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How to Keep Your Sugar Life Sweet Over the Long Haul

Life in the sugar bowl can seem like an absolute dream come true for those who love what it has to offer. But like anything worthwhile, your sugar life requires at least a bit of care, maintenance, and balance.

By Chris DeePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Life in the Sugar Bowl

While it’s true that sugar dating isn’t for everyone, it tends to work out tremendously for those who are indeed cut out for life in the sugar bowl. Sugar relationships offer independent, high-value people the same benefits they love about traditional relationships, like companionship and love. But they refreshingly don’t come attached to the same drama, expectations, and mind games.

In other words, life in the sugar bowl can seem like an absolute dream come true for those who love what it has to offer. But like anything worthwhile, your sugar life requires at least a bit of care, maintenance, and balance. Here are a few time-honored tips for making sure you do everything right and stay as happy as you are right now indefinitely.

Think like a winner.

Sugar dating is not like traditional dating and most sugar daters aren’t your typical singles. They’re next-level people in every sense of the word – attractive, affluent, educated, and charming. They’re the type of people who make a splash in life and turn heads whenever they walk into a room. They also know it and carry themselves like they know it.

If you’ve successfully carved out a spot for yourself in the sugar bowl, then you’re one of these people – a winner – so make sure you think that way. When sugar dating, always keep what you want in mind, and go into new sugar situations expecting to get it. All relationships require compromise, but never settle for less than 100 percent when it comes to your needs and important dreams.

Maintain your independence.

Sugar relationships leave as much room for variety as traditional dating does when it comes to commitment. Some are serious, exclusive, and very much committed. Others are open or perhaps just a little more casual with no strings attached. There’s no one right way to be in a sugar relationship, but there’s one thing that all relationships have in common when you’re living in the sugar bowl.

Healthy, happy sugar relationships involve two independent individuals who are very much their own people outside of who they are to their partners. They’re secure in themselves, live full lives of their own, and have many things going on from which they derive personal satisfaction. Their relationships are like the cherry on top of a beautiful sundae instead of the entire sundae itself.

Maintain your emotional composure.

It’s practically inevitable. Casual dating is great for what it is until you meet someone you really like. If the feeling is mutual, it’s probably not too long before things aren’t casual anymore, and that’s where most relationships run into trouble. Emotions are wonderful, terrible things when you’re really into someone. And that being the case, it’s easier than you think for said emotions to get out of control.

If you’re serious about maintaining a sugar life that works, it’s crucial that you not let this happen. Remember, drama and tension don’t have a place in the sugar bowl. That’s part of what makes it such a great place to be. If you’re carrying any emotional baggage from the past with you, be sure to work through it before you get serious about a new sugar partner.

Great sugar relationships (whether in or out of the sugar bowl) have certain essentials in common. They require two individuals who are independent, intellectually compatible, emotionally mature, and confident in who they are as people. Make sure you’re this kind of person. Cultivate stellar communication skills. Make sure you have plenty to bring to the table as a supportive, loving partner, and expect nothing less of the other person.

Always be appreciative.

No one who’s dated much outside of the sugar bowl must be told that truly incredible partners don’t grow on trees. Most sugar daters decided to make the switch for reasons similar to your own. They knew they brought a lot of value to their relationships that they just weren’t getting back from the other people involved. They also wanted to finally meet partners who made the grade.

That said, appreciation is vital in any sugar dating situation, especially when and if you ever decide to enter into an exclusive relationship. Always show gratitude for everything your sugar partner does for you, especially when you know they’ve gone way out of their way to make you smile or to make your life easier. And be sure to give as well as you receive. Giving and receiving are equally important in healthy relationships, so mastering both is a surefire way to keep your sugar life sweet.

Sugar dating is easier and comes more naturally to many people, but it still takes effort to keep things going well. The better you become at putting in that effort, the happier your extraordinary new dating life is sure to be.


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