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Common fat loss mistakes and common sense during fitness

Can you lose fat by eating less?

By MargiePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

I started working out when I was 17, and I've been working out for almost 30 years now. Time span is quite long, so feeling also accumulated a lot, but now want to share, it is everyone in the process of fitness fat reduction common fat reduction error and common sense.

First, for example, many people think that by eating less, they can lose fat. This sounds logical, but what we need is to strategically plan our diet. Because if we drastically cut calories in the short term, the results could be bad. At first, you'll feel tired and maybe cranky from the drop in your blood sugar. If you continue to diet, your body will start to sound the alarm. Your body will store more fat than metabolizing it, and even though everything you do is to burn fat, your body will be forced to burn muscle for fuel. What's more, it's a natural human desire to enjoy food, so why would we do anything against "humanity"? Therefore, in our daily life, we should pay attention to the two principles of "balanced" and "not excessive" diet. The quantity of heat of human body comes from 3 kinds of basic nutrition: carbohydrate, adipose, protein, add other although do not have quantity of heat, but it is the nutrient that all sorts of function operation place of the body is necessary however, include moisture, mineral, vitamin, fiber to wait, just can let a person's body function is sound. So, don't cut out food to lose weight, or avoid certain types of food for fear of gaining weight, but in your diet throughout the day, absorb a balanced variety of essential nutrients.

And remember one thing: don't overdo it. Some people always eat to "eat until full", but it takes time for the stomach to convey the message of satiety to the brain, in fact, you may already "eat too full" and do not know it, so that you eat excessive food and calories, will become fat. Try to eat at each time, reduce the original portion, eat to seven or eight full stop, habit, will therefore naturally thin down. If you eat too much, exercise an hour or two after eating to avoid unnecessary nutrients. If you are hungry between meals, you can supplement some nutrient-rich foods, such as tea eggs, whole-wheat bread, bananas, soybean milk, etc., which can not only make you feel full, but also convert into some nutrients generated by muscles.

Second, do exercise is not equal to successful weight loss. It is true that each kind of exercise will consume calories, but the same kind of exercise to do more, it is not easy to lose weight, this is because after muscle habit, not so laborious, weight loss, fitness effect is less, the best way is to choose a few you like sports, alternate, such as: Sometimes climb a mountain, sometimes swim, this week often play ball, next week often ride a bicycle, let the movement muscle exchange continuously, can achieve the best effect.

Third, many people who want to reduce fat think that fat reduction needs to do a lot of aerobic, but the really efficient way to reduce fat is anaerobic, muscle training, with aerobic together, and aerobic exercise is not a simple run, but also to know that the intensity is not too large, the time is not the longer the better.

Finally, we must remember to warm up before aerobic, and the intensity and time of exercise should be gradually increased, must choose their strength and exercise time flexibly according to their own physical condition, can also flexibly choose sports, cycling, playing basketball, rock climbing, hiking, shooting, skiing can! Find your favorite project and stick to it. Like me, you too can have better health, more energy and open up endless possibilities!


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