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Good life is better than good habits

3 Simple Things

By Gu Wei Di QiPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Good life is better than good habits
Photo by Kelly Visel on Unsplash

When we face a lot of tedious things at work or in life, we need to be more efficient and sometimes we need some creative inspiration to help us overcome a lot of difficulties.

Busy to the point of being burnt out and stuck in a kind of repetitive loop, want to use a smarter and more efficient way to get rid of the pile of affairs, there are 3 ways that we can go step by step to build up a regular and efficient mode of operation.

01. Set aside time for thinking

Sometimes we get busy and get dizzy, many things are dealt with by emergency response, there is no time to think, the fact of the cause and effect is that you have not been to do a complete depth of thinking, so you will always be busy.

Many situations in life are like this. If you don't take the initiative to break the cycle, it's like inertia, and it won't stop. Even if you do not have a large block of time, such as a small holiday or a leisurely weekend, then please adhere to the principle that you should do one thing at a time.

Our life form now, only the computer screen is open has begun in parallel processing multitasking, but also pay attention to cell phones and other interference, it will keep our brain in a "saturated" state, but all the research tells us that the brain is not good at multitasking in parallel, if in such a state, the degree of the brain to think is very shallow, basically able to deal with things at the same time, are highly repetitive and simple work.

Harvard researchers, targeted more than 9,000 people who need creativity in their work, to study how they spend their day. The results found that focus on one thing at a time, inspiration is more likely to appear. We keep repeating past habits, but can not find breakthroughs, which is the same principle.

If it's time to mentally iterate or be creative, you have to create a deliberate gestation period for your brain because the nerves in our brain, which operate continuously, don't come to an abrupt end. Even if you jump from one thought to another, that previous question will still maintain the inertia of running in the subconscious.

For example, the next morning there is a very important interview, a better way, is not to improvise and stay up late to prepare a variety of coping strategies, but should prepare two or three of the most critical questions, do not think about other things, with these questions to go to sleep early, so that they are fully brewed in the brain fermentation.

02. Let the environment help you think

Many creative, high execution, very efficient people, usually find their efficient mode, and the key way is to create an environment that suits your thinking.

In other words, it is by actively adjusting the surrounding environment, so that you enter a "critical state". For example, I know a person who does self-publishing, and his writing efficiency will increase dramatically in the coffee shop, while at home will naturally grind.

We may have heard a lot of complaints about the environment, or blood money to change the environment for ourselves, this is not pretentious, the environment on our influence, mainly from the psychological implication, which affects the behavior of people.

I don't know if you have such experience, in the company, do in their workstation can be very efficient to do things, once the work brought home, especially in their computer often play games to complete the time, you feel held back by what force, always distracted, can not focus on.

This is, the environment to your psychological suggestion, long-term sitting in the bedroom to play games, it will give you implanted a heart anchor, as long as you people to here, it will remind you: it is time to play the game. And will adjust the body to play the game. This is when you suddenly start the office, which is tantamount to forcing you to interfere with your mental preconceptions.

Therefore, you usually have to pay more attention to see in which environment you do what is the most efficient, and then take advantage of it, or even deliberately create an efficient work environment for yourself.

03. ensure sleep

There is a saying that the emperor sleep, people are discussing a variety of success, or a good lifestyle, and the premise is to sleep well.

In the Sleep Micromanaging Laboratory at Berkeley, researchers found that if a subject had a good night's sleep alone, the next day he was twice as good at spotting a pattern in the intricate information.

The importance of getting yourself a good night's sleep cannot be overemphasized, but are there good ways to help yourself get a good night's sleep?

First, set sleep as a priority in your mind.

You will find a lot of people sleep poorly, the fundamental reason is that he played inside, and did not consider sleep as a very important thing, can insist on insisting, sleepy can not sleep. At least we young people, many of us think that as long as enough tired naturally can sleep, and also sleep better. But this is why the quality of sleep will be very poor, causing a vicious circle of major reasons.

Second, turn off the lights early.

Light affects sleep, is not something new, before going to bed if we are exposed to blue light, like cell phones, computers, and so on, it will make our body's melanin secretion delayed 90 minutes. In other words, you are ready to go to bed at noon, at 10:30 do not look at the phone, computer, or TV.

Third, a regular bedtime ritual.

It can be something like doing a few simple stretches, meditation, or turning the bedside lamp to a faint brightness. In short, it's about allowing yourself to give your body and subconscious mind cues in the process. It may not work at first, but after a period of persistence, it will become a pre-determined pattern in the mind.

Finally, these people who are efficient and creative have a set of methods that allow them to play, not the secret tricks we think many are so simple that they are unbelievable, the biggest difference between them and the average person is that there is down-to-earth practice and implementation. There is a very classic saying, life is better than good habits, the habits we have developed are our life.


About the Creator

Gu Wei Di Qi

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