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Crossroad to happiness

Enticing moments

By Sherry jacksonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

After dropping the kids off at school I was looking forward spending a little time to myself looking for a dress to wear to the town summer dance tomorrow night. It had been close to two years since I had actively gone to any major event. I spent my time taking care of the kids and sometimes visiting family. Two years ago Was the time my marriage ended. It was a mutual agreement and we were friends now. We just grew in different directions.

I got out my car and had a hard time putting the change in the parking machine. I felt as though someone was watching me. When I turn around a man was starring at me from the doorway of the office next to where I had parked. . I couldn’t see his eyes because he had on sunshades but I assumed from the smile on his face that he was enjoying the view.

I quickly turn away and walked to a boutique a few buildings down.

Hey Bernice!

Said the owner as she greeted me at the entrance

Well, I haven’t seen you in a long time so I guess you are going to the town dance tomorrow and looking for something smashing? She asked.

Yes- what do you have to make a new me.

Hold on, she said as she looked me up and down, a darling dress just came in this morning just made for you.

After putting on the dress the owner picked for me- which I thought was a little too much!

Did you see attorney Mark’s new hire! He is a good looking one.

I hear he is looking to partnering with his uncle and living here.

In spite of it all I loved the dress it was a bold red and decided it was what I needed to get out of my mundane life style.

I was feeling pleased with my finding the perfect dress and hurried inside our town cafe to meet my friend

Dorthy for lunch.

I couldn’t wait to show her the dress and she really liked it.

She was giving me her home made advise since she was still

happily married and about finding someone else when I saw him behind her coming though the cafe door.

He stood and stared at her while my friend was deep into her conversation our eyes meet I think because he still had his shades on but it sent a rippling sock wave though my body. Dorthy became invisible to me for my focus had dramatically changed. I wasn’t there, at least not spiritually. I was in his arms feeling his strong arms around me when Dorthy

Woke me from my vivid imagination by calling loudly my name, asking if I was alright.

Yes- sorry, I apologize . You know I really have to go-

I rushed out the door leaving my friend mouth hanging open in surprise. I noticed him watching me as I rush pass his table.

The whole day I couldn’t get him

off my mind, so I decided to take a nap only to wake up pass the time to pick the kids up and when I looked out the window it was raining.

When I got to the school he was standing with my kids and Grace who was a friend of my daughter’s and the attorney’s grand daughter.

Oh I’m so sorry and thank you so

Much for waiting with my kids, I said to him as the rain spluttered on my face. He looked down at me still wearing his shades and that same seductive smile on his face.

“It was no problem,” he assured me.

I rushed the kids to the car but I tried to start the car, and it wouldn’t start.

He saw I was having a problem and got out of his car and came over to my window. I rolled it down feeling a little at a lost.

He suggested he take us home and he would get a toll truck to take care of the car. I went along with the idea.

Sitting next to him in the caras we rode in silence, the electrify between us was over whelming. When we got to my house the kids jumped out and ran to the house. He got out in the rain came around to my side and offered his hand to help me get out of his car and suddenly pulled me close to him. Then in the pouring rain he piled off his glasses and I could see in his dark grey eyes something - something that made me want to put my arms around and kiss him.and never stop. Then the sound of a loud thunder clash brought me back

to reality.

The night of the dance I was nervous as I entered in my bold red dress with red heels to match. In spite of the flashy color I looked as I passed by a mirror elegant. I marched over to get a drink from the buffet table without looking at anyone.

Maybe he didn’t come I said to myself. Then I felt someone close to me. He was standing behind me and he whispered in my ear.

“You look lovely tonight,” he said.

He picked up a glass of wine and gave it to me.

Thank you I said.

Can I talk to you on the balcony, he asked.

Before I could answer he had my hand in his and gently pulled me outside in the fresh night air.

There was one other couple over in the corner busy kissing.

He turn me to him.

I’m fascinated by you. I knew when I met the “one” I would know.

You draw me in some magical way, like a magnet I can’t pull away and I don’t want to—.

He took me by both of my shoulders and his lips found mine.

I didn’t resist and it felt like it was the first time I had ever been kissed for the thrill could not be matched. Afterwards

I layer my head in his shoulder as he caressed my hair.

Then I looked deep into his eyes I knew he was sincere. We kissed passionately this time for a long wonderful time.

“I knew there was a reason for me coming to work with my uncle, he declared- otherwise how would I had ever found you.

That night was the beginning for us! Our wedding was only six months later, it was at the court house, just he and me. I think that red dress sealed the deal, so I wore another red classy dress red matching red shoes with the addition of a bouquet of bright red sweet smelling roses.


About the Creator

Sherry jackson

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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