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Friends make our life more exciting


By Marcia EsteyPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

In order to accomplish something, they will spend a lot of experience and time and devote themselves, not just for honor, but more to show their strength, although sometimes they may not get what they want, but at least they I have tried hard and tried, knowing where I have shortcomings and where I need to work harder, cheering and comforting each other and adding confidence.

I have always thought that the circle of friends is very important. There is no need for artificial flattery, no meaningless speeches, and no painless comfort. When the mood is down, what is often needed is the correct guidance and sobriety of friends. After all, the road ahead is to go step by step on your own. All the ups and downs must be tried by yourself. If others have not experienced it, they will not have a deep experience. You may feel that a comforting word from others will make you very comfortable, but it cannot change your own situation. People often lie down comfortably in a caring word from others, but forget that the other person’s care is just a casual comment. It's just a polite remark, completely forgetting that one's own goal cannot be achieved with a comforting word from others.

A good friend who really cares about you will put himself in the position to analyze the situation for you, point out the shortcomings for you, he will not come to comfort you, only tell you how to face the reality, where to fall, where to rise, find the right direction and continue walking Go down; will tell you that whether the path of life is success or failure, the important thing is the process, not the result. If you don’t even have the courage to go on, how can you succeed in halfway? Maybe some people will ask naively: Success Is it really important to life? If success is not important, then why should we be so busy every day? Is it just for fun? Isn't our standard for measuring a person to see if he is a successful person? Whether it is wealth or Isn't career, or family, the standard for success?

A true good friend will not let you face life passively. He will pay attention to you silently, and will appear in front of you when you are confused, discuss with you, and help you hand in hand, giving you courage and confidence. It won’t let you sink in boredom, and won’t let you go far away. He also likes to play, but he won’t play aimlessly. This play is definitely to restore your morale and forget all the unhappiness. It is a kind of elegance. His hobbies are for you to come out of your own world. There will not be many such friends, but they are truly cherished friends, friends who will never forget.

A true friend will not laugh at you, will not count you, and will not take you as a fool. He will consider you a lot and do a lot for you, but this is not what he should do for you, but he cares about you This friendship cares about how you are. At least when he is lonely, you have stretched out your hand for help. He has been silently thanking you in his heart, so when you are in trouble, he will extend the hand of friendship. Will help you without any request. This kind of friend is a close friend and a friend worthy of deep friendship.

There will be many friends along the way of life. True friends are those who can walk through the reckless years of youth, mature and stable years, and have a good life together. Because of these friends, life will be more exciting.


About the Creator

Marcia Estey

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