your fitness goals is to lose 10 pounds by summertime, then getting lazy during winter because “you’ve already lost some weight” isn’t going to help anything. A better option would be rewarding yourself with something like a new outfit for when those pants fit again (and not just because they’re too small).

Including rewards along the way can also help keep us motivated when we feel discouraged by setbacks or roadblocks along our journey towards our ultimate goal(s).

Choose the right track for you.

The first step to starting a fitness routine is choosing the right track for you. There are many different types of exercise, and some may suit your lifestyle better than others. Here are some things to consider:

Is this something I can stick with? Does it fit into my schedule? Will it be fun enough to keep me motivated?

How much does it cost (in terms of time and money)? Is there an opportunity cost — for example, giving up other activities in order to pursue this one more seriously?

What kind of physical condition am I in now? Do I need extra support from trainers or coaches at first or would they simply be another distraction from my goals?

Achieving a fitness routine takes some planning and determination but it is possible to achieve your goals

The first step to achieving a fitness routine is setting goals. You need to know what you want and how much effort you’re willing to put into it. Goals can be anything from losing 10 pounds or running a marathon, but they should be specific and measurable so that you know when you’ve achieved them. It’s also important not to get discouraged if things don’t go according to plan; sometimes life gets in the way of our best laid plans!

Once your goal has been decided upon, the next step is creating an action plan on how exactly you’ll achieve it. This involves writing down everything from what meals are going into your body during this time period (or even if there will be any food at all), how often/when workouts will happen each week as well as any other factors that may affect this goal such as travel plans etcetera…

Once all these things have been thought out and written down then comes organizing them into something manageable for yourself so that each day feels like less work than just waking up one morning with no idea where anything was going or why we were doing it anyway since most times those initial ideas aren’t always enough motivation alone.”

It’s important to remember that you can’t force yourself into a routine. You have to be patient and accept the fact that it will take time before you see results. It’s also important not to get frustrated if things don’t go according to plan or if life gets in the way of your goals. But remember, if you keep pushing forward with determination then eventually things will fall into place!

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