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Faith and Works!

The men of old.

By Sim StanleyPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Faith and Works!
Photo by Billy Pasco on Unsplash

We’ve read and heard about men, who parted seas and walked on waters. Men, who could control the weather and storms, it was almost as if they had cast a spell!

Men, who could heal the sick, deliver the afflicted, regrow limbs and return sights. They could rage and win wars without armies, call down hail storms or fire storms, or even swarms of locust and flies on their enemies!

Oh there’s more, they could turn water to blood or wine, for whatever the occasion was. There was no putting a finger on what they would do next, seemingly no limit to their powers and maybe, no explanations for it too!

Somehow they seemed to be able to do and undo; breaking boundaries, creating standards, lifting bars, defining poise. So much so, that they themselves, and not merely their works became controversies and effortlessly too. Even if you blinked a few times you wouldn’t miss it. You couldn't. Their works went before them.

I mean, wasn’t there something ridiculously intriguing about waking a dead man up? It’s easier to simply say the dead man wasn’t dead at all than to agree to such impeccable impossibility.

How was it even done? Thousands of years later and science still couldn't replicate.

But yet it was true, a man was brought to life. And not even the densest scrutiny could dispute it because it is true, it happened, and in the presence of too many witnesses, to be called a phony.

And everyone knows truth and time are old friends.

But, what was it about them exactly; that made them stand out, till today? What was this undeniable aura of peculiarity they walked around with, like car keys?

Was it the way they walked, maybe? Or their pose of elegance, that made trumpets for their works? Was it the way they were clothed perhaps? Maybe their linings were rare ones? Made from the finest silk and the best cotton? Or were they so knowledgeable that they knew everything? From how the foundations of the earth was made to how it will end? Something others would die to know? Or did they only dine on the most exquisite of exquisite? Maybe they were only consecrated by what was meant for gods?

I mean, why, were they even considered as case study? What’s so special about them? Because we know something so powerful must have deeper depth right? With larger roots!

Even a blind man could see: such exploits couldn't be attributed to the physical, not merely what you ate or wore or even the way you looked. It was something that supersedes the natural; it was something as great as they were, something that lived in them! And something that now, leaped out of them, something big, huge even, something unexplained.

It must have been something they had. Yes! Must be something they grew with, and now was larger than they were.

But could it be something conformed to only their generation? Something we, ourselves would never be capable of, simply because we weren’t born then? Or was it because our entire entity was left to the placement of time and chance? 2000 years in between, had done us dirty?

No! I beg to differ, because aren't even similar works being done today?

Aren't big and undeniable miracles being exploited, till today? Lots of case studies, with no one with enough knowledge to review them all?

To truly understand a context, one must begin at the root; where it all began, that is what we have done, because to comprehend that substance yet unseen is evident and things hoped for is possible, which at the very least is mind bugging and mind blowing! We must have transcended in understanding of the capabilities of this yet to be named force. Just as much, as we've understood the constrictions of the mind.

That I could merely, just by wishing, receive anything, seems in the widest sense, impossible! But yet haven't the men we spoke about, the men of old, haven't they done all these and more?

Why then have we made ourselves harbors of doubt, to the things we know as history?

What they believed in, they placed higher than anything else. Even their lives and most paid dearly for it. Their faith was their most prized possession. It confounded their lives and shaped every decision they made.

Doesn’t a man hide his treasure in the darkest of rooms? So they did with their faith.

It would have been ridiculous, to accept that faith was as deep, as we've come to realize, if we ourselves didn't believe so.

Faith is the very center of life itself. The absolute reason for which, life has been given a purpose. The very force we want so dearly to be reckoned with. It’s focus, for which passion originates from. It’s direction in which we trend upon. It’s compass that guides, outside of it, we are wanderers with no motive.

It's why we rise in the morning and rest at night, because we know, within us are capabilities waiting to be explored, volcanoes wanting to erupt, mountains waiting to be moved , phenomenon waiting to happen! Because within us are countless impossibilities, made possible.

Faith has no place for doubt, or fear or mistrust or second thoughts. Faith is firm and concise, because it is truth. Faith is also evident in actions aka works, because although we know the earth is oval, we want to see it so.

Same with works, the evidence of the already affirmed; faith and works.


About the Creator

Sim Stanley

I am a Nigerian, i love humanity, culture, arts, science and faith, and i've been passionately intrigued about writing since i was ten.

I'm so delighted to have found another platform to connect to you lovelies,XOXO!

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