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Does Money Buy Happiness, and How Much Is Enough?

Does money buy happiness?

By EstalontechPublished 2 years ago 11 min read
Money Growth Abundance Mindset -Kindle Book by Laura Maya

Does Money Buy Happiness, and How Much Is Enough?

Does money buy happiness?

In one of our published title ; " Money Never Enough " written by Dwayne Anderson whihc was publsihed in 1998 ,there is one one paragrah extraction from the synopsis of the books where it mentioined

" Happiness that Money brings cannot last " ,

With Money , People cannot necessarily materialize everything , However without money many things cannot be accomplished nor done

Accumulation of wealth with the pleasure to have comfort , luxuries , reputable status , financial influence, freedom and popularity are what money usually can help to achieve , its provides a centralized role in our lives , at a general necessity stage level as it helps to clothe and feed us ,to put a nice accommodation for stay and pay the bills.

Money may not be everything, they may not even guarantee a happy life, but they are a pretty good basis to learn how to build happiness on ... for now

I think yes and no. Money won’t necessarily make you happy, but if you’re stressed, have a problem, and money can solve that problem, then maybe it can make you happy.

Many times we find ourselves chasing after the impossible dream of becoming millionaires.It’s true that you can feel a bit happier and more satisfied when you have more money than your friends, but true happiness comes from feeling grateful for what you already have.

The purpose of earning money shouldn’t be just to make more money, but to allow people to save money and not have to worry about day-to-day issues. "We must also help others if we have the means." as helping others is a form of gaining merits … if you donate to your friends in need, or to any other charity organization, it makes no difference who you choose to give to. The fact that you give brings you a great sense of joy.

You reach the limit of your money when that money causes more problems than the joy it brings you. You may have already reached that limit if you are having issues with your investments, or if you begin to have friends using you for your money.

Everybody wants to be financially healthy, which includes having the ability to provide for basic needs and also to enjoy the abundance of their generousity in their Giving efforts .

Yet there are many people who have access to plenty of food, shelter, clothing, and education, but yet don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Other people have a roof over their heads, but no job, no money, and no food.Not One perosn has the same Life nor face the same destiny

Although the rich seems blessed, there are some other people who acquire great wealth by unscrupulous means but this comes from causing harm to others to benefit themselves. The problems and concerns regarding the real purpose in providing wealth for those who are fortunate weigh heavily on the minds of rich and poor alike, so therefore It's up to one to work out better merits gain in order to change his life for the better .

It is true for those in positions of power and those whose position is to serve others, as well as both the rich and for the the poor . If you have financial wealth, then you should try to give away some of your money to the needy . Giving to worthy causes is great for the soul, because it feels good, and posistive merits in return will come also in abundance , works like a mirror reflection effect .

When you are working and earning money, strive to hold a job that you love, and provide for yourself and your family, and pursue experiences that will make you closer to each other. Don’t say yes to more work just because it feels good. If you’re already working too much, it’s probably best to say no to additional work. Doing so will allow you to have more free time and spend it doing what you love most and stay healthy

Focusing on what you can control and letting go of what you cannot

In order to maintain balance in life, you have to address the problems you can handle. And if there is anything you can’t deal with, choose not to let it steal your joy.

If you are overweight and cannot continue with your favorite sport because of it, then start an exercise program that is fun for you, and make changes in the food you eat. If you find yourself in this situation, then the problem is within your ability to control.

When you have suffered from an injury that has made it difficult for you to participate in your favorite sport, it may seem that your options are limited. However, there is still hope. Be patient and don’t take things too personally. Remember that you are only responsible for your actions, not your emotions

It’s important to maintain positive habits such as meditation and relaxation in order to prevent forgetting about what you have now. This includes establishing a daily habit of meditation and relaxation, or whatever habits will contribute to your mental well-being.

Before attempting to make any major changes in your life, make a list of what you could change. You don’t need to overwhelm yourself; just make a list of changes you could make each week or month.

As an example, if you’re having a stressful day, think about what changes you can make in your life that would make a positive impact on your health and well-being.

Here are a few of the things you might consider to get your best night’s sleep, like creating a calming environment and having a set bedtime, reducing time spent on social media, exercising regularly, meditating, doing yoga, eating healthy, having a stress-free routine, getting a massage, reading, or watching TV.

True Meaning of Wealth is to have an Abundance of What We Value

Give back to others by helping them in ways that you can in abundance in return . Helping others should be an important part of your life because you may end up feeling grateful towards them.

Giving to others may be in the form of providing food, clothes, toys, shelter, entertainment, or any other items or services. Pay it forward is the act of doing something nice for someone else and expecting nothing in return. You can do this by being kind to a stranger and doing something nice for someone else or you can share your resources with others ,if you have been blessed with good health, you should use it to help others who are less fortunate than you. If you have a surplus of cash, you can donate to a charity that benefits the poor.

Not all wealthy people want the same things in life. Some are just after the money ,many individuals look for external sources of success.

They find that their happiness comes from material things.

Yet, when others lack what they have, they often lose interest in the things they already have. What should be your goals? It is essential to find out what is important to you, and strive to accomplish it. When you acquire wealth, you must do so in a way that will enrich your life, and the lives of those around you

Pursue Your Passions First

Don’t put money at the front of your priorities. If you focus on things other than money, you’ll find that your priorities are actually in line with what you really want. When a person becomes a full-time careerist, they start off with the best intentions. They take college classes and get good grades. Then, they find a job and begin to work. While it might not seem that there is anything wrong with this situation, the life of a careerist is one of constant worry, anxiety, and stress.

A retired worker is counting down the days until he’s able to retire, and he can’t wait for the end of the workday and the weekend. Working full-time at a job he hates just isn’t enough to give him the rest he needs, and the extra money won’t bring him wealth or true happiness.

Next, think about the person who finds a job that he enjoys doing. He will then learn about the passions that drive him to perform the work. When he becomes interested in his profession, he will enroll in training to enhance his skills and gain expertise in his chosen field. Though there may be challenges and hardships along the way, he will keep going because it is what he loves. His job will be enjoyable to him and he will be happy to keep at it because it is what he loves.

This person will be stronger mentally and physically, and he will always have a motivation to keep strong, even when he is feeling weak. Pursuing your passions will always be the right choice, even when you are not sure how to make it work in regards to finances.

Appreciation for Non-Material Wealth

There are some material thoughts and activities that will prevent you from attaining financial wealth, or at least will make it a challenging task. Avoid these at all cost, as they will make you truly unhappy in the long run, as pursuing for such material asset gain will involve commitment to taking loan ,and subjective to paying of interest and usually the tenure will take up to many years of your worklife

While most of these wealth a greed addiction will plague us at one time or another, the trick is to pull away and consciously refuse to allow them to have their way with you when they show up. You alone can refuse to allow them any additional moments of control.


In addition to greed, materialism is the most common enemy of our emotional wellbeing. It is the voice within us that keeps telling us that we must stay at work later than we should, and it is the voice that keeps suggesting that we should take on extra jobs.

Working hard is very important. If you don't, you will have a tough time doing well. Also, there is a balance between hard work and resting. In order to do good, it is necessary to do good work and to take time for yourself. However, it is also necessary to put yourself into resting and take time off.

Show of Envy

Envy is another form of bitterness that can destroy appreciation. If you aren’t thankful for the money, experiences and opportunities you have, it will lead to jealousy of what others around you seem to be able to gain so easily. This can lead to a lack of gratitude and lead to envy, which will then cause blindness to the blessings you do have.

The way to overcome this is to constantly remind yourself of the good things you have, and look for ways to use them in your life. Find ways to incorporate gratitude into your daily life.

You might want to make a gratitude journal. Spend a daily time reflecting on the good things that happened to you to help keep you safe and happy. The more you feel thankful, the more it will seem that good things are attracted to you. And in return, you will feel even more blessed.

Solving Feeling on Apathy

I believe that attitude will prevent you from growing and make you incapable of growing. In fact, apathy will make you feel like you cannot make a difference in any way, so why even try?

You need to work on this before it’s too late and you end up lost in the quicksand of your own self-doubt. Apathy will bring on a number of different mental health conditions, including depression. Be sure to get rid of this before it steals your future and erases your dreams.

The Path to Pursuing Self-knowledge

Wealth is something that allows you to have inner peace. If you have inner peace, you will be able to handle life’s toughest situations without feeling out of control. Even when things are rough, you will be able to feel as though you are able to handle it.

A person should look to his/her faith and religion, as this will provide him/her with the inner strength that may fail them, even their own family and friends. One should search for the meaning of life and pursue it.

Find out what you really want to do and learn your greatest talents. These qualities will serve as a springboard to success. Remember them when you feel like you are out of your depth. Having a sense of purpose in your life is one of the greatest treasures of wealth. Make sure you take hold of it and never let go.

Finding True Wealth

When you begin your journey towards becoming wealthy, there will be some changes that need to happen. It’s important to take your time to make sure these changes work their way into your life.

We often see that life gives us ample opportunities to grow and change.

It is crucial that one realize the power of what they learn. If you don’t change the first time you are confronted with a situation, you can be certain that you will be confronted with the same problem again and again until you have finally learned the lesson.

It is happening to everyone else too. Don't wait, even if you're afraid of change.

If you want to live a happy and successful life, choose to learn and grow. Otherwise, you risk falling into the same cycle of pain and suffering that never seems to end, the addiction to greed willl just make one slough and work to pursue the no end dreams of purely more Cash-More Wealth mentality .

In return one might acquires more grudes, more mistakes ,paying of more bank interest ,open to more risks factor from investment and lack of happiness due to over commitment

Wealth is a concept that has been used to represent status, fame and popularity. However, true wealth cannot be bought, earned or lost. True wealth is not materialistic; it cannot be given or taken away. Rather, it can only be learned, grasped and grown into.

True wealth is the family you create and the lives you lead together. It is the moments you share with loved ones, and the breath you take as you enjoy the sun on the beach. It is the memories of your childhood, and of your child’s childhood.

Wealth is one of the most highly misunderstood words throughout time. It has often been used to symbolize status, glory and popularity. True wealth, however, is not measured by the size of your wallet or the brand of car you drive. It cannot be given and it cannot be taken away. It can only be learned, grasped and grown into.

Remember the value of your moments and of the moments of your loved ones. You will treasure these things as long as you live. This is true wealth.


About the Creator


Estalontech is an Indie publisher with over 400 Book titles on Amazon KDP. Being a Publisher , it is normal for us to co author and brainstorm on interesting contents for this publication which we will like to share on this platform

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