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How to Impress a Woman Easily and Without Hassle?

Actionable advice.

By Ritchie MillerPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How to Impress a Woman Easily and Without Hassle?
Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash

How do you conquer a woman? Maybe you bombard her with beautiful compliments, flowers, candy, romance… Or, on the contrary, maybe you make the indifferent and the "superior", waiting for her to want you… Or maybe you stage the role of the shy boy, the injured boy, of the special boy - in any case, of the man who is somehow different from the others!

Either way, admit that when you want to conquer a woman, you're not exactly yourself, you're not exactly honest. The more romantic or special you behave, the sooner she will get to know you and will have a bitter taste in your mouth. Moreover, did you think that certain scenarios, such as that of the different, deep, romantic man, were also captured by women?… What would it be like to try to conquer a woman without showing her a mask, a fake facet ?!

How to impress a woman - just a few ideas:

Talk and listen! Really, not just to show them how sensitive and understanding you are! The easiest way to impress a woman is not a dozen remarks and compliments, but a real and personal conversation. No games like the injured heart…

But find an interest in her, talk about her, show her that you listen to her. And he talks about you - sure, you don't have to show him everything at first and especially what he doesn't like, but neither should you brag or flourish. Talk about yourself and what you want to do, what you are looking for… One of the most interesting topics for a woman is "what you are looking for in life". But without remarks like "a big family and a house with a white fence" - even a slower woman catches you trying to "enchant" her.

Be polite. These are the little gestures that so many men forget: to open a door, to offer a chair, to offer to carry something that seems difficult… To speak as politely as possible, to apologize, to look polite and "nice" …

Picking a flower and giving it to him - more effective are small and spontaneous gestures like stealing a flower from a garden than appearing at the door with a huge bouquet…

Don't make superficial compliments. Compliments like "you're the prettiest girl here" - she also knows it's not true. Instead, if you show her that you are interested in her and not just physically, you get extra points. What to do: when she speaks, to look her in the eye seriously, to ask her questions, to approve her.

You can also use compliments, but try to be as honest as possible - that is, find something you like about her and tell her.

Talk about her passions. How do you impress a woman? The easiest way is to find out what her passion, interest, hobby is and become a connoisseur! Then talk to her about it and show her that it's in your best interest.

A man with whom he shares his interest will automatically become interesting in her eyes! Sure, it can be boring for you, but if you are determined to impress her, find out as much as she can about what she is passionate about and become an enthusiast…

Find something new. It will impress her if you invite her somewhere for a date, but somewhere new, somewhere unusual… Look at her, try to imagine what she likes and try your luck with more extraordinary ideas for a date.

Depending on what you think attracts her, invite her to a rock climbing, paintball, concert, art exhibition, nature picnic. No more mundane restaurants or clubs!

Make your move at the right moment. If he accepted a date like this and you had fun, it's time for the essential move - you tell him he's conquered you. If she is somewhat interested in you, such a simple move will delight her!

You kiss her and look into her eyes and say something like "you're weird in a beautiful way and I want you to be mine." It sounds a bit artificial, but it's a better line than "I think I fall in love with you." How many men and women have not said these empty words to them: "I think I fall in love with you" - that "I think" is simply irritating.

Know when to wait. Once you make such a statement, it's time to step back and let her take the next step. Don't bombard her with romantic messages or guests. Suggest that she meet again, but this time let her choose a place and let her know - this is how you show her that you let her make the decision and that you give her a free hand.

Expect not to hear anything for 2–3 days, but within a week, if you liked it at least a little, you will receive a message. If not - then give up with dignity and try with someone else…

The previous steps seem pretty simple, but there was no advice on how to approach her, on how to start that real conversation… This is probably the most delicate thing - how to make her accept you, to want to talk to you?

The important thing is the location: a cafe, a library, a park, a quiet place that will give you an idea of ​​what you can tell them at the beginning. It is also important to be alone or with a friend or two - do not approach larger groups. The first line should be as simple as possible - direct - "Do you like coffee?

I'd be happy to give you a coffee if I didn't scare you. " Finally, something to object - if you have a chance, he will smile and you can continue, if not, he will look ugly and send you.

It is not so much the remark that you say that is important because whatever you say seems strange and superficial, but the attitude is essential. It is important to try to be as good as you can be, to be smiling, to feel confident and relaxed, and to know how to receive a polite refusal.


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