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How to Boost your Immune System

A few tricks to keep you healthy

By KianPublished about a year ago 4 min read


Winter is the worst time to be sick. It’s cold, flu season is in full swing and you’re stuck inside with no way to avoid getting sick. But there are some things you can do to boost your immune system so that when you inevitably get sick, it won’t be as bad or last as long! Here are simple ways to keep your immune system strong.

Here is an excellent way to strengthen your immunity and stay healthy!

Keep your stress low.

Stress is one of the biggest factors that can negatively impact your immune system. Stress can cause you to sleep less, eat more, drink more alcohol and even smoke more cigarettes. Additionally, it can make you take on more risk by driving too fast or taking risks at work.

If you want your body’s natural defenses to remain strong and healthy throughout life, then reducing stress levels should be a priority for you.

Get enough sleep.

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do to boost your immune system. A lack of sleep has been linked to an increase in blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Sleep also helps regulate hormone levels that control appetite and metabolism.

In fact, getting enough quality shut-eye has been shown to reduce inflammation throughout the body — including within joints affected by arthritis — which means more restful sleep will help keep pain at bay!

However, if you’re having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep all night long (and therefore aren’t getting enough zzzs), there are some things you can do:

Get your omega-3s.

To boost your immune system, you need to get enough omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s can be found in cold-pressed oils like flaxseed and hemp, as well as chia seeds. They’re also found in fish like salmon and wild tuna — and even grass-fed beef! If you don’t eat fish regularly or don’t want to eat meat at all (for whatever reason), then make sure that the other foods on your plate contain some omega 3s: organic produce is a great place to start because it’s not genetically modified or sprayed with pesticides — which means that it’s more likely than nonorganic produce will have higher levels of antioxidants which help keep our bodies healthy overall.

Eat organic, cold pressed oils.

As you know, your immune system is responsible for protecting your body from invaders like viruses or bacteria. This means that if it’s weak, you’re more likely to get sick. One way to boost its strength is by eating foods high in omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3s are found in many foods like fish and nuts (e.g., walnuts). However, there are also some oils that contain a lot of these healthy fats: cold pressed coconut oil (which has been shown to improve digestion), extra virgin olive oil (a great source of monounsaturated fat), flaxseed oil (good for heart health), sesame seed oil (high levels of vitamin E), hemp seed oil (rich in omega-6 fatty acids)

The following are five ways to reduce stress levels- Consider a relaxing bath before bedtime. Many people find that taking a warm bath before bed helps them relax and unwind. You can also try using essential oils, which have been shown to have calming effects on the body and mindYou can also try to get more omega-3s from flaxseed oil, hemp seeds and chia seeds. These are all good sources of plant-based omega 3s, which research shows may be even better for our health than eating fish, and chia seed oil (great for weight loss). Eating healthy fats, like those found in olive oil, can help your body absorb more nutrients from other foods. For example, eating a salad with olive oil dressing is better than eating it without any dressing at all!

Avoid sugar and processed foods.

You can boost your immune system by avoiding sugar and processed foods. Sugar is a known immune suppressant, so when you eat it, your body produces more cortisol to help deal with the sudden increase of glucose in your bloodstream. This has a negative effect on the function of white blood cells that fight infection.

Processed foods are often high in sugar and salt (or both), which means they’re also high in sodium — an ingredient that can cause dehydration and weaken the body’s ability to fight off illness-causing pathogens. Processed meats like hot dogs or cold cuts have been linked to increased risk for cancer due to nitrates used as preservatives; some people may be sensitive enough that even small amounts cause problems.

Avoiding processed foods and eating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains helps your body stay healthy. If you’re feeling under the weather, eating right can help boost your immune system to help fight off illness.

Drink water!

Drinking water is one of the best things you can do for your body. Water helps carry nutrients to cells, flushes out toxins, and keeps organs functioning properly. When you’re sick or exercising, it’s especially important to drink plenty of fluids so that your body has enough energy to fight off illness and repair itself after exercise.

If you are going to be exercising outside in hot weather or if you have a fever (or if someone around you does), make sure that everyone drinks enough fluids before going out into the heat and/or getting sick! Drink about 16 ounces (2 cups) of fluid 2 hours before starting activity; continue drinking small amounts every 15 minutes until finished with exercise session; drink at least 12 ounces immediately after finishing workout session

You can boost your immune system by making small changes in your diet and lifestyle. It’s not hard to do, and the benefits will last for years! If you want to learn more about why these things are good for your health, check out our blog on why omega-3s are so important or our article on how sugar affects your body.

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