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How Pets Can Be Prescribed as Medicine

Animals as healers

By Muhammad FarrukhPublished 2 years ago 4 min read


Pets are often considered to be "the world's best doctor." They offer companionship, unconditional love, and a unique perspective that can help us get through tough times.

But what many people don't know is that pets can also be prescribed as medicine. In fact, there are a number of studies that have shown the positive effects of pet ownership on human health.

In this article, we'll explore some of the ways pets can be prescribed as medicine and the benefits of doing so.

The History of Using Animals as Healers

People have been using animals as healers for centuries. Dogs were often used to help blind people navigate their way around, and cats were often used to help people with asthma and other respiratory problems.

There's even some evidence that suggests that early humans used to treat animals for medical problems. And as time went on, the use of animals as healers became more and more popular.

Today, there are a number of places where you can take your pet for treatment, and in many cases, the pet will be prescribed medication just like a human would be. It's a pretty fascinating trend, and one that's only going to continue to grow in popularity.

How Animals Can Be Used as Medicine Today

Pets can be prescribed as medicine too, and you might be surprised by how common it is for doctors to rely on animals to help them heal their patients.

Take Dr. Oscar London, for example. He's written a book of essays called "Kill as Few Patients as Possible: And 56 Other Essays on How to Be the World's Best Doctor." In it, he discusses how animals can be used as medicine to great effect.

Or take Dr. Orlando Garza, who is the associate dean of Student Affairs and Admissions at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. When he's hiring a new veterinarian, he looks for someone who is hardworking and gifted communicators.

And then there's Dr. Daniel Bausch, who is an associate professor of tropical medicine at Tulane University School of Medicine. He knows the Ebola virus well, and he's spent a great deal of his career studying how it affects humans and animals.

The Benefits of Using Animals as Medicine

Your pet is more than just a furry friend. They can also be a source of comfort and healing, especially during tough times. In fact, according to Dr. Oscar London—the world's best doctor—animals are often prescribed as medicine.

Dr. London is a firm believer in injecting comedy and compassion into medical school, which he believes can make students better doctors. He also emphasized the importance of communication in the medical field, which is something that can often be overlooked.

So if you're feeling under the weather, don't hesitate to snuggle up with your favorite pet. They may just be the best medicine you've ever had.

Paw the Healer

There are all sorts of animals that can be used as medicine: dogs, cats, horses, pigs, and even llamas. Each one of these animals has its own unique set of skills and abilities that can be used to help treat humans.

Dogs, for example, are incredibly good at reading human emotions. They can sense when we're upset or stressed out and will often come over to comfort us. This is why they're often used as therapy animals.

Cats are great at helping people with anxiety. They provide a sense of calm and relaxation that can be incredibly soothing. Horses are good for people who need to learn how to trust again, and pigs can be used to help with addiction recovery.

The list goes on and on. Ultimately, it comes down to what the animal can do to help the person recover or improve their health.

How to Choose the Right Animal for You

When it comes to choosing the right pet, there are a lot of things to consider. For example, do you want a dog that's going to be by your side at all times, or would you prefer a more independent feline friend?

And let's not forget about the therapeutic benefits of having an animal in your life. Pets can be prescribed as medicine, and for a lot of people, they're the world's best doctor.

So how do you go about finding the perfect pet for you? Well, it all comes down to doing your research and then taking into account your lifestyle and personality.

The Potential Downside of Using Animals as Medicine

While it's true that animals can be incredibly helpful in the healing process, there is also a potential downside to using them as medicine. And that downside is that they can't always be relied on.

For example, let's say you're prescribed a dog to help you recover from a surgery. That dog will need to be taken on regular walks, and he'll need to be fed and groomed. If you're not able to take care of him, then he becomes a liability, and the hospital will have to find someone else to take him on.

There's also the question of compatibility. Not every animal is compatible with every human, and sometimes the wrong animal can do more harm than good. So it's important to work with a qualified professional who can help you choose the right animal for your specific needs.

Pets the best healers today.


Your pet is a part of the family, and you want to do everything you can to keep them around for as long as possible. Veterinarians have long been aware of the healing properties that animals can have on humans, and in some cases, pets are prescribed as medicine.

There are a number of ways that your pet can help improve your health. From lowered blood pressure to decreased anxiety, having a furry friend around has some serious benefits.

So the next time you're feeling down, don't be afraid to reach out to your veterinarian for help. And remember, it's always important to keep an open mind about the potential health benefits that pets can have.

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About the Creator

Muhammad Farrukh

Content Writer. Interests include: Psychology, Romanticism, Technology, Science fiction, Philosophy and Spirituality.

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