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Dear Stranger

Find Love

By JPWrites.2Published 4 years ago 6 min read

Dear stranger,

I hope that one day you find the kind of love I was gifted with. It all started at a party my family hosted for the May long weekend this summer. I approached the first guy I had ever been crushing on this way. I kept thinking to myself how attractive he was and how good of a person he was. I started up a conversation about my failed dating attempts and how frustrating it was. We talked for a while and I felt like I was talking to my dream come true. He asked to take me out, we made plans for the following day. Part of me thought this wouldn’t end well, but most of me was just excited. I’d never really been on a date, but I was excited to see what he had in store. I spent forever picking out clothes that day which in retrospect was really funny. He picked me up around 730 and we went for a coffee. We had a great conversation, and then we headed to go watch fireworks. He drove up to this beautiful little lookout spot on the escarpment overlooking the whole town. We got out of the car and stood in front of the car just admiring the fireworks. He held me close and we talked while the stars shone above us and the fireworks went off in several spots across the town. I was in awe. I felt like I was in a movie. Standing with a dream man with clear stars and skies above, fireworks cracking repeatedly. Sounds like everyone’s dream movie scene right? Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, it did. He told me that he never brings people to this spot, that he only ever came alone. I asked why me? He looked at me and said cause its the perfect place for this and kissed me. We kissed and double the fireworks happening. We made our own. I felt like we were in our own little world, nothing else mattered. All that mattered was that kiss and us. He drove me home later that night, and when I got out of the car and walked into the house, I ran my finger along my bottom lip and quietly said to myself, he’s the one. Two days later we returned to that spot, again in the evening. We talked and made out, enjoyed the scenery and eachothers company. I was leaning on his chest, when out of nowhere he pipes up and says he wants to ask me something. Let me preface we are very old souls, always have been, always will be. Very old fashioned approach to life. He asked me bluntly if I would want to be his girlfriend. I held in my little screams of joy and refrained from jumping up and down like a child. So I replied of course, and just like that we were official. May 22 2019. Everytime we went out, or just chilled at home I realized more and more how serious my feelings were. On May 24, we went for a walk around a pond I frequented as a kid. Experiencing it again with him flooded me with emotion. We passed by some trees and had a stranger take a picture of us. I looked at him, and I told myself you are in love with him. That moment took me back to that first kiss, the sparks flying and the reality that didn’t feel real. I felt like I was living in a movie. Narrating the story to myself and getting lost in him. Two days later, we had a movie montage worthy afternoon. A picnic in a beautiful park. Cherry blossoms everywhere, complete serenity. We laughed and talked for hours. I was dying to say it. Those three words. When we finally got home, we said it. Me first and him to follow. The whole day felt like a dream. Everything leading up to this felt like a dream.

See now I could walk you through every single day we spent together. But like any good movie we have to have a montage. Where do I even begin? From breakfast in bed, to him bringing me a present after a bad week, or us breaking the fence in my yard from me sitting on it to kiss him. Then there was sex in cars, late night car rides and a shared love of music. We slow danced in a parking lot, and sang high school musical songs together in the car. We goof around always. Then there’s the way we just look into eachother. Or about a thousand other little things that we have together. Each of these memories was straight out of a movie and felt too good to be real. See though thats the best part- it is real. So real.

So when I say I hope you find a love like mine, its not because I want to rub it in your face. I say that because I would want nothing more than for someone to find a love as honest and real and life changing as ours is. I thought I knew what love was until I looked into his eyes. I wish everyone could have this kind of love. The kind where you know eachother so well it only takes a text to know something isn’t right. The kind where you would stand outside their window with a boombox or completely embarass yourself. The kind of love that stops you in your tracks and takes your breath away. The kind that brings you movie moments. The kind that makes you feel loved and empowered. The love that makes you feel safe and free. The love that has you dreaming about a wedding and kids and your future.

I want you to find a person who loves you as much as you love them. A person not afraid to love you loudly. A person who treats you right. A person who loves you so much that the first date didn’t even feel real. A person who looks at you the way they do in movies, with such raw emotion you can almost touch it. A person who builds you up and inspires you.

I hope you find someone who later tells you that you are the love of their life and that they knew it the first time they kissed you.

I found that person. I found that kind of love. The kind that makes me crazy happy. The kind I write 124 sticky notes about our love for. I found a love that makes me believe love is real. I found a man that completes me and empowers me everyday. An extraordinary man who inspires me everyday. He makes me feel liberated and excited. I knew I was in love with him right from the beginning. I know I will love him for the rest of my life. That brings me sheer bliss and joy. That kind of love in my life motivates me to be the best I can be. It’s every movie moment, and every gaze at eachother. Its every song, and dance and kiss. Its that first kiss. Its our story always playing in our minds like a story book thats too good to be true but it is true.

Anyways I hope you find this kind of love one day, because once you do, you will be forever changed. The beauty of this love is I am independent and although I could survive on my own I know I will thrive by his side.


A woman madly in love


About the Creator


Hey everyone! just a small town author here writing a bit of everything.

Feel free to email me ideas or just check out my socials!

[email protected]

Insta @Jpwrites.2

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