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Four Simple Daily Practices To Grow Our Intuition

Let’s grow our spiritual health.

By Dharan MuraliPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Four Simple Daily Practices To Grow Our Intuition
Photo by Edz Norton on Unsplash

Intuition is the bridge between us and the universe. I usually measure my spiritual wellness through my intuition. I realized that intuition works best if we keep our minds clear and calm. A wavering mind and an unhealthy body tend to shut down signals from the universe. I learned that to enhance our spiritual wellness, we have to take care of our minds, emotions, health, and aura. To keep my intuition clear, I work on the healthy maintenance of my mind and body.

Some Reflective Questions I Use To Self - Assess My Intuitive Powers

Am I investing a huge amount of time relying on facts, figures, and logical reasoning to clear my doubts and confusion?

Am I constantly looking for answers that gratify the unhealthy parts of my ego?

Do I easily believe in the answers that arrive from the words of others, and have less trust in my own experiences?

When a problem occurs…am I more prone to externalizing blames or finding reasons that feed the needs of my ego?

Am I unconsciously shutting down my subtle inner voice and giving more priority to the ready-made answers in my memory?

Am I always thinking about my past problems and constantly worried about the future?

If my answers are yes to any of this, then I know that I am trapped more in my mind and a little distant from my heart.

The Mind Is A Beautiful Servant But A Dangerous Master — Osho

Our mind is like our personal computer. It holds many ‘icons of thoughts and folders of past information and learned knowledge.’ We can control and use this computer when needed. We can turn it off after using it. It is a beautiful and helpful design of the universe.

However, if ‘this personal computer takes control of us,’ we will enter into a state of mental, emotional, and physical pain. In other words, the mind starts controlling us and we start working according to its orders.

When malware enters a computer, it infects and damages computer systems. Similarly, too many negative thoughts damage the mind. These thoughts hack into our peace and chew off our mental, emotional, physical, and social functioning. Negative thoughts are thoughts that sweep us away from the present moment. These thoughts are sometimes redundant thoughts of past and future, that affect self-healing and spiritual development. In the end, they lead us to more pain and suffering.

One of the best ways to protect ourselves and battle these situations is to grow our intuition. Intuition means, being in harmony with ourselves and the universe. When our intuition grows strong, our mind regains its grounded and conscious state of functioning. Intuition guides us to use our minds for a constructive purpose. Intuition works by transforming negative thoughts. Therefore, we are able to overcome destructive thoughts and actions that cause harm to us and others.

My intuition taught me that pain from my past is a lesson to awaken and raise my consciousness. Pain is a message from the universe, to awaken, heal and grow our consciousness. Self-healing is a core stage of spiritual development.

Here are four simple practices to grow our intuition…….

Understand the Workings of the Mind, Body and Heart

We are generally made into three parts, the mind, body and heart. All these parts affect one another.

The mind is our intellect. It is like our personal computer. The body is like our vehicle and mode of transport for our subtle body, the soul. The heart is the subtle point that houses intuition. The heart is also the bridge where we can connect with our inner selves and the universe.

When I say heart, I am not talking about emotions. The mind generates emotions. Be aware that emotion is actually “a child of thought.” Thoughts and emotions have positive and negative effects. But intuition is different. Intuition is neither positive nor negative, it is universally wise and only delivers answers that are aligned with you and the universe. The works of intuition are best understood through experience.

So….whenever we encounter a problem, instead of only browsing through our personal computer (mind) and vehicle (body) for answers, we could “take a walk to this bridge (heart).”

How to know we have arrived at our heart? It is simple….you will reach a point of calmness and clarity.

Few Quick Steps to Activate Intuition

This might take about five to ten minutes……

Do conscious breathing. Keep your attention on your breath, inhale and exhale three to five times. This is to calm the mind and improve ‘spiritual communication signals.’ We do not want clouded thoughts and emotions to interfere in our communications with the universe.

Close your eyes. Bring your mind to the present.

Put your hands near your heart, tell your problems and ask the universe for answers.

Say thank you and open your eyes. You will receive your answers soon.

Do remember, not to keep thinking about the answers. It is natural to ‘hungrily wait for a phone call from the universe’ but repeated thinking would drag us under the control of the mind. Once you have spoken to the universe, simply relax and carry on with your daily work. The universe knows when is the right time to respond. The universe answers using various methods and modes of communication. For example, you may receive answers in your mind as a thought, develop a sudden feeling or receive a phone call from a friend.

However, we wouldn’t be able to decipher these messages properly unless we are calm and grounded. If we aren’t grounded, we have the tendency to ‘misinterpret our own redundant thoughts as messages from the universe.’


This is the tricky part. It is going to be very challenging to arrive at our hearts if our minds and emotions aren’t calm. To do this, we need to meditate. Meditation is a cleansing and grounding process. Many phenomenal things happen through meditation. Let me share three ways it helps in growing intuition.

How Meditation Helps?

Meditation is a ‘human charging’ process. For example, a mobile device gets charged through electric waves. During meditation, humans get charged through universal waves.

Meditation is a cleansing process. For example, we are able to see clearly and locate things more easily after tidying our house. Similarly, meditation removes clouded thoughts and emotions that serve no purpose in our lives, and this helps us to improve our clarity and foresight.

Through daily meditations, we sporadically enter into a thoughtless space. In this space, thoughts gradually disappear one after the other. This space is the entry point to super consciousness. Regular contact with this space through meditation will reward us with higher intuitive powers.


Take care of your physical health. If we are suffering and battling daily with health challenges, aches and pain of the body, we would face difficulties in remaining attentive to the messages of the universe. A troubled mind and body aren’t supportive and helpful peers when it comes to developing a strong intuition.

The universe is always communicating to everyone. Some of us cannot comprehend its message, it is because the mind and body aren’t aligned with the cosmic vibrations.

It is always important to give the body regular exercise and proper nutrition to keep it healthy. ‘A vehicle that is in a poor condition wouldn’t support a smooth journey.’


Gratitude is one of the favorite words of the universe. Each time universe communicates to us through intuition, we could simply say thank you. Say it from the heart (intuition) and the universe will hear it. The universe reciprocates in abundance if gratitude is expressed genuinely and sincerely. The more we express gratitude, the higher our intuitive powers become.

I trust this was helpful for you. Thanking you from my heart, for reading my spiritual insights.

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About the Creator

Dharan Murali

💫I'm a couple & family therapy trained social worker, writer & spiritual aspirant. I write from my empirical knowledge, life lessons & spiritual experiences.💫

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