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"Empowering Women: Breaking Barriers Building a Stronger Future Together"

"Overcoming Obstacles, Driving Progress, and Inspiring Change"

By THIAPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Women's rights and freedom are essential components of a fair and just society. Unfortunately, even in today's society, women are still fighting for basic rights and respect, particularly within their own homes. Women often have to fight for even the smallest things, such as the right to make decisions about their own bodies and the freedom to pursue their own interests and goals.

One of the most critical issues women face in urban areas is the lack of basic human rights. Women are often denied the right to make their own decisions, including the decision to marry, pursue education, or work outside the home.

This lack of agency can lead to a sense of powerlessness and contribute to emotional distress and mental health issues.

These basic rights are essential for women's well-being, and without them, women face significant challenges in their lives.

Women must have access to education and the ability to make their own choices to build a better life for themselves.

Discrimination and inequality are also significant problems women face in urban areas. Despite being just as skilled and capable as their male counterparts, women often face barriers to career advancement, such as wage gaps and discrimination.

Women must fight against these inequalities and demand equal opportunities in the workplace and beyond.

Another problem women in urban areas face is the stigma and shame associated with being a woman. Women are often told they must behave a certain way or adhere to strict cultural norms, which can restrict their actions and limit their opportunities.

This shame and stigma can also lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, which can further exacerbate mental health issues.

Safety is another significant concern for women in urban areas. The fear of harassment and violence can limit women's mobility and prevent them from living their lives to the fullest.

Women must have the right to feel safe and secure in their communities and homes, and society must work to prevent violence against women and not arrest the women inside the home in the name of safety.

Here, I would like to share my personal experience,

That was one fine normal day, we should always have that one gang to plan trips, so it happened that we finally went on a trip to the water theme park, just for one day after thoroughly enjoying the day there we explore a lot there,

Our stress was flying in the air and our faces are smiling with the real joy of happiness we played in the water and explore a lot of rides there,

You know one thing, actually we forgot our homes and work pressure everything.

The voyage then begins at that point in the day…..

Yeah, I received a call from my mom and she asked me how can you go alone there and how dare you go with your friends first come back I want to talk with you…….

Wait wait I can hear you guys, you are asking me that means you didn’t inform your mother ahh??????

Do you know one secrete let me tell you now the beauty was I got permission from my mom for this outing.

You can think that then why she shouted at me, same I too got confused at that time.

While entering my home my inner soul started to cry it was looking like hell girl don’t go run back I stopped thinking and step into my home tadaa tadaa heartbeat started raising….

Here I got the surprise for myself, there I saw my mom and her 2 younger sisters sitting with their mother I mean my grandmother!!!!!!!

I was like okay girl you will have a great party today lets ready for it, guys I am not joking it's real because I can’t even control my mom here I have to fight with the whole big women's family.

In between this, I felt very hungry too, my freaking mind was asked to my stomach in this situation also you need food ahh bloody stomach….. inside my body also one war was happening,

here begins the war,

my younger aunt called me Thia come here we want to talk to you I was like yeah tell me she asked do you think what we had done was correct like that I said, yeah sure I didn’t do any wrong activities with your permission I went for the outing.

she told that even if they give permission means also I have not to go because I am bloody a woman right that’s the reason and they told me like think about society they will start to talk about you like, that Thia was going out with her friends alone without their parent's guidance is this the good culture, will the girl from a good family will do this kind of activity and blaa blaa …

And they told me one important thing that was ‘’that they gave me full freedom in this world and I am misusing it, I was like what??? you gave me the freedom ahhh ?? freedom was my born right nobody can give it to me’’.

I attained the peak level of anger the whole family started to talk like if you have any works I mean a study purpose or work purpose means you can go but for self-time or outing with friends means you should not go. They said we can’t answer the questions inquiring by this society and our relatives….

Here I understand the bitter truth in our society that family members are ready to kill our happiness to satisfy unknown people's thoughts and they do not even care about the thoughts in our minds.

In this situation, most of the women can’t be fought with their families and they started to follow their words, I am not here to tell you that don’t follow your parent's words but don’t blindly follow their talk with them and try to teach them what was the thing happening inside your mind.

Because life is too short right we have to live not just for sake of living, we have to live for ourselves and not for someone's wish who doesn't even know us am I right?

And guys are you eager to know what I have told to my family I have told them that I will follow your words but if you talk for the sake of society means I won’t follow and also I didn’t make any wrong activities, so I don’t care about the others who criticize me and this is my life and I have the freedom to make my own decisions…

So, girls just think and don’t give up, this is just an example and a very small incident that happened in my life there was a lot to go in our life follow your passion and goal and fight for it you will be successful in life

Overcoming these emotional problems can be challenging for women, but it is not impossible. Women must come together and form support networks to advocate for their rights and demand change.

They must work towards empowering themselves and their communities and challenge traditional gender roles and norms that limit their opportunities.

Women must also prioritize their mental health and well-being by seeking professional help when needed and taking care of themselves physically and emotionally.

They can do this by practicing self-care, setting boundaries, and prioritizing their needs.

Finally what I am trying to convey here is,

women in urban areas face numerous challenges, including discrimination, lack of basic rights, and safety concerns, leading to emotional distress and mental health issues. However, by advocating for their rights, forming support networks, and prioritizing their mental health, women can overcome these challenges and achieve their full potential.

It is our collective responsibility to support and empower women to build a more equal and just society where they can thrive and flourish.


About the Creator


Hi, this is thia a 22 -year-old girl who wants to follow her passion and so here I started writing stories and articles and things I love to share....

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