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disabled man

don't give up even if you have to crawl

By johnryanclemente alicoPublished about a year ago 4 min read
even though you can't walk, always go forward

Adam had never walked a step in his life.

He was born with a rare condition that left him without the use of his legs. Doctors had told his parents that Adam would never be able to walk, and although they held out hope for as long as they could, they eventually had to accept the reality of their son’s situation.

Adam knew from a young age that he was different from the other kids. He would watch from the sidelines as they ran and played, feeling envious of their freedom of movement. But Adam was determined to not let his condition hold him back. He learned to maneuver through the world on his own terms, using his arms to pull himself along and his upper body strength to carry him wherever he needed to go.

Despite the challenges he faced, Adam was a happy child. He had a passion for music and spent hours teaching himself how to play guitar. He found solace in the sweet sounds of strumming and singing, and the joy he felt from creating music gave him the strength to keep going.

As he grew older, Adam became more and more determined to live a full life. Rather than feeling sorry for himself, he saw his condition as a challenge to overcome. He was fiercely independent, refusing to rely on anyone else for help. He learned how to drive a specialized car that he could operate with only his hands, and he went on to earn a college degree in computer programming.

But despite all of his achievements, Adam still longed to experience the simple act of walking. He would watch people on the street as they strolled casually from place to place, and a small part of him would ache with envy.

One day, Adam heard about an experimental surgery that might be able to give him the gift of walking. The procedure was risky, and there were no guarantees that it would work. But if it did, it could change Adam’s life forever.

Adam thought about the possibility for weeks, weighing the risks and benefits in his mind. Finally, he made the decision to go for it. He knew that there was a chance that the surgery would fail and that he would be left in the same position he was in before, but he also knew that he couldn’t live with the regret of not trying.

The day of the surgery was nerve-wracking for Adam. He lay on the operating table, feeling a mix of hope and fear. When he woke up hours later, he was in a state of confusion. His legs felt heavy and foreign, and he struggled to make sense of the sensation.

It took months of intensive physical therapy, but eventually, Adam started to see progress. Although he couldn’t walk unaided, he was able to take small steps with the help of crutches. He felt a sense of elation every time he managed to make it across the room on his own two feet.

But the therapy was grueling, and there were times when Adam wanted to give up. He would watch as other patients progressed faster than he did, and he would feel a sense of despair wash over him.

With the help of his therapist, though, Adam learned to set realistic goals for himself. He started to focus on the small victories rather than the big picture. Instead of worrying about whether he would ever be able to walk without support, he celebrated every time he took a step or stood on his own for a few seconds.

Slowly but surely, Adam’s confidence grew. He started to venture out into the world more, testing his newfound mobility on sidewalks and in stores. Although he still had a long way to go, he felt more alive than he ever had before.

And then one day, something incredible happened. Adam was out for a walk when he felt his legs start to move on their own. He stopped in his tracks, hardly daring to believe what was happening. But sure enough, he was taking steps on his own, without the help of crutches or any other assistive device.

Adam was overwhelmed by emotion as he continued to walk. Tears streamed down his face as he realized that he was finally doing something that had seemed impossible for so long. He walked and walked, until he was so exhausted that he had to sit down on the ground.

But despite the fatigue, Adam felt an incredible sense of liberation. He had broken free from the confines of his condition and proved to himself that he was capable of anything. From that day forward, he walked every chance he got, never taking for granted the miracle of his newfound ability.

Adam had always known that he was capable of great things, but nothing had ever felt as incredible as the moment he stood up and took those first few steps on his own. It was a moment he would never forget, a moment of freedom and joy that would stay with him for the rest of his life.


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    JAWritten by johnryanclemente alico

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