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G e m i n i

Hey, is it cool if I call you Gem?

By Jenny Samuel Published 3 years ago 3 min read
G e m i n i
Photo by Dynamic Wang on Unsplash

Gemini is the master of dualities. If you were born under this sign (May 21 to June 20) then the set of twins is your astrological emblem, and Mercury is your governing planet. You are curious, resourceful, and possess excellent reasoning and communication skills. That being said, all of that communicating can get rather tiring.

Let’s be honest here— the world has been topsy-turvy for quite some time, and the idea of getting back to normal is, well, frightening. Maybe you haven’t been out much, and your social skills need a bit of sharpening. Or maybe you’ve become the homebody you were always destined to be, and now the world wants us to get out there and do things. Don’t worry Gem, I feel you.

It’s alright if you haven’t thrived throughout this pandemic, socially or professionally because you’ve been up to other enriching things. Catching up on films, books, spending time to think about your values and what is most important to you. This time has served you well, but it has also been fraught with confusion and anxiety. You need to see your peeps! You need a good party, a low-key backyard shindig, a date night with the buddies. If pandemic restrictions are easing up where you live, pace yourself. The dual nature of your personality means you might green light yourself into something you might later regret. Take it easy! Don’t be in a rush to get back to any kind of “normal”.

Remember that whole ‘Mercury is your governing planet’ thing from earlier? Well have you ever heard of this planetary transition from Hell called the Mercury retrograde? A few times a year, Mercury appears in our skies as if moving backwards. It’s kind of trippy, and with it comes total upheaval in communication. Don’t be alarmed if your cell phone service is terrible, if plans at work and with the friends are miscommunicated, if you or others around you seem moody or a bit on edge and unable to express yourselves verbally. While the Mercury retrograde affects all signs differently, you should be especially careful, Gem. This is the season when you should really slow down, process the information you receive, and carefully respond. You don’t want to do or say something you might later regret! Your impeccable communication skills will serve you will this month, just remember to be patient.

Speaking of upheaval—Gem, you are very attuned to the world and the emotions of others. You feel the suffering of the world, and sometimes it can even be a little too much for you to bear! I understand, and it’s all going to be ok. Patience, patience, patience. While you’re out there marching, tweeting, protesting, and discussing important world events with your inner circle, remember to take time to check in with yourself. Make a daily tracker in your phone or journal, and ensure you are drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, and some daily sun and exercise. These very simple things are especially essential to you Gem, because they enable you to recharge and think.

By June 10th, the retrograde will have had its peak effects on you, and your energy levels will be high. Get creative. Start a garden, or a new art project. Take a masterclass. Use this energy to serve your higher self and others. You are at your best when you’re being creative and finding different solutions to problems, Gem, and people love you for it. Staying creative helps this problem-solving faculty, and let’s be honest, it feels good to sing, dance, paint, laugh, and learn! These things enrich your soul, Gem.

Things have been a tad dull in the romance department, but that will change very soon. You can make it happen sooner! Sign up for events. Take a cooking or painting class. You are very curious and intelligent, with the ability to converse with people about nearly every subject! Therefore, put yourself in environments where you will meet your like-minded people. Even if dates do not arise, you will still make plenty of interesting friends.

All in all, this is going to be chill but fabulous birthday month. Treat yourself to something nice. You deserve it!

Your colours: ultraviolet, lavender, beige

Your best days: June 7th & 19th

Your Curated Playlist for May/June 2021: This playlist is sure to get you thinking, reflecting, and dancing.


About the Creator

Jenny Samuel

Bookworm, writer, artist, celebrator of pleasure.

@mooodreads on instagram

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