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How To Make Your Ex Miss You (How To Get Your Ex To Miss You And Want You Back)

Are you worried and wondering how to make your ex miss you! Now that you and your ex have broken up, the one sure way to get back together again, is to make your ex miss you again. The trick here is to give him or her something positive to miss. This article will show you exactly how to get your ex to miss you and want you back.

By David HudsonPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Wouldn't it be great to figure out how to make your ex miss you like crazy? Imagine if for once your ex was doing the pleading, calling you all the time, and begging to take you back. If you know the right techniques, you can literally take control of your breakup and make your ex miss you like crazy.

The worst thing about a breakup is when you lose complete control of your ex. Feeling helpless and vulnerably to your ex is one of the worst feelings in the world. I will teach you how to make your ex miss you like crazy with one simple trick. If you use this method I am about to expose to you then your ex will be blowing up your phone, texting you all day long, and peeking through your window at night while you're sleeping.

Work on yourself

When two people are in love, physical attraction isn't all that is needed to maintain the spark. However, it can help matters if you head for the gym and shed some of those excess pounds that you've piled on. You need to also pay more attention to what you eat. By working out and even gaining that healthy sheen, you will bump into your ex looking more beautiful than before. Working out also boosts your confidence; something that other people, your ex included, will notice and be attracted to you.

Upgrade your Wardrobe

Replace your wardrobe with swanky clothes that bring out the best out of you. When you wear them, they uplift your mood, making you feel better about yourself. Your ex will notice this sooner or later and start missing you.

Enter into the Game

Once your ex deserts you, you no longer have anyone to answer to. If someone wants to take you out, you don't have to decline the offer. Besides, having a nice time with others helps you regain your confidence. However, it doesn't mean you have to sleep around. If your ex hears about your new lifestyle, he or she will start second-guessing the decision to break up with you.

Control your Emotions

When you bump into your ex, don't blow away your chances of getting back together by revealing to him or her how hurt you feel. Rather, bottle up your emotions and pull yourself together and act dignified. Being civil with your ex makes you come off as mature, something that is attractive.

How To Make Your Ex Miss You By Being Scarcer Than Gold

Let me ask you a question, If I was calling you every day would you miss me? Probably not right, but what if I stopped calling you all of a sudden for a long time. Then would you wonder why I stopped calling you even if you hated it when I did? Yes, because you will notice the sudden change and wonder why all of a sudden, I disappeared.

This is exactly what you have to do with your ex and the only time you make any contact with your ex for 30 days after the breakup is when they contact you. Let's say for example you stop calling your ex and then they decide to call you because they want to know if your still alive.

You want to always respond to your ex when they contact you because you do not want your ex to feel ignored. When you talk or see your ex make sure you keep it less than a 3 minute conversation, tell them you're busy, have plans with an important person, and you will call them back when you have time.

This is exactly how to make your ex miss you by saying this... "Hi, nice to hear from you. How was your day? Great, well I got to go because I am really busy, and I have plans with a really close friend. I'll call you back tomorrow or the next day when I have time."

Make sure you write that down so you can use it when your ex calls. When you tell your ex you're busy because you will be seeing someone important it makes them think what you could be doing and with who. Also, you told them you can't talk, and you will call them back later.

Your ex is sitting there wondering what you could be up to, who is this special person, and when are you going to call back. Now your ex is starting to miss you like crazy, they no longer have control over you anymore and they are waiting on you to get back to them because your ex is extremely interested in you once again.

3 Things You Should Avoid If You Want Your Ex Back

There are many things that people do to get their ex back. They will do anything if it means that they get their ex back to a place where they belong. The most popular ways of trying to force an ex to take them back is making them jealous by pretending to see another person or guilt tripping their ex into taking them back. These types of tactics may work at first, but resentments will build and the issues that led to the breakup in the first place will still be in the forefront. This would actually mean that nothing much would have really changed from the previous situation.

Using these types of mind games is like putting duct tape on a leaky pipe. Something which is bound to backfire as it will only be a temporary solution. So, it is not a matter of if but a matter of when. Then you will be in a place worse than you were in before. Take a minute to read this article for more mistakes to avoid if you want your ex back for good.

1. "Take me back": Whatever you do; do not use these three words. Your ex will not listen and shut you down. There is a reason why you guys broke up in the first place. Telling them to take you back is not going to solve the problem. It will only make matters more difficult for the both of you. You each need some space to think and if you have done some wrongdoing in the relationship, you need to figure out ways to make it right and apologize.

2. Drunken dialing: I think everyone at one time or another has dialed drunk and has regretted doing so the next morning. So please save yourself the shame and do not dial your ex's number if you have been drinking. Whatever words you spoke that night will never go away. You might not remember what you said clearly, but believe you me, your ex surely will and every time they see you that is all that they will be able to think about, and how big a fool you made of yourself. This will not work in your favor when you try to get your ex back.

3. Daily Television Soap aftereffect: A television soap aftereffect mostly applies to the women; this is when they watch movies with a box of tissues nearby along with empty containers of ice cream surrounding them. Personally, I think this is a normal cycle, but you cannot remain this way for long, it is simply not good for you, and you will lose your nice slim figure. So maybe for one weekend you can watch all the sad movies you want and eat all flavors of ice cream you can find, but the next day make sure you get out and work off those calories that you put on. Remember keep your looks and your health in top notch.

Do You Truly Wish You Can Get Back Together with Your Ex?

Relationship is a fragile bond that when it's broken, the process of mending can be much more difficult than creating it in the first place. Sometimes it's an extremely difficult task to sort out all the problems and get back together with your ex. No matter how many times you come up with different reasons and approaches, your ex does not seem to change the decision to leave you. If you’d like to get your hands on a step-by-step method for changing your ex's decision about the breakup, click here!

Let me show you exactly what to do to salvage your relationship and rekindle the lost love one more time…even if you're the only one trying…and even if the situation seems hopeless. Head over now to Get Your Ex Back Secrets


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    DHWritten by David Hudson

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