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How do those who are mentally mature think about things?

You have to know that no one else is stupid and you are not the only one who is smart.

By Harry BirdPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

How do those who are psychologically mature think about things?

1, first learn to listen, rather than be eager to show themselves.

Those who are holding back a strong effort to show themselves on various occasions are often very impatient and unreliable. The so-called two years to learn to talk, a lifetime to learn to shut up. Those who are truly mature in life understand the importance of listening, insight into the world in silence, and listening to harvest insights.

2, for every problem, there are reasons behind it, you have to dig behind the essence of things.

Almost all problems in life, show only the surface. For example, if a person breaks up, it looks like a relationship problem on the surface, but when you look deeper, it may be that the person does not know how to handle intimate relationships, or maybe it has something to do with the family of origin, or maybe it has something to do with childhood life and upbringing. For each problem, there are reasons for the problem, follow the vine to explore the nature of the problem.

3, when things can have emotions, but do not let emotions be involved in the final decision.

Every day we are wrapped in a variety of emotions: happy, angry, and sad ...... There is nothing wrong with emotions per se, many of life's precious experiences and memories come from emotions. But psychologically mature people will realize that emotions can often ruin a lot of good things too. Therefore, they do their best not to let their emotions interfere with their normal judgment when making real decisions.

4, adults, must be responsible for each of their actions.

Adults must understand that they are no longer children, not to mention that they can not shirk their responsibilities. You can choose the path that you think is happy and blissful, but only if you take the risks that may come with it. This is basic awareness.

5, try to figure out what you can and can't do, and plan and verify it.

A burning passion is certainly valuable, but one must first try to figure out what they are fit for. Mentally mature people know how valuable time is, instead of wasting it in those areas that do not belong to them, why not go to another track to run out of their track?

6, look at people who pay more attention to their inner qualities, rather than surface abilities that can be quickly acquired.

Many skills and tools can be quickly acquired in a short period, but a person's inner qualities need a long time to accumulate. Psychologically mature people whether making friends or doing business are more important to a person's inner quality and connotation, rather than just paying attention to the surface image.

7, in the treatment of intimate relationships, always put their sense of responsibility first.

Feelings are always a matter of both sides, if they sincerely love each other, even if the other party is doing something wrong, you can not confront the end. There is always one person who has to take the initiative to break the ice, and putting responsibility first is an important guarantee to provide security for both parties. This is especially true in family life.

8, treat relationships without aiming for merit, but also without aiming for charity.

Most psychologically mature people, not because they are obscure at this time to you coldly, but must at least have their flash point, even if it is kindness, simplicity, down-to-earth, or like to think, willing to learn this simple but beneficial virtue. And for those who often borrow money and do not return, the words of the people, psychological maturity will not be the same charity in the end, because no one's money is not the wind.

9, the problem into a module of executable operations, according to the priority treatment.

Even bigger problems need to be done from scratch. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Mentally mature people don't necessarily understand anything remarkable, but they can take it to heart and practice the simple truths that everyone tends to ignore. The most important thing is that you have heard a lot of things since you were a child, but you still can't live this life well. The reason is that there is no feasible plan for yourself, and strictly implement it.

10, we are all ordinary people, who can live a good life, it is already very difficult.

Many times, they have tried their best, but found that the results are not as good as they thought, will be very lost. This situation is the original face of life, ordinary is the only answer, and not everyone can achieve the ideal. But it's not much of a pity, to be able to live your own little life well, it is already a very rare success.

11, you have to know that others are not stupid, not only your own smart.

There is an old saying that smart is smart. In this world, there will always be people who are more astute than you. Don't always be complacent because you've taken advantage of other people's small advantages. Everyone sees it in the eyes, if you want others to take you seriously, you have to take yourself seriously first. Those who bully others will be bullied.

12, instead of listening to what a person said, see what he did; instead of seeing what he did, see what he did not do.

Facts speak louder than words, the words of the mouth can always be a lie, action to expose the real idea. Some people will mix words and actions to confuse others. This time, observe those things he did not go to do, instead, you can infer what he is avoiding, to understand this person better.

13, never stand and talk.

We do not judge things we do not understand, which is not only irresponsible to others but also irresponsible to ourselves. Respect everyone's profession, three hundred and sixty lines, want to do well in which line is not so easy. Consider more the feelings of others, but also let yourself respect others.

14, being misunderstood is the fate of those who express it.

The moment the view is expressed, it is destined to be misinterpreted and misunderstood by the audience. Just like my answer, everyone who reads it will have different gains and insights. Psychologically mature people already understand when they express their views that most of the meaning of their views will be misunderstood and even turn into weapons for others to attack them. But since they open their mouths, they are ready for this.

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About the Creator

Harry Bird

The most important decision in life is not what you do, but what you don't do

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    Harry BirdWritten by Harry Bird

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