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Lies That Keep a Couple Quiet

Do you lie?

By Dev DodsonPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Lies That Keep a Couple Quiet
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Everyone disapproves of lying as a couple because it's a horrible thing not to be honest with the one you love! But is it that horrible? Of course, sincerity is important, especially when it comes to feelings and thoughts about the relationship! So lying is generally taboo in a couple, but some small lies may sometimes be necessary - these are what the Americans call "little white lies".

When there is a life-saving lie: when you have nothing good to say and the truth would hurt your partner. Of course, the little life-saving lies do not refer to serious crises, such as infidelity, which are commonplace lies to keep the couple at peace.

The first lie in a couple seems necessary when the partner wants to find out about… ex-boyfriends/girlfriends! Sure, you could tell her the truth, but does she/he want to know how many they were, how good they looked compared to her/him, how well they kissed and how good they were in bed?

No, they don't want to know, these questions are asked out of jealousy and a masochistic need to torment themselves. So, you can consider that you are helping your partner - because you love him - by lying to him! Thus, the number of exes will decrease significantly, they will become a little uglier and more stupid than in reality and of course, much more unskilled in bed!

Another lie in the couple that keeps the harmony: the one you tell when he asks you for compliments about his appearance! If you were to tell him the truth, he might not like it, so sometimes - just sometimes, you make the situation a little worse! She/he doesn't want to know that she has gained too much weight, she asks this just so you can reassure her that she still looks good! And many times you don't even really lie, because you like what it looks like, you just blossom a little!

A lie in a couple that you can hardly get rid of refers to the professional life of your partner.

Do you know those moments when she/he talks and talks about something that happened at work while you are thinking about yours and muttering "of course"? Well, the time will come when he will ask you things like: "Do you think I'm wasting my time with this profession?", "Do you think my idea will be appreciated by the boss?", Etc.

And you will have little choice but to lie shamelessly! And this small and innocent lie you tell her anyway for him/her: to give him / her confidence and courage and to make him/her believe that he/she is the best in what he/she does and that he/she will succeed!

Now, a not-so-innocent lie in a couple is one about certain minor incidents, for example, accidental date with an ex, this time a non-accidental date with a colleague over coffee (even if without hidden intentions), an invitation received from an attractive stranger (of course refused), a drunken evening with the girls/boys…

If they found out about these small incidents, the partner would do nothing but get angry, so that you help him/her and relieve him/her of this inconvenience by not telling him/her!

Only you personally didn't do anything wrong, you didn't know that you were going to meet your ex, going out for coffee was purely friendly, you didn't ask for the invitation, and the evening of drunkenness … well, the evening of drunkenness is a group secret between girls/boys and you can't betray the group!

Regarding your evenings spent with friends, there is another "little" lie in the couple that you probably can't get rid of: when your partner wants to spend as much time together as possible or to go somewhere together and you are forced to say "Yes, of course, I'd rather stay here with you" or worse, "Yes, of course, I want to come with you to your birthday, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." Yes, you will find that she has to lie from time to time for everything to be fine…

To lie when she/he wants you to spend a quiet evening together and you can only think about a beer/coffee with friends… and to lie when you prefer to be anywhere, but only at a family reunion or with her / his friends…

It is normal for a couple to have small differences in your preferences and it is normal for you to need your time to spend outside the couple! But if the Evil One and the Holy One makes you say to him: "darling, tonight I don't want to stay, I feel like going out" or "darling, don't go there alone, it would seem horrible to me and not I would have something to do ", then the Evil One to help you get out of trouble…

There is no way out, sometimes you have to compromise and do what your partner wants and not what you want, but even more, to say that you want to do what she/he wants!

Because if you obey, but you understand that it is not exactly your dream to be alone with him/her or to go with him/her to who knows what horrible family event, you will never get rid of reproaches like: "I never I don't feel the need to leave you "," I always support you and I come with you where I need to go ", etc, etc… This is the situation, you have to learn to give up from time to time what you want and endure with maturity and spirit of sacrifice the torments of meetings with her / his relatives or less charming friends! After all, she/he does the same for you, so you have no illusions that your relatives or friends would be more eastern!

The idea of ​​this article is not to encourage lying in the couple in any case, he just wants to show that in the end, total sincerity does not exist! But everything is ok as long as it's just these little innocent lies!

But if lying becomes a habit and you start lying out of pure convenience more and more often, then you are no longer so innocent! Tell a lie only when it is needed - very rarely, it is useful, but even then you could try to tell the truth, who knows, maybe your partner will amaze you by being understanding when you expected him to shout!


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