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Going the Distance

A look into the reality of Long Distance dating

By Katelynn Marie Published about a year ago 3 min read

It's been a constant idea that as we grow from child to teen to adult we experience love in one way or another. Whether it's the crush in junior high or the first real relationship in high school to finding true love and starting a journey through life as adults. Some people fall in love one time and end up marrying that first love. Some might be what's considered "Late Bloomers" and take their time finding love. Some fall in and out of love many times before finding that one. That being said the more advanced technology becomes the more you find people connecting with other people in different states or even different countries. Some might find they connect with someone on a much deeper level despite the distance beginning what we would refer to as a long-distance relationship.

Long-distance dating is both easier and yet harder than normal relationships. With long distance, you can get to know someone through communication and discussions. You can spend valuable time getting to know them and their interests without the idea of something physical happening to complicate the matter. Communication tends to be one of the most important steps in building and keeping a strong relationship. A lot of times, especially with younger adults, that often takes a back seat to the more physical aspects of a relationship. This lack of communication can be harmful to the development of the relationship. That being said the lack of physical intimacy present in a long-distance relationship can make it hard. People usually make up for this by planning trips to see one another. Taking turns on who travels. Yet, that only partially solves the issue. If one person is having a horrible day their partner can't hug them, hold them, or even just hold their hand in comfort. There aren't any nighttime cuddles or falling asleep together on the couch while watching a movie. Many couples living in this long-distance reality often go months and maybe years without a first kiss. This lack of physical intimacy has created a stigma surrounding the idea of a long-distance relationship. Some might not be as supportive and may even question the validity of your relationship.

The key to surviving in this reality is staying motivated with your communication. You build upon what you have going for you. Staying open about your feelings, remaining honest, and keeping an open string of communication between you and your partner. All in hopes for the day when you won't be talking through a phone or smiling at each other through a computer screen. Where your time with them will include long walks and late-night snuggles. The idea of beginning a relationship long-distance with the plan to be together physically is the biggest dream anyone in this reality wishes for. We hold hope to one day be near the one we love no matter how hard or complicated the journey may be. Love, in general, is complicated and can be messy. Dating from a distance can complicate that already existing complication more. However, they always say the relationships that survive the strongest storms come out stronger themselves.

So while long-distance dating still seems foreign and bizarre to many in society the advancements in phones and computers continue to connect people all across the globe making this foreign concept a very vivid reality. It is my humble opinion, as someone who has been in and is currently in a long-distance relationship, that love is worth searching for and fighting for. When it comes to true love we don't necessarily love the person for just their looks. We love them for who they are, what they stand for, and how they treat others. Their physical looks are really just a bonus. Dating from a distance helps us to really get to know someone and their personality on a deeper level. While it's not easy and it's certainly not for everyone it's definitely worth the effort.


About the Creator

Katelynn Marie

Hi, I'm Katie. I'm a 27-year-old musician with a passion for writing and streaming. Aside from writing on Vocal, I stream on twitch. I play a variety of games. In May of 2021, I lost my dearest grandfather and it's forever changed me.

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