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Freshly Fallen Snow

By Tara ChattertonPublished 3 years ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
Freshly Fallen Snow
Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

At the top of the stairs, she watched the sunset make its way across the freshly fallen snow. A temporary reprieve from the unsightly view, that dominated her spectrum. She knew that keeping her gaze upon the iridescent peach and violet hues, would only last so long before she was reminded of where she was.

Her relationship with the world was spoken through color, refracted through the prism of her thoughts, illustrating the pictures in her mind that she longed for in full chromatic light.

On days when nothing emerged to inspire, the insistent landscape of poverty became too much to bear, boring her senses into a lull she couldn’t see beyond. Spending her days in the high sun, on scorching rooftops, looking down on dead grass and scraped knees.

Yet, all it took to awaken her, was the confirmation of possibility. She never knew where she would find it. Sometimes carried in on the wind from the cottonwood trees, sending fairy clouds strewing about, while making mandalas out of helicopter seeds.

The connectivity of water was a particularly robust conduit for receiving a clear signal. Transmitting through ripples of fractionated branches, reaching out like electrical pulses in her mind, conspiring to ignite her like thunder announcing the coming of rain.

On lazy afternoons when the days hung heavy with an orange marmalade glow, she longed for love in the same way that she longed for never-ending summer days of dreaming among an arboreal sea of leaves. Rustling reds, yellows and a hint of green, kept her from dwelling on the inevitable long winter that was soon to come.

She searched for beauty, and learned to see it in everything, even in her own pain. This was her way of survival. This is how she used her magic, when she didn’t know that it lived within her. Transmuting the unexpressed gradients of her being into art, she found solace without trying.

Distracted by the patterns that formed within the chaos of her youth, she didn’t know to respond differently. She didn’t know to think outside of her experience, that continued to prove that she was alone.

Yet, somehow she knew there were brilliant colors within, waiting to be discovered, with the anticipation of the day when she would paint her story on paper, in a language that would allow others to finally see the complexity of her spectral expression.

Until then, she would live amongst those who withdrew into the deeper pigments of their minds, where she got used to dimming her light, so as not to shine too brightly. Wearing her fear like a worn-out dress, she explored the darker shades that danced in the shadows. Jeweled tones dangled and shimmered, as her eyes followed the contours of light etched in gold that told her of a different story.

She lived in different realities without ever realizing it. She bridged worlds with rays of light, that arched across landscapes, bringing new life to barren soil. A prism caught in darkness, with the risk of expressing herself wildly among those who wanted to eat her alive.

Her emotions colored her words in opaque misunderstandings. She sang in a pastoral hue of an old forgotten love, as if born of another time. Humming a soulful blue that lingered on repeat. Like a swell in the heart of a siren, she summoned lifetimes of unfulfilled dreams under sweltering skies, where she would weave every lyric into the fabric of her future.

Tying-off threads to heal the past of its many broken hearts, she lived among old timelines that were still alive in her DNA. Orchestrating experiences into ornate tapestries, invisible to the naked eye. Conducting busy work in her mind, mending severed pieces together that had never known love, or the wholeness of being one.

Empty as the night she refracted an interstellar light, proving her faith, despite the heavy clouds that rained down upon her. She knew rainbows were possible within her, but wondered if she would ever emerge from the fullness of her spectrum.

A supernova among the stars, spiraling on a continuum. She imagined herself, everywhere all at once, like cosmic dust expanding ever so brightly into luminous matter. She came to understand the universe as an omnipresence within her. A black hole collapsing into herself, until she reached all lifetimes of ascension.

Speaking in geometric forms, she expressed infinite emotions in a fractal language, crystalized for only a moment, before melting into the palm of her hand. Awakened by a ray, painting it way across her face, she then set with the sun in all of its illuminated glory and prismatic stillness. Her own reflection, a reminder that she is the freshly fallen snow.


About the Creator

Tara Chatterton

I'm a published author, transformational mentor and Intuitive healer. My work is inspired by spiritual ascension and the mystical workings of the universe, and how they interplay with the human experience, in simple poetic terms.

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