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They come and they go.

By Ashley TolbertPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

Throughout our life, we come across a magnitude of different people who become our friends. You bump into this person while growing up and have the same interests or like each other so you decide "HEY! Let's tell each other stuff about each other!"

As a child, it's much easier to make friends. You're innocent so you have no reason to not like other people. It doesn't matter what they look like or who they are, you just know that you want them to be by your side and have fun. You could do anything together and be happy as a clam.

With age, your tastes change and your opinions do too. You start to realize those friends don't have anything in common with you anymore. In turn, you drift apart and never speak again. Granted, you lose some because they move away or something like that, but mostly it's because you both have changed.

Now that you are older, you see people yelling at people they once loved as a friend, just because their views are different. In middle/ high school, it's very common for people to separate into cliches. You aren't friends with someone who doesn't look like you or doesn't do the same things you do, like party. These young minds are taught that this is an okay behavior by the parents that raised them or by what's on the TV. Monkey see, monkey do.

This whole food chain process is killer for the soft spoken kid that still wants to be friends with a jock. They try to talk to them and they'll get laughed at and spit on. Glasses will be broken, pants will be pulled down, milk will be dumped on heads, all because someone wants to fit into the cool crowd.

Now luckily, most people in college realize that that behavior is dumb and quickly reunite with people that were like their old friends, maybe even reaching out to the actual old friends and try to rekindle the flame of friendship. Some will continue to act like jerks because they have money (like that defines who they are) or think they are better than everyone else.

Those friends that have stuck by your side no matter what are the ones you need to hold dear to your heart. The ones that would drop anything at any moment just to help you if you called. The ones that would hold your hair back. The ones who would talk for hours on the phone to make sure you're okay. The ones that would go to war for your broken heart. Those people are true friends and deserve all the love you can give.

You don't have to talk to them every day because if you are true friends, you will know how they feel. There should be no question. When you are together, it's like you were never apart and everything picks up where it was left off. If you have to think about if a "friend" will answer your call or text, then maybe you need to reevaluate your choices in friends.

No matter if a friend is still in your life or not, you should still be thankful for the time you did get with them. They taught you something, and hopefully you taught them something as well along the way.

Be kind. Be thankful. Be caring.

Enjoy life and everyone that gets put into it.


About the Creator

Ashley Tolbert

living life the best I can in a small town

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