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How to keep your mind focused.

It has no owner, no restraint, and even if you ride on it, it pays no attention to it.

By testPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

I don't know if you've ever paid attention to your thoughts.

It is like an uncontrollable horse, as long as there is a field, it can run unscrupulously.

The mind is also out of the control of the body, can be imagined at any time, and sometimes even make it difficult to sleep.

Mixed thoughts are more exuberant than spring grass.

The mind is like a scattered flower.

I don't know if you've thought about the importance of focus.

When we sit at our desk and concentrate on a problem, the hospitable brain begins to entertain you warmly, leaving many unrelated memories out of the deep space.

Sometimes, you immerse yourself in the illusion that your brain has created for you, follow its train of thought and start another illusion, and the original problems have long been forgotten.

You must have talked to someone.

When we were talking about a certain issue, some people led the problem to an irrelevant place, and we were drawn into another discussion.

At this time, a person, guide or moderator led us back to the point.

When the brain thinks, it also needs a guide.

The guide can not be someone else, it can only be himself.

To focus your mind is to focus your attention on a problem and quickly find relevant memories, patterns, and experiences for it.

People who can concentrate on their minds may not be smart, but people who focus on thinking for a long time must have a deep life that others can't reach.

Every time I write, I do similar work. When my experience and memory are not enough to answer questions, I need to pay special visits and read.

It is wonderful that since middle school, I have had a stubborn spirit of planning. I will stick to a good decision and never change it even if it is wrong.

Continuing to the university, I plan to spend all my spare time studying.

So, with a wave of willpower, I forced myself to read.

At the beginning of reading, I can't concentrate. I always think of things in my hometown, classmates and all kinds of worries in the process of reading.

They always appear when I read, intermittently accompanied by the sound of reading.

But I was not affected. I must sit in the classroom or the library during the planned reading time.

No matter how you can't concentrate your thoughts, you will never change the matter of reading.

It may be that I have been reading for a long time, it should be more than a year or two, there are fewer loose fantasies, and my thoughts begin to concentrate.

The ups and downs in my head slowly disappeared when I needed to concentrate.

At this time, we can more carefully experience the hidden meaning behind the text, and quickly find corroboration or negation of the author's experience from memory.

When the mind is focused, the words are like mysteries, which I quickly analyze into scattered parts, and then connect them together.

I squeezed out the nutrition of words and improved my comprehension.

Later, I do not know where the courage, I unexpectedly picked up a large part of Western philosophy, those words are not like the language of the earth.

Now I don't seem to be interested in reading anymore.

Many philosophical texts completely eliminate phenomena and life scenes, and the rest are artificial dry theories.

Without any examples or stories, directly guessing the meaning of the theory is like guessing another person's mind through the belly.

When you read such words, your attention can be easily diverted.

It's a very difficult thing for the head, and it doesn't want to face it.

It is our nature to avoid difficulties, and our minds also like relaxed scenes.

Philosophy is like a stone that bounces away soft thoughts.

Without previous reading training, it would be almost impossible to challenge such words.

In the face of philosophy, I am like an experienced master, sitting cross-legged, holding my breath, ordering my energy to swim freely in my head and jump between cells, looking for experiences and images for boring words and theories.

At the same time, this kind of reading is more expensive.

Therefore, every once in a while, you have to jump out of your nervous concentration and focus to relax your mind.

There is no difference between thinking and physical exercise. Both require strength, endurance, resilience and practice.

After a while, I could easily concentrate on imagining the meaning behind a sentence, and my flustered thoughts disappeared.

That kind of feeling is like the messy ground covered with white snow, the silent land of endless forgetfulness, I see everything in the bottom of my heart alone.

Thinking and concentration are not inborn, they can learn to concentrate through patient and long-lasting practice.

This ability is a key for us to further open the secret door of the world.


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