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Heroes for Life

Thank you to all who helped shape me!

By Michelle MackenziePublished 2 years ago 6 min read

When I think of the word hero I imagine people from all walks of life. From fireman, police officers, military members, doctors, nurses, teachers, caregivers, grand parents, mothers, fathers, siblings, aunts and uncles.

My personal heroes include my grandparents, a hospice nurse who cared for my grandmother in her last days on this earth, a Sunday school teacher, and a few of my favorite school teachers. Looking back on my life I would say these were some of the most influential individuals in my life. With patience, love and confidence they guided me. They really helped shape and mold who I am today.

My grandmother, Joanne, was very warm and compassionate. She was Italian and a Christian woman who was always volunteering to help out at their church and also volunteered at the town library. Some of my fondest memories included spending time at the library with my grandma. When she would read to me she would come alive and become so animated that you would feel as if you were a part of the story. My sister and I would spend lots of time with our grandmother and grandfather.

My grandfather, Martin or "Skip", was always teaching us something or exploring the property with us. We would spend time out in the garden and riding four wheelers around the property. They had beautiful land with woods behind their house, a pond, and plenty of space to ride. There was a beautiful garden with lots of fresh veggies and berry bushes. My grandparents would take my sister and I out to go pick berries with this plastic yellow strainer like container and we would come back with it filled up with raspberries or blackberries. If we had enough of them then grandpa would make pie! Grandpa made the best pie I've ever had. To this day I drool when I think of his raspberry pie, with that flaky crust and perfectly set raspberry filling, it was absolutely divine! My grandparents were some of the most generous people I have ever met in my life. They were always sharing fresh veggies from their garden with neighbors, friend and church family. They would be the first to offer a helping hand, volunteer for good causes, and have a smile while doing it. They taught me from a young age how important it is to be generous, kind, and empathetic. Even though they have both passed I think of them daily and see them in many areas of my life. I am so thankful for all of the things they taught me and the wonderful memories I get to keep forever.

Lori was a hospice nurse who helped care for my grandmother during her final days. Everyone in our family was devastated to be losing my grandmother, she was so sweet, loving and like the glue to our family. My grandma wanted to pass at home around family who loved her, so naturally my grandfather did everything in his power to make her as comfortable as possible. He hired Lori as her home care nurse. Lori was a ray of sunshine to our family during this time. She was very gentle in caring for my grandmother, it came naturally to her and I am so glad she was the one who was there. I was just a child but I remember how difficult this time was for all of us and Lori was always there, very understanding and kind to all of us. She always knew what to say or how to just be there, she helped lighten the mood when things felt to heavy to bare. I am so thankful for her, she made my grandmother comfortable in her final days and became part of our family during this time. She will always hold a place in my heart, because she helped teach me at a young age how to put yourself in someone else's shoes, to be kind, empathetic and understanding. I didn't realize it at the time but I often reflect back and think about that time and the way Lori was, a genuinely kind soul.

Yvonne was a woman that went to our church, she was one of my Sunday school teachers as a child. She gave me my very first bible, prayed with me, and taught me so many bible stories. She is one of the most Godly, kindest Christian people I have ever met. Through the years it's like she could sense if I was going through a rough time or had something weighing on me. She would pray for me, do a small act of kindness, let me know that she was there for me in any way that I needed, or give a small gift that just let me know that she was thinking of me. Every Sunday morning before Sunday school and church we would all meet downstairs and have coffee, tea or hot cocoa and visit. Yvonne would arrive early every Sunday morning before everyone else to have the coffee and hot water for the tea and cocoa ready for when people started arriving. She lived the furthest away, about a 30 minute drive. She was just kind and thoughtful like that. Memories of her thoughtfulness and kindness sticks with me to this day.

Mrs. Raleigh was my first grade teacher. She was such a wonderful lady, very fun and playful. I remember her taking the time to come up with new activities and learning games so that we would all stay engaged and have fun with everything she taught us. She was very patient and inclusive with all of the kids in our class. She noticed how I was advancing with reading and was at a fifth grade reading level in the first grade. Mrs. Raleigh encouraged me and even went the extra mile to make sure I had books to read in her class that were geared more towards my reading level. She's a wonderful teacher, and it is so important to recognize because kids need leaders in their lives to show up for them, teach kindness, patience, inclusivity and make a lasting impression. She did exactly that for me and is a true hero to me.

Mrs. Feulner was my seventh grade English teacher. She had a quirky/fun type of style and was younger than most of our other teachers, which I think really helped her to be able to connect with our class. Seventh grade is a tough time for most kids, there are lots of changes happening, and often times you feel like no one understands you or can relate to how you feel. In my seventh grade year I was very drawn to books and was constantly reading. Mrs. Feulner took notice in my love for books, encouraged me to read, and even suggested different books to me that she knew I would enjoy. She allowed me to do book reports for fun/extra credit. I believe because she encouraged me and showed me that she had confidence in me that it helped me to have confidence in myself. That year I read so many books and wrote more than I ever had before. Books were always an escape to me, like going on an adventure, and I just felt that she understood that and encouraged me to keep doing what I loved to do. I am thankful for the time and dedication she put into teaching myself and our class. Navigating through my teenage years were some of the hardest times growing up. I look back and think about how blessed I am to have had such wonderful, supportive, dedicated teachers in my life.

Heroes are people who show up for others with kindness, love, empathy, understanding, and teach these qualities just by living their life this way, leading by example. All of my heroes have helped shape who I am today. Thank you to all of my heroes, you've all impacted lives in the best way possible and I am so grateful.


About the Creator

Michelle Mackenzie

You can find me curled up in my hammock, book in hand, on the crystal clear spring fed rivers. I've always loved to read and write, so I decided to post the things I've written. I'm excited to read your creations as well, I hope you enjoy!

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