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How Long Can You Survive Without Sex?

How important is sex for you?

By Daisy ThunderstrikePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
How Long Can You Survive Without Sex?
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

How long do you think you can endure without sex before your life or health is affected by this long-term break? Do you think that you know your body well and its limits?

A problem of contemporary society that abounds in sexuality is that many people and/or couples are unhappy or even depressed due to lack of sex or rare sexual intercourse.

Although it is not synonymous with affection, happiness, and sometimes love, sex is necessary for the life of any person, especially in a couple, having the role of completing and strengthening the physical and emotional relationship.

Moreover, sex helps people for thousands of years to fulfill their main purpose, which is to perpetuate the species.

How well do you know how to interpret your body's signals?

Can sexual desire be mastered with tender gestures or is more needed?

Is it a complete sexual act that makes you feel satisfied? Unfortunately, couples often do not discuss such issues, so it is easy to understand some of the causes of an unsatisfactory couple's sex life.

Sometimes it is easy to overlook certain signals from the body that expresses the need for sex, other times you feel them too acutely that you do not take them into account. The best way to identify these signals is to look at whether or not certain problems or feelings of discomfort disappear after sexual intercourse.

Here are the signals that the body gives when the need for sex is acute and the sexual tension is increasing:

  • excessive nervousness, sometimes inexplicable
  • migraine
  • lack of sleep and appetite
  • stress as a permanent state
  • contradictory feelings about certain people of the opposite sex
  • Frequent sexual fantasies, especially at night.

Lack of sex can cause many strong and seemingly unjustifiable physical and psychological reactions, such as itching, skin irritation, unwarranted frustration, emotional injury to others, verbal or emotional aggression.

To prevent these effects and reactions, it is very important to know yourself very well and to identify the periods in which these symptoms appear, to know clearly if they are due to a lack of active sex life or if there are other causes.

Are there benefits to sexual breakage?

Although contemporary society tends to promote the health benefits of sex, the lack of sex in a person's life can bring some benefits:

  • the possibility to enjoy his independence;
  • socializing without limits with people of both sexes, but especially of the opposite sex, without feeling guilty;
  • avoiding unwanted pregnancy or contracting a sexually transmitted disease;
  • you can avoid disappointment or emotional disturbance if you are not prepared for this step;
  • you learn how to love unconditionally, not only motivated by strictly physical desire;

The benefits of sexual detoxification!

Sexual detoxification means 30 days of sexual abstinence. During this period, every day, you have to do with your partner a different activity such as reading a good book, watching a movie, reflecting on a certain idea …

This way you will be able to be aware of a lot of aspects that can affect your sex life.

Try to identify the problem and when it occurred and even your general health. For full effects, detoxification should be performed by both partners.

However, you can start this challenge alone, and your partner will follow you soon, seeing the many positive changes in your behavior and your relationship.

This period will help you analyze your relationship and your sex life and you will feel a deep connection.

Even if you may not be able to resist the 30 days, sex that will violate the rules of the game will be as exciting a result as the positive results at the end of the detox month.

What about sex?

Most of the time, abstinence or celibacy are not states adopted for the rest of life, but are temporary states, of longer or shorter duration, depending on the desires and limits of each person.

On the other hand, postponing sexual intercourse, especially during adolescence or finding the right person, is a form of temporary abstinence with multiple benefits. Sex is and will remain an extremely important part of human and interpersonal life.


About the Creator

Daisy Thunderstrike

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