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Finding Peace

Awakening from sleep

By Lee NaylorPublished 4 years ago 8 min read

When the things you thought you knew were never really true. When the things you thought were told to you, were just make believe, you start to wonder what is real and what needs rediscovery.

Is the sky blue in your minds eye because someone told you so? Or is it really purple with planets, stars and other souls looking down at you. We are all born, given a name, a religion, a family, friends, education, social security number, and race. We get to choose nothing.

We are told the religion we are given is true, but who told our parents it was true, and who told them it was true and it goes on and on. Did you ever wonder how there can be so many different religions, that so many different people think theirs, is the "one true religion"? How can they all be?

Did you ever stop to question what the history books say? Did you just take it at face value, blindly believing that what was written and said to be true, was true? Were you there? Was your teachers there? Could it be that someone, at some time wrote a book, and began teaching it as truth. Then someone else came along and thought, "I don't like that, so I'll just add this, and remove that, and make it what I want it to be." I know what you are thinking, 'Nobody would do that', but How do you know?

If you can believe in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The tooth Fairy, blindly believing what came before, isn't it possible that it's all make believe? Isn't there the slightest, ever so remote possibility that everything ever told you was a lie?

I know what you are thinking, your parents and teachers wouldn't be so cruel, but what if, just what if they believe it all too. What if they just blindly followed right along the path, the others tread. The government said... and they wouldn't lie. The people of the past said.... and they wouldn't lie. The prophets, and teachers said..... and they wouldn't lie.

Let me tell you something, us humans, we are not perfect, we lie. We lie for many reasons. To make ourselves look better, to keep someone else from being hurt, for revenge, because we are hurt, because we want to hurt. The list goes on and on.

When I was a child I'd sit in the church, listening to everyone say They knew it to be true, and the same question always popped into my head, "How do you know?" "Did you go to every other church that's out there? Did you visit them all, research them all? No. Then how do you know? I don't know. Most of them use the same Bible. Most of them sing the same songs and believe in the same God. Some are the same but named different things. Does that make them wrong?

In school when you heard about the savage Indians and how they had to be killed because they were killing the cowboys, was there anything inside you that said "Really?" Was there anything inside your head, your heart that questioned it? Because I used to wonder why nobody seemed to see that the Native Americans fought back because they were being removed from their homes. Murdered, kidnapped, raped, and slaughtered. That is what I got from the lessons, not the way they tried to portray it. Did you believe because that is what is written? Maybe the Cowboys were scared of something different, something intelligent and peaceful that was different than what they knew?

Then there is Hitler and the Jews. I can't even. Did you ever stop to wonder how or why millions of people were sent away to concentration camps and murdered? Because when I hear those stories my soul aches. I cry. I can't even imagine how scared they must have been. How much they must have wished they had of revolted and said no. Maybe they still would have been killed, maybe not, we'll never know. We'll never know because we were not there. We were not there experiencing it, we are just reading it from a book. Someone wrote those books. Did they know first hand or did they listen to the stories passed down by other liars wanting to make themselves out to be doing the right thing?

Humans are so conceited. We think we 'know' everything. We hold grudges for things that may not even be true. We blame others for our problems and the people we are really blaming lived long before even our grandparents lived. Like slavery for instance. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but did you know that right along with what White people are still being blamed for, Blacks also bought and sold other blacks as slaves. Not just whites. You are thinking "That can't be true" but how do you know? Because the books tell you it is so? I've read it so therefore it must be true.

Humans. The Government charges us for working to make a living. They charge us for the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. How did it become theirs to have the 'right' to charge us for it?

Humans. We spend so much time blaming each other for what we have been 'told' that we don't stop to wonder, think, explore. What if instead of blaming each other for the state of affairs we are in today, we just put away the past, and started with what we do know. We do know that the world today is divided. We are divided by religion, race, boundaries, social status, income, careers.

We do know that the Government is corrupt and it also divides us. Democrats, Republicans. Again, I ask you, who made that up? Who said this is how this has to be? Maybe it worked for the humans of the past but we have grown, we have evolved. We should know better now. We should not be driven to the ground by humans who think they are better than us, who think they are smarter than us. We shouldn't be divided and told some of us are better because we love red white and blue, and others are better because they find it okay to burn the cities down and loot and kill.

When will us humans open our eyes. When we will we wake up and realize that we can build a brand new world. We can stand together, without boundaries, without race, without religion. We can walk in peace and say we do not consent. We do not consent to pay you part of the money we drudge away making. We do not consent to pay for the air we breathe, the water we drink, the space we take to live. We do not consent to pay you more than we make in a year, for doing nothing but making us more divided, making us poor, making us sick. We do not consent.

I know you are thinking, but they have the military. Do you really think our own soldiers would blindly follow along with what they are told? They don't get protected, they protect us. They don't get paid near what they should, they don't get help when they are done protecting. They are sent away for years sometimes, they come back damaged, forgotten, sick, needing help, needing homes, and instead they are left on the streets the forgotten heroes. I think you might find that they would rather stand with us.

Imagine a world in which we all said "No more" Where we laid down our hate, our blame, our hurt. We all took hands and together as one, marched forward to our Governments and said "We do not consent, anymore" "We will no longer live this life you've told us we must live." We can rule ourselves. We can grow our own food, help each other when we need help. We can live in love, peace, harmony.

What if? What if everything we've ever been told is just a lie? What if, like Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The tooth Fairy, what if instead of there being 12 different Gods there is only one, perceived differently from 12 different people?

Wake up and use your mind. Listen to your heart. Sit quietly with yourself and listen to what your soul tells you. Wake up. Instead of blindly following the masses who never thought to question a thing, be a rebel. Walk the path less traveled and perhaps, just perhaps you may find that the sky is purple, there are planets and stars and universes that you just never saw, because others were standing in your way.

We could change this world, we could live in Heaven on earth. Despite what they say, despite what the books tell us. We could live in a world where we are one. Where we all have abundance, love, and happiness. Maybe, just maybe......


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