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Generation Z

most hated, most accomplished and most diverse

By Janay EaleyPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

It is time to start sticking up for my generation because there are not enough people who are willing to recognize the greatness in us. The only ones who seem to know are the journalists and I appreciate them for this.

When I look under anything on Gen Z on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, it is always negative.

Here are all the quotes that other generations have said about us:

“Gen Z is the dumbest generation!”

“Gen Z is as soft as bunny!”

“Gen Z are killers!”

“Gen Z can’t name a country but can name every social media app!”

I am pretty much sick of it. You can hate us, but you will acknowledge the fact that we are the most accomplished generation.

You can purse your lips and laugh all you want because I guarantee you that either a Boomer, Millennial or Gen X will be reading this.

I grew up in a generation where young people could be whatever they wanted to be. Young people could be creators, influencers, and builders.

We did not have to rely on only physical work for a source of income because being the tech component generation, we had skills for online. We are the first generation to grow up in a world where working a 9 to 5 is no longer expected.

Gen X takes the spot when it comes to workplace and research shows this achievement, but we are the hustle generation. Gen Z is having more successes with their side hustles than any other generation.

If I hear another one of these lines from Gen Xers, I am going to pull out my hair:

Why are all these young people killing each other?

Why are they carrying around these guns?

Why can’t they just fight?

We are not responsible for gun violence in America. According to statistics, all ages are responsible for mass shootings and incidents that have dealt with a gun.

Since 2020, my generation has been on the front lines for gun violence and many other problems in this country. They are fighting for change and trying to make a difference. The only generation that is fighting next to my generation is Millennials.

In September of 2022, a nationwide survey was conducted that explored our generation perception of gun violence and how it effects our daily lives. A third of young people have experienced gun violence and more than half think about mass shootings at least once a week.

We practically grew up in a culture of gun violence and now we are the problem? Yeah no... I am not saying there are not Gen Zers who are committing violent acts, but you are not going to blame it on us.

I do not listen to a word that mainstream media says. There are sixteen leaders of my generation who are making an impact on the world by working on the biggest challenges such as climate policies, social justice, digital equity, women’s safety, and food insecurity...

You will never hear anything about them because the media opposes our generation. I speak about Gen Z to defend them because I am by our side. In 2020, Gen Z was supposed to be celebrated and acknowledged for holding back the red wave in the presidential election.

The media wanted to make sure that it was believed that young people do not care about politics because that is what expected from us.

Even though, I am one of the Gen Zers that did not vote in the 2020 election, but I knew my generation had worked hard in the polls. (Gaining Biden 60% of the vote while other generations were between 40%-50%)

That election was a generational change for young people and that moment was taken away from us but guess who was still called a ding-dong?

Why do you think they are trying to blame us for why America is the way it is now if they did not know that our generation was not at the ballots? I do not believe that everyone in my generation is dumb.

It is a difference between being book smart and street smart. I have seen videos where content creators head out to public places and ask our generation a couple of general knowledge questions.

It is embarrassing that they are struggling with multiplication problems and basic questions that you do not need to be interested in the subject to automatically know.

I will admit that they are questions that I knew the answer to and others that I would not be able to answer. It does not make you stupid. It means that they were curriculums that we did not learn in school like other generations.

I did not know how bad it is and this makes Gen Zers who do know the answers look terrible, but this is not our generation, this is a mixture of generations.

My issue with these videos is the point these content creators were desperate to prove about our generation.

It is like they are being funny, and it really is not. The joke has run its course. Why are they not asking the Gen Xers and the Millennials?

On these beaches, they do not even know why they are celebrating Fourth of July, Easter, and Memorial Day.

I am not really shocked because when has the average American celebrated these days for the actual reason?

They treat those days as a vacation. A day to party and have fun with friends but again, this is not just us. We are the generation that is building a longer academic ladder than any other generation.

Our high school graduation rates are higher and high school dropout rates are lower than previous generations.

My generation of teenage girls have the lowest teen pregnancy rates. Our generation has a balance between soft and strong.

The Gen Zers that I went to school with were tough. They did not let anyone come slick out their mouths and never let anyone put their hands on them.

They did not get offended by every little thing that someone said to them. I do not have a fighting nature. I do not like fighting with people whether it is verbal or physical.

Fighting takes time and energy, but because I am not a fighter, it does not mean I was not considered tough. It is not about standing up for yourself but being able to stand alone.

Every day, my generation is changing the world that we live in. You can say that we are doomed but I think we will be fine...


About the Creator

Janay Ealey

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