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Filial piety can't wait... visit home often.

Filial piety can't wait, come home often, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, the son wants to be filial but his parents don't wait.

By Holly D SalterPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Filial piety can't wait... visit home often.
Photo by Yohann LIBOT on Unsplash

   Filial piety is the foundation of being a human being. As the saying goes, a drop of love should be repaid with a spring. Any kind of love should be returned, not to mention our teachers and parents. One cannot forget one's roots, filial piety cannot wait, and one cannot forget that the kindness of teachers and parents is heavier than mountains and deeper than the sea.

   If you don't treat your parents well, it is difficult to take good care of people, and if you are not good with others, you can't win the trust of people and lose the basic morality of being a human being, which is not allowed by the society and despised by people, and a person who doesn't know how to respect his parents, it is hard to believe in him as a person.

   There are old people in every family, and everyone will be old. Treating the elderly well is treating yourself well, everyone under the sky will be old; you also want to be a parent, also want to father kindness and filial piety; you do not have filial parents, how can expect children to respect filial piety with you? In terms of educating your offspring, you should also start from yourself and set an example of filial piety through your practical actions.

   What is the most important thing we cannot wait for? Facing the inability to help our poor parents. Perhaps; we have too many reasons to neglect to honor filial piety. Some people may think that their housing is too narrow, and when they earn money and have a spare house, they will receive their parents around; some people think that they are tight, and after they earn some more money, they will try to let them enjoy a few days of happiness in their old age; some people say that their current jobs are not ideal, and when they get a good job, they will live with their parents; some people say that they did not give me a good future, and they did not pay me to go to a satisfactory school, so they should not pay attention to them; others say that They did not give me a good future, they did not give me a good education, so I should not pay attention to them. The parents are getting older day by day, and soon they will be in their old age, and they will step into the yellow spring if they are not careful; what people expect, and how to be slow.

   Poor parents, they do not need a big fish and meat every day, how much monthly alimony; only the need is as a child a few affectionate calls, a few gentle words, some drops of filial piety; even a sincere greeting, the occasional warmth, or even in front of the parents pampered a few times, they will be doubly gratified. Can reach to let parents experience their own from birth to grow up, marry a wife and husband, build a house; their life's work is injected into my body one of the billion deep feelings, is filial piety. Parents will be praised. What's more, the great filial son is praised by everyone and blessed by heaven and earth. Some people say: in the scales of filial piety, whether it is a mansion, or a piece of brick, whether it reaches the other side of a hawk, or a message near at hand, whether it is tens of thousands of dollars or just a coin with body heat, they are all equal in value.

   As the old saying goes, you only know the grace of your parents when you raise a child. When you are spoiling your children, have you ever thought that your parents also love you in the same way? What do you want to raise your children? And what do you expect your children to do to you? In the home to respect parents, why do not burn incense far; a thousand worship Buddha million kowtow, rather than solid respect for parents. Having elderly parents at home is the greatest happiness for children. To honor filial piety in front of the church is the greatest good deed.

   Filial piety cannot wait! Filial piety is the flesh and blood affection that is fleeting; filial piety is the irreparable love of the most important relatives. When your parents are alive, always grab the phone at hand and call them to ask if they are well and to report that they are safe. Or visit home often, help your parents brush the dishes, chat with them, and share the joy of family life at their knees. If you stay with them for one day, there will be one less day of happiness for the elderly, and you will have one less regret for yourself!

   The love of our parents accompanies us throughout our lives, like a guiding light to guide us forward, and their love is selfless and unrequited. Their love is selfless and unrequited. And each of us should have a grateful heart for our parents, thankful for their hard workwhich to educate us into adults and give us the best material conditions and educational resources. When the years pass by our parents' youth leaving wrinkles and gray hair, we ask ourselves whether we have been filial to our parents in time. Filial piety may not necessarily be material, but more is to give parents intimate care, a regular phone call a greeting, can bring them intimate nourishment and sweet comfort.

   In your spare time at work, make a phone call home, and parents to pull home; shopping, don't forget to buy your parents some thoughtful gifts, no matter what you buy, they will be happy in the heart; holidays try to take time to spend with parents, often home to see.

  Friends, if your parents are still alive, then I would like to say to you, don't let your parents always wait for you to go back, filial piety is so simple, we can all do it, so let's take immediate action from today, give our filial piety to our parents without reservation, don't let yourself regret not doing your filial duty.

  Parents' kindness is better than ten thousand gold, the spring sunshine inch grass heart, push the coverlet to send warm lick calf love, do filial piety to keep the original ...... a "parental grace" sings the children's return to their parents' gratitude, let us learn to be grateful to our parents, with a grateful heart to treat their parents, with a sincere heart to communicate with their parents, so that our filial piety and parents are always together.


About the Creator

Holly D Salter

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