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Common Mistakes That Can Cost You Happiness in Married Life

You should avoid them at any cost.

By Dev DodsonPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Common Mistakes That Can Cost You Happiness in Married Life
Photo by Allison Heine on Unsplash

No matter how experienced you are, there are some common mistakes in married life that your partners are cursed to repeat over and over again.

Maybe you ended a relationship and you certainly promised yourself in your mind: "next time I will never do such a thing again, I learned from this". Well, you wake up repeating the same mistake with your new partner! Some things do not change even if your partner changes and it is up to you to follow your behavior and when you see that you are about to do something that you know will not have good consequences, stop!

There are common mistakes in married life that everyone makes, perhaps without realizing, but they have a profound effect on the relationship. A wrong first step would be to take control of your partner's life. Want to know everything he does, where he goes, with whom, and why.

It is normal to want to know how your partner spends his time when he is not with you, but some go too far with control: meaningless phone calls, endless queries, quarrels for no reason. Think about it right now and imagine that your partner is in town with some friends: you start to panic, you start to imagine that maybe she is a beautiful girl at the table or ex or… who knows who else?

It is a symptom that you want to control too much and you will never be able to control your destiny! A person is not a puppy to be trained to play nicely! Worse, you end up wanting to control his thoughts, to always know what and why he is thinking!

Let your partner be his person, otherwise, at some point, he will ask for his freedom back, because no one likes to feel in a cage, no matter how golden that cage is!

One of the most common mistakes in a couple's life is to think that a couple does EVERYTHING together: if he/she is watching something on TV, you want to watch it too, if he/she is reading a book, you want and you see what that book is about, if he/she goes out somewhere, you want to go too… But you have to realize that you are two distinct people, with your individuality and your preferences.

Give him space and time to do what he likes and don't get into his soul! Some activities are not suitable for activities as a couple and there is no point in feeling jealous just because he likes to do things that do not involve you!

Speaking of common mistakes in married life, this cannot be omitted: to believe that everything must always be pink and bright! Just because you have a successful relationship does not mean that everything is perfect and nothing bad will happen to you.

There will be hard times, there will be days when you almost feel like breaking your head with a frying pan. The mistake is to panic and react inappropriately when such moments occur! When everything is not so rosy, you get scared and start to have dark thoughts that maybe it would be better to break up! Don't pack up and jump in the rush! It is normal to have bad days and good days and no matter how difficult a situation may be, you will get over it!

Common mistakes in married life: to isolate yourself from your friends and to dedicate yourself completely to your relationship and your partner! No matter how much you are in love, you must not forget the outside world, you must not forget the people who love you and have supported you over time.

If you are estranged from your friends, one day you will wake up alone and without anyone to talk to and you will blame your partner, saying that because of you you got here! But it's not his fault, it's yours: you were so blinded by your love that you thought all that mattered was your partner.

Don't alienate yourself and always keep true friends with you, even if they don't get along very well with your partner! If you are true friends and your partner loves you, they will reach an armistice for you!

Among other common mistakes in married life is this: to give up your dreams in the name of love! Yes, in every relationship you have to make compromises, give up some things to receive others. But your dreams are not among those things you can give up!

This situation is common: the woman or man who gives up his dream job in another town/country to stay with his girlfriend! For example, if your dream was to apply for a scholarship in England, don't give up for her/him!

Eventually, postpone your dream for a while, but never let go, because then you are no longer you! And if your relationship is solid, it will withstand this test! You have to have the courage to fulfill your dreams because otherwise, you will disappoint yourself.

More importantly, you will end up blaming him/her after years and years: "Look, I gave up on you"! This is nothing but emotional blackmail! So, if your dream of a lifetime does not fit in well with the couple's relationship, give yourself and your relationship time to grow and you will reach a point where you will be able to fulfill your dream without affecting the relationship! It's all about never giving up!

There are many common mistakes in married life, we all make mistakes, it is normal and expected, but it is important to try to learn from these mistakes.

As stated at the beginning of this article, try to realize what mistakes you made in your last relationship and watch yourself closely in the current relationship to do everything you can to avoid repeating them. And never forget who you are!


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