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Don't unpack the past

It's ok to revisit just don't stay

By Pacsac Published 12 months ago 5 min read
Don't unpack the past
Photo by Ian Nicole Reambonanza on Unsplash

I may not make the best choices, but that is on me. I know exactly what I have to offer.

Don’t dull my sparkle; keep up or get left behind. Be constant or never mind.

People are creatures of habit.

Some revert back to their old ways because the thought of change scares them.

Holding on to what ifs.

Holding on to memories or feelings.

Stuck in the same patterns because they adapted that way so they hold on to maybe just a thread of hope that this time around will be different. But I love them, but I never had that before. But, but, but that they miss out on something that is sitting right beside them the whole time showing them that change, happiness is possible if they can just let go of the self doubts and lack of self confidence.

Getting back into an unstable relationship is like watering a dead plant and hoping for a different result.!!

Not everyone is the same…

Every love is different, every connection incomparable.

Sometimes we push the right people away.

If I'm not worth fighting for ….then leave me alone!!

The good ones suffer.. The ones with the purest of hearts get trampled.

The good girls are overlooked. We fade on the sidelines.

I won't conform. I remain true to myself and whoever is a part of my life.

I've held onto the wrong people for so long, so many chances and nothing changed.

Held on to broken promises and lost words.

People will show the same patterns, but if you don't know what a real relationship should transpire you follow the same continual patterns...

To some getting into that mindspace that things will get better, things will change, but I love them.

That's not love.

And to those that have been in toxic relationships, I am talking to both men and women, talking to those who have been cheated on, mentally abused, accused of being the toxic one, manipulated.

How many of you can say that was real love? That you 100% were in fact in love..

Lust maybe. How many can say it fucked them up for future relationships?!

At this stage of my life I still remain optimistic that someone will walk into it.

And finally this door of revolving men will stop. I mean they survived without even knowing me, I didn't exist in the past.

I won't chase, or force to be a part of anyone's life, they need to want me to be there and make the time.

Live in the present moment.
Accept your scars. They are reminders of a past that no longer exists. A past that you grew from.
Use them as a teaching tool not to repeat.
Once you figure out what you truly want.
When you can look in a mirror and see all that potential, when you actually see your worth.

Nothing else will matter.

Find clarity.
Love yourself. Breathe.
You got this!
Stay with people who make you better versions of yourself, who compliment your life not complicate it.
People who draw you in. People who match your energy.
People who see your potential.
People who love your soul.
You can be surrounded by people and still feel completely alone.
This only indicates that these are not your people.
Drain your heart of past hurt.
Fill your life with laughter.
The ones who have stuck around are the ones who deserve your attention, your love, your friendship, your smile.
Sometimes what you think you want and what you actually need are two totally different things. The need will trump the want. Stop allowing anyone to control your emotions.
Especially if they are no longer a part of your present life right now.
Take those experiences, take the pain ,take the initiative, take all of that and use it for good.
Nobody has the power to make you feel any less.
Take your power back
There will come a time in your life when things won't feel so forced and everything will become natural where even the smallest things bring you joy.
Where your smile is a little brighter and the day is a little lighter, when someone comes into your life and makes you realise that you deserve more than what you settled for in the past.

Where they excite you to try new things and and their actions assure you that you're not as "broken" as you thought you were that you're capable of so much more.

A person that opens the door to intimacy with someone with whom you enjoy their company and someone you're getting excited to see where this will go.

Sometimes we just have to let the past stop taking over us, not everybody you meet is the same and not everyone has ill intentions like the rest.

Sometimes you just have to wait and see, take a leap, have a little faith that things are going to get better and not self-doubt or overthink.

Easier said than done, but I'm trying.

What we don't realise at the moment is how our past relationships and interactions with others affect our perceptions.

We tend to get in the groove of allowing ourselves to be treated a certain way, to hold onto people for way too long, to become numb.

That when someone genuine enters our lives we have no clue how to proceed, and we become cautious.

Why aren't we used to this?

Why did we at one point forget how others should be treated, when did people become so emotionally detached and cold?

I'm not fighting for a spot in anyone's life...

But I will hold on to those who show substance.

There are a million girls who are the same, the ones who pour with drama and are attention seekers.
These girls will never change.
But these girls keep you on your toes never knowing what is coming next….

Drama seemed to find me.
I knew these girls and the games they played.
These girls were a dime a dozen.

Caddy yet consumed in their own world's.

I'm nice but I have a bite to me.
Test me and watch me fade.
Drama doesn't suit me.
Yet the chaos remains.
I am ne in a million, rare and true.

I haven't lost my edge. I just smoothed it out.

Betray my trust and I don't recover.
Doesn't matter how close we were.
You start at the bottom now and I have lost all respect.
Respecting my feelings wasn't your priority, so you lost that privilege to know anything about me or my life.

After all, new keys won't unlock old doors".


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  • Rachel12 months ago

    Heartfelt and inspiring!

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