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Dear 2020,

Dear 2020

By Spiritual Wizard Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Dear 2020,
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Dear 2020,

Thank you for becoming my greatest teacher of all time. I could not have asked for a more patient instructor as the wisdom I have gained will travel with me throughout my entire life span. If given the opportunity to enroll in your class again I would without hesitation. Every tear I shed allowed me to see the beauty in the pain that has been deeply embedded into my soul since my childhood. Our first lesson together I was insubordinate, and confused not fully grasping the concept of the lessons therefore I failed on multiple occasions. There was not any “New Student Orientation” pamphlet given, I went through the course just winging it like every soul does in the school humans call LIFE.

My least favorite subject throughout the semester was PAIN, and I experienced a large portion of that due to my own arrogance, and stupidity. It broke me down to my knees repeatedly until I could finally comprehend it’s true definition. Pain is not always physical, often times you can experience pain mentally, and spiritually that leads you down a path of destruction. Pain begins inside of your soul, and unless you can locate it within yourself it spreads externally like cancer affecting everything in it’s path.

Once the pain slowly leaves you, then and only then can you experience, and appreciate the value of life with a new perspective on life. Some of my favorite lessons can not be broken down into separate lessons on account of they where given to me all at once. COMPASSION, GRATITUDE, and KINDNESS.

Direct kindness out into the the Universe, and the Universe will shower you with compassion ten fold. Appreciate everything I do have in my life because at any given moment it could be taken away. Show gratitude for the family I do have, and the life that was given to me because people all over the globe suffered tremendously due to the Coronavirus. I endured many trials , and in spite of all of them when someone used their energy to be kind to me it made my heart melt. I now spread kindness around to any, and everyone that I am able to, because this dark world we inhabit as a species truly needs more kindness each , and everyday.

My year was not as bad as others around me, I have just been blessed with the strength to continue fighting even when the pain often times feel unbearable.Hey 2020 the world as a collective was very desperate for the year to end because you came, and impacted the lives of many. Humanity will never forget, but they will always remember the lessons you brought to teach them just as I have learned. I am not ready for the class to end because I am still learning. Can you hold my hand, and walk with me into the year of 2021. I need you to teach more more so I can grow more into the person I was born to be before I let society program me, and slowly poison my soul. It was bittersweet watching the world give birth to 2021 especially for myself, it was then I realized I still needed you. Dear 2020, can you guide me into 2021, but this go around can you please nurture my soul, because it is still recovering from years of childhood trauma I have yet to work through. Allow me to move forward in my life without the emotions of grief, so I am capable of shining my light to others who need my help. 2020 show mercy on my spirit this upcoming year, because the pain we went through is still inside of me, and it hurts at times.

Let’s walk into the New Year together and learn many new things. You are the instructor, and I am the student, and I am eager for our new semester together at “Universe University”

With Love, Kindness, Compassion, and Gratitude.


About the Creator

Spiritual Wizard

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