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Dear Diary 2021

It was me… I was just another hashtag. *Dedication to all of those who just became another hashtag.

By NikkiPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Dear Diary 2021
Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

March 1, 2021

I pull back from the kiss and smirk.

“Have a great day at work.”

“You too babe!”

“Drive safely”

“Thank you”

I looked out the window to make sure he was really gone.

It was go time people! I ran to my room and pulled out my luggage. I started grabbing the things I needed. The kids were still in school, so I acted like I was just cleaning around the house. I grabbed their clothes and their essentials.Serenity is done with class.

“Hey mama! Let me ask you something. If you could take one thing with you what would it be?”

“Ugh my phone!”

“Okay grab that, we are going to leave in a little bit.”

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise!” I say with a huge smile on my face. She raises an eyebrow. She starts examining all the stuff I am packing. I have everything from toilet paper to underwear. Orion is done with class.

“Hey papa! If you could take one thing with you, what would it be?”

“My Sonic comics!”

“Nice! Go grab them. We are leaving soon.”

“Where are we going?”

“We are going on an adventure.” A huge smile spreads across my face.I start loading everything in the car.

“Okay it’s time to go.” The kids are looking even more confused.

“Why are we leaving mom?” Serenity inquires.

“Because we are going on a special trip. Please get in and buckle up!”

“I want to know where we are going!”

“Okay! We are going to the bank, grabbing some lunch, and then our special destination.”

I pull out of the driveway and drive towards the bank. We walk up to the bank, it’s a long line just to get in. We take our place in line.

“What are we doing after the bank?” Orion asks.

“I told you earlier, we are getting lunch.”

“Yay! I want some McDonalds!” A huge smile spreads across his face.

“I don’t want anything!” She rolls her eyes, folds her arms, and turns away.

“You have to eat something my love.”

Just then, a woman walks past and hands me a card. It reads:

‘Jesus is with You.’ I smile as I read the card. We reach the teller and I request to withdraw my entire account.

“If I wanted to take his name off of my account, would I be able to do that now?”

“He has to be present in order to make that change.”

“I understand.I will handle that later.”

“Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“No, that was it, you were very helpful. Thank you!”

We drive over to McDonalds. As we are ordering, I receive a text message from Orion’s teacher.

“Hey, I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a hike with me.”

“Sorry, we are having lunch right now and I have plans later. Next time! We will plan something soon.”


We drive over to our new apartment building.

“Mom, what is a cemetery?”

“That’s just the name of the apartment building sweetie.”

We take the elevator to the 5th floor. We make it to our door. I turn the keys.

“We are here!” I look at the kids and smile.

“Where are we?” Serenity questions.

“This will be your new home for now.”

Confusion spreads across both of their faces.

“I will explain everything to you later.Let’s go bring our stuff in, please.”

Five elevator trips later, I notice that I have a missed call. They left a voicemail.

‘Hello Mrs. Cubias, my name is Officer Anderrson, I work for the Mission Valley PD. Your husband has informed us that you have abducted the kids and have taken them to an unknown location.He is concerned for their safety please call me back.’

My jaw drops and my heart starts racing. I take a deep breath in and dial his number.

‘Hello, This is Tiffany and I am returning your call.’

‘Thank you for calling me back. Your husband has informed us that you took the kids without his knowledge.’

‘No, I texted him, telling him that I was leaving with the kids.’

‘He doesn’t have any documentation with that information.’

‘I can send it to you.’ I put him on speaker and scroll through my phone. I checked our text thread. I scroll up and down five times. I hang my head low. I forgot to text him!

‘Umm, it looks like I forgot to send it to him.’

‘Okay Miss Cubias, I am going to need your address. I need to make sure the kids are okay.’

‘I will give you the address but he can’t know where I live.’

‘You have my word Miss, he won’t know your location.’

I tell him the address.

‘Okay, I’ll be there in about 15 minutes.’

‘Okay, see you in a bit.’

15 minutes later.

*Phone rings*

‘Hi, Miss Cubias, this is officer Anderson.’

‘Hi, we will be down in a minute.’

We meet them outside in front of the building.

“Hello Ms.Cubias, this is officer Ruiz. He’s going to talk to the kids, while I talk to you.”

Officer Ruiz walks over to the kids.

“Hello, you must be Serenity and Orion.”

“Hi.” they say in unison.

I look back to Officer Anderson.

“Okay, dad was afraid that the kids were in danger.”

I look at him confused.

“Why would they be in danger?”

“He told us that you are bi-polar and a drug addict.”

I turn around and clasp my mouth. I turn back to the officer.

“Wow! That’s really low! I am sorry that my husband lied to you officer Anderson. I have not been diagnosed with bi-polarism. I smoke cannabis here and there but I wouldn’t consider myself an addict.”

“Dad said that your daughter sent an alarming message, saying that you were taking the kids on vacation. Is that true?”

“Yes, I said that because I didn’t want to alarm the kids.”

I look over at Serenity. She looks away when we make eye contact.

“This is all your fault!” I yell over to her.

She turns her back to me.

“This is our first day here and the cops are here because of you.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about!” She turns around to face me.

“Miss I am going to need you to calm down!”

“No, she needs to hear how I am feeling right now! I am embarrassed about all of this!” I yell.

“Whatever! You’re crazy!” She yells back.

“I will show you crazy!” I yell back.

“Leave me alone!” She screams at the top of her lungs.

“Ms. Cubias I am not going to ask you again. Lower your voice!” He screams while his hand grips his gun.

“Excuse me for disciplining my kid!”

Serenity starts to walk away.

“Get back over here!” I demand.

“You ruined my life! Leave me alone.”

I start walking towards her.


“Momma!!!!” Orion screams.

“Mommy!!!!” Serenity falls to the ground and sobs.


“And cut!” I open my eyes. I look around. I am laying on my bed. I turn around and see Michael standing over me.

“Hmmmm, I think that was a little too dark. Let's do that scene again.”

“What?” I look at him with a puzzled look on my face.

“I want you to redo that scene again but this time, let’s have a brighter ending.”

“Yes! Thank you!Praise God”

“Amen!” He leans in and kisses me.

I wake up and sit up in bed. I look at the clock and it’s 4:13 AM. I grab my phone and go to the restroom. I look in the mirror. I scan my reflection.

‘Nope, I don’t see craziness.”

I got an email notification. It was from the blacklivesmatter organization. The email title was #JUSTICEBREONNATAYLOR


About the Creator


Sharing my gifts with the world. 💻

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    NikkiWritten by Nikki

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