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Follow These 6 Simple Tips to Heal Your Soul Wounds

We all have wounds

By Kenan ReynaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Follow These 6 Simple Tips to Heal Your Soul Wounds
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

"He erases everything from his memory, forgets his promises, spits poison with a taste of betrayal. How many days and nights will this time last as the wound heals? "- Mark Levy.

Unfortunately, you are stuck in a world that constantly oscillates between crises and conflicts. Therefore, one of the first items on each person's list of priorities should be self-healing, as this is the only way you can resist external negativity.

But self-healing is impossible without true self-knowledge. It is important to see and acknowledge the existence of the emotional chaos that is stirring in your soul. Healing begins by acknowledging the things that plunge you into that chaos. You can't be healed until you get to the bottom of it.

Once you accept and acknowledge them, it will become much easier to approach them - classify them, learn from them, release them, and finally send them to the past…

Here's how:

1. Heal yourself through self-love

Yes, the idea that you should love and take care of yourself may seem selfish, but in fact, it teaches you such important human qualities as kindness, inner peace, and love (not only for yourself but also for others and the world around them).

You can heal other people only after listening to the unknown stories of your soul and healing the wounds in your own fragile heart.

As you heal yourself, you are freed not only from the emotional burden of this life but also from all the negativity and suffering you have taken upon yourself. Therefore, your renewed and healed soul will enlighten the whole world around you, which in turn will enlighten itself.

2. Find your way to calm the soul

Each person is unique and unrepeatable. That is why there is no universal method suitable for everyone. Each of us will have to find our own "key" to our soul - or even more. Do not look for a single universal answer, because there is simply no one.

Focus on finding ways to find the right peace and relaxation for you. Yes, meditation helps many people in this regard - many, but not all. Art has helped some to find peace of mind, and for others, merging with nature is the solution. You should strive to find peace of mind in what you do. And if you feel better, it means you're doing everything right. Find your place to have peace of mind, a place where you can throw off your mask and be yourself.

3. Release your pain at will

Deeply rooted in your soul, emotional negativity and pain, like acid, gradually erode your "self."

Although in most cases, this negativity is not visible to the naked eye, it often occurs from the outside - in the form of phobias, anger, and pain. But paradoxically, despite the suffering that all this causes you, you rarely try to understand the causes of what is happening.

You have to face your fear and pain face to face, you have to allow it to pass through you to get rid of it. Instead of holding back fear and pain, release yourself. When you walk away, you will find that your body, mind, and soul are completely cleansed of them.

4. Transfer the pain to the paper

Handwriting can have a miraculous therapeutic effect. Once the diagnosis has been made, doctors always record hand symptoms and you should follow their example. By transferring pain and negativity to paper, you prevent it from appearing in other areas of your life as well as growing.

Moreover, it is not necessary to do this in the form of a text - you can express what is happening inside you in the form of drawings, songs, and even dancing. By embodying feelings in a material form, you, as it were, materialize them, making them more concrete. This allows you to better understand your pain and deal with it faster.

5. Allow yourself to heal

As you realize what the exact source of your pain is, you better understand how you can cure it. Some need peace, loneliness for that. Some inhuman warmth and communication with friends and relatives.

However, people often try to take the path that leads to the cure of their disease without a clear understanding of the diagnosis. Although the advice of relatives and specialists can be helpful, you know best what you need for healing. The best way to escape from captivity is to fully acknowledge the pain and choose the path that will lead you away from it.

6. Heal the world

Healing the whole world is a natural consequence of self-healing. The closer you get to the end of this process, the more pronounced it becomes for those who are close to you through your disposition and behavior.

As you heal, you stop judging others too strictly, instead, you start supporting and helping them voluntarily. You are aware that a peaceful, harmonious world is far more important than just you.

So start the healing process and, by moving toward it, help not only yourself but also those around you. It's interconnected - the happier you are, the happier the world around you.


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