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i wish i can hear.

about a girl who were born deaf.

By johnryanclemente alicoPublished about a year ago 3 min read
always follow the light even if you can't hear.

Lila was born deaf. Her parents were devastated when they received the news. They had always dreamed of a life with their daughter that would include the sound of her laughter and the whispers of love. But instead, their life with Lila was going to be filled with silence.

Lila's mom learned American Sign Language to communicate with her. Her dad worked extra hard to provide Lila with the best treatments and technologies available. They enrolled her in a special school for children who were deaf and worked hard to fill her life with love and opportunities.

Lila's parents had hoped she would be like any other child, but they noticed something different about her. Lila was always alone, and she preferred it that way. She didn't want to be around the other kids at school, and she never seemed happy. Her parents didn't understand why until they discovered that Lila had been bullied by the other children.

The kids had been calling her all sorts of names, making fun of her because she couldn't hear. They laughed at her when she tried to talk in ASL, messing up her signs and sentences. The children had been cruel to Lila, and it had affected her deeply.

Lila's parents were heartbroken. They tried encouraging her, telling her how special and loved she was. But they couldn't take away the pain of her reality. Lila was constantly reminded of her disability and never allowed to forget. It was always there in the way kids looked at her or ignored her altogether.

Lila grew up feeling like an outsider. Her parents continued to love and support her, but she struggled to connect with others. Lila dreamed of a life where she could hear her parents say they loved her or where she could hear the beauty of nature. But that was never going to happen.

As Lila grew older, she realized the harsh reality of her situation. She tried to learn as much as she could about hearing aids and technologies that might give her a chance to experience the world the way others did, but nothing ever really worked.

Lila's parents watched as their daughter withdrew further into her own world, and they knew that something had to change. They decided to enroll Lila in a support group for children who were deaf or hard of hearing.

Lila went to the group reluctantly, but it was there that she met a boy named Max. He was different from anyone she had ever met. He was kind and funny, and he loved music. Max loved to play the guitar and sing, and he taught Lila how to feel music. Even though she couldn't hear it, he showed her the vibrations and how to move with the rhythm.

Lila and Max became inseparable. They were different from each other, but it didn't matter. They both understood what it was like to feel like an outsider. They found comfort in each other's company and ended up falling in love.

Their love was perfect, but Lila knew deep down that it was not meant to last. Max was gradually losing his hearing, and Lila was heartbroken. She couldn't bear the thought of losing another person she loved.

Years went by, and Max's hearing continued to decline. Eventually, he went completely deaf. But Lila never left his side. She learned everything she could about being a deaf partner and lover. She helped Max to live a full life, even though he couldn't hear.

Lila had found her home with Max, and he had given her the gift of music. Lila had learnt to feel music through the vibrations, and she had found a way to connect to the world. She had learned that love could exist even in silence.


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    JAWritten by johnryanclemente alico

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