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Gemini Szn

Jupiter’s Moon in Mercury Might Be Healing

By Madison TricePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Gemini Szn
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

You know how Aristotle said the gods separated us into two so we’d be less powerful? They failed with you. You are whole in one (haha! Bad pun.) Your ex boyfriend might’ve told you you were difficult to love, and we can’t say whether he was right, but you have love - are love - twice as much as most people can handle or fathom - in your own multitudes, so maybe he can keep screwing his side chick while you work on remembering the love you have in and for yourself.

Sometimes I write myself advice when I’m talking to you. I digress.

But let’s be honest - it’s hard carrying two hearts, two souls, two personalities in one human sized body. I know. You are torn in yourself, deciding between two warring halves at any given time, and Mercury is in retrograde (do I really need to explain what this means again? Interferes with communication and decision making, our ruling planet. Next time try google) making this a bad time to make any drastic post-breakup hair care decisions (if you do it anyway, like I know you will, for God’s sake just not the bayang.) But hey. We are kinda hers, so maybe Mercury’ll be kind to us this month, and we won’t wake up regretting those layers? Please?

When your ex said he didn’t trust you to manage money, that was not a challenge to prove him right. Mercury has a tendency to make money flow from our hands like water, and we’re already inclined, so stick to a budget. Now is not the time to buy that expensive new vibrator you’ve been eyeing, even if you’ve been lonely lately. Sex isgood. The satisfaction of knowing you haven’t spent all of your grocery money and don’t need to eat ramen for the next week is better.

Anyway. Your sunniness is also especially vibrant these days as Jupiter aligns, and people might try to deplete your energy. Time to do some airbending and Aang them TFO of your life. Then, you can use that sunny energy to go out and see new people (romantically or otherwise) in a sort of life changing magic of tidying up loose ends of friends. Or maybe wait until Mercury is out of retrograde at the end of next month to make any decisions about who should come and go in your life. After all, I’m no expert.

I do know this - your extroversion is an asset. Your effervescence is an asset. I know it might not seem that way, what with COVID and all, but as the people around you get vaxxed and you’re reminded of your endless wanderlust, remember that the Sun shines through you, and your warmth is needed to help people take off the shroud of last year’s seemingly endless winter and move into a new spring. Start by maybe delicately moving back into yourself - spending extra time talking to the strangers at coffee shops, baking for your new neighbors, reconnecting with your family, gathering 72 of your nearest and dearest for a small shindig (kidding, CDC!). Practice acts of kindness and patience through the inevitable mercurial miscommunications. When your ex texts you a belated happy birthday message, text him back a thank you. (You can send it just as late, but maybe balance it with a smiley face. We’re trying to move AWAY from pettiness here.) Most of all, try maybe being gentle with yourself if you feel like in the process of being caged in has been anathema to your spirit, robbed you of some sort of essential Gemini-ness. Your spontaneity will return. Even if heartbreak came right before your birthday. You’ll return to that spring in your step. As the queen Lauryn Hill said, after winter must come spring. Everything is everything. Also, wouldn’t ya know it? She’s a Gemini. Manifesting we can all be as at peace with ourselves and our surroundings as our star sister.

... Too much? I’ll rein it in next month. Until then, I’m sending you love and wishes for a magnificent birthday and a magical year.

Yours truly,

Jupiter’s Moon


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    MTWritten by Madison Trice

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