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Guardians Legacy - 0.5

A prologue

By Briar RosePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." - Roald Dahl

Once upon a time, hidden behind a curtain of disbelief, war raged on between the darkness and the light. Souls were lost to the impending nightmares. The light in the eyes of many dwindled down to nothingness. People forgot about those who enlightened their inner child. Our guardians lost their faith in the people around them. Their source of power, belief, grew to be a scarcity. Presents disappeared from under the tree, teeth were left abandoned under pillows, eggs were no longer found hidden in bushes, and candy no longer sat left in a bowl for the taking. The enemy strived in all the sullen faces that greeted him. As dreams disappeared from the heads of children, all hope seemed lost. People simply walked the streets, wallowing in what seemed to be their own misery.

It wasn't until a certain ice-wielding, wind gliding mischievous boy comes along, did things seem to turn around. Chosen by the Man in the Moon, this boy was going to save the world.

And he did.

With the help of few bright-eyed neighborhood kids, darkness begins to fade. Their willful and relentless spirits inspired the guardians once more. The light at the endless tunnel now stands in front of the helpless guardians -a hand outstretched. As the power begins to flow back through the veins of our beloved, the dark horses are chased back to their master. The cries of defeat soon being deafened by the returning sound of laughter. Faith is soon restored as our holiday festivities resume their songs that were once forgotten.

Now, I'm sure you've heard that story before but that's not what this story is about.

No -this is about their legacy and the one their children must carry. Even our guardians grow old and settle down with one other. This is about their journey -the children, the descendants- down both their written and unwritten paths.

In order to prevent another unknown worldwide war, a school was created. Hidden deep within the mountains a medieval castle houses the necessary classes. Student dorms are hidden beneath the canopy of trees surrounding the stone walls. A small town just passed the stretch of trees is the only place the attendees are permitted to visit, though of course this rule is often broken. In order to educate each child of their chosen fate and how to correctly preform their life-long job, a strict policy was put in place.

At the age of 19, each son and daughter of our guardians arrive at this school. Like college, they spend four years at this secret institution. They are taught of both their past and their future. Bonds between each student is encouraged but, like any society, there are a few rules to how far each can go. They are placed in classes most suited for their profession and expected to form life-long bonds with those around them. For those outside their classroom, relationships are more likely to be discouraged. Mingling with the wrong crowd will tarnish a students reputation along with their parents. But of course no matter where you may go rumors and secrets never fail to escape the mouths of others. A social pyramid many are forced to adapt to is created among their four years abroad.

In this unseen world of rules, regulations, and rumors; many find it hard to adjust and appeal to the higher being -the president of the school. His harsh order and belief in the old-way make it hard for those trying to modernize and create an equal standing for everyone attending the school.

This story is about our guardians children, and their journey to fulfill their parents legacy.


About the Creator

Briar Rose

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