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How Do You Get To the Point Where You Can’t Stand Your Husband Anymore

Past relationships are sometimes tough.

By Christy BarkerPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
How Do You Get To the Point Where You Can’t Stand Your Husband Anymore
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Do you have frequent moments when you feel like screaming until everyone hears you: "I can't stand my husband anymore"? Are there any days when you seem to prefer not to come home? When you talk to him, do you instinctively reach for a pan? When you look into his eyes as if you don't even know him anymore, as if he doesn't convey anything to you, nothing but frustration?

Why? How do you get to the point where two people who were the closest and most intimate get to stop swallowing? First of all, you have to see what the situation is: only you always say "I can't stand my husband anymore", or do you suspect that he also says "I can't stand my wife anymore"? Does he feel the same way or does he not even realize what is happening to you?

Has he moved away from you or is he coming home in the evening, as usual, kissing you without seeing you grimace, telling you about his day without noticing that you look up, hugging you good night without feeling like you're backing down? Does he know how you feel or not? More importantly, does it feel the same or not?

If not, if he behaves as usual and that's exactly what makes you jump - the fact that he doesn't see you don't hear you doesn't realize what you're going through - you don't have to blame him alone! Men are too unintuitive and if you don't tell them something, even twice, they don't notice subtle changes in attitude, look, words!

If you realize that the situation is reciprocal, that he has also moved away and you do not swallow too much, talk to him: see how you got here, remember how you were once, try to figure out what caused the change between you and look for solutions.

Sometimes the growing distance and antipathy between two happy ex-partners can be too intense and nothing can be done… Better to try to find a touch of satisfaction and satisfaction separately than to be unhappy and frustrated together!

But what do you do when he doesn't realize anything, he behaves as usual, but you want to scream and scream non-stop: I can't stand my husband anymore!?

Ask yourself why? What caused this change, probably gradual, in your feelings, your opinion of him, and your attitude toward him? Was it something he did or something that happened to you? Let's see what the main reasons might be.

You say to yourself "I can't stand my husband anymore" when you start comparing him to someone else, to another person who seems better, more attractive, more suitable for you, while you start to see all the flaws in your husband.

Do you have vague feelings for another man? Do you even have an affair with another man? Then it is logical to reject your husband and find small reasons to justify your rejection and adventure! See, first of all, if what you feel for another is something real or is just a state of "love" caused by the need for something new, something else, passion, a way out of the terrible routine.

Balance these feelings for another man and your possible future with him with your family, your still-living relationship with your husband, your children. Which is worth making a sacrifice, because, in this situation, you will have to make a sacrifice. A golden rule is: everyone has the right to be happy and to seek happiness!

But try not to trample on the happiness of others in search of your happiness, so keep in mind all the people involved! Any decision is better than continuing this situation.

Another reason for you to shout "I can't stand my husband anymore": he doesn't get involved in family life at all, sometimes it's like a stranger visiting, he doesn't get involved in raising children and he doesn't even talk to They. As for household chores, he can't even carry the garbage or he doesn't want to! Do you think he has been indifferent to family and household chores for too long?

Does it seem to you that he expects you to do all the work without any thanks, that you must take care of everything? Then at some point, it makes sense to sniff and when you see him, you want to introduce him to a frying pan! But try to look at things objectively: first of all, you knew that was the case from the beginning and you accepted it, so you bear part of the responsibility.

Secondly, maybe you even taught him to behave like this: when you were in love to the top of your head, so you pampered him with food and you liked to gather after him, because that made sense and made you feel fulfilled? Well, he has gotten used to the situation and will hardly give it up! A change in this condition is very difficult, but what you can and must do is explain to him how beautiful you feel, without screaming and asking him to try to heal your marriage!

If he doesn't have time for housework, then at least find time to spend time with his family, not to look like a stranger who comes home just to eat and sleep! Communication is, as usual, the only way to try to change something! Two other possibilities: keep everything to yourself and the hatred becomes more and more intense or… divorce. But until divorce, you have to try to do something.

Yes, again, because you know how you feel and you can help yourself and push him to change a little! Maybe you are jealous because he has a separate family life, a life of his own, time for himself, while your life revolves around home and children… Try to give yourself a few hours each week, a free afternoon, in which to go for a walk, to visit your friends, to do anything else, without connection with the family. Grandparents can stay with the little ones if the husband is "busy".

You don't know what to explain, what to say besides: "I just can't stand my husband anymore, I don't know why"? Do you feel not only that you no longer know him, but also that you dislike his person, how he behaves, how he speaks, how he looks?

Here, it is about a gradual but intense emotional removal, the disappearance of any intimacy and spiritual connection. When you are in love or even when you have calmer feelings of attachment for your husband, you see him through the eyes of pink glasses, in a light favorable to him. But when the feelings start to disappear, when the attachment turns into boredom, its negative features appear much clearer than the positive ones!

We all have flaws and advantages, it depends on who looks at us and what "filter" he uses, so we can look repulsive or attractive, even perfect! If your filter has changed, then all you have to do is try to remember and relive the important moments in your life, the times when he attracted you. Has he or just you changed the way you see him?

Probably just the last one, so look at the old pictures, watch the videos, try to find some of what he was and how you felt about this man because he is the same man! And then try to look him in the eye and see something there, then try to talk to him! If you try hard, you have a chance to find what you had and if not, maybe that's how it was meant to be…

And here the rule of the first situation applies: everyone has the right to be happy and look for what makes them happy. So if you are sure that your husband can never make you happy again, analyze the situation, take into account all those involved and make a decision, because you can't and don't have to live your life with a man you can't stand anymore!


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    CBWritten by Christy Barker

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