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Colors Everywhere

Our Culture Renewed

By Janis E.Published 3 years ago 3 min read

There seems to be this misconception on what racism is and how it's being directed. For too many years, African Americans have been the targets of these discriminatory acts, and in the most recent decades, these racist acts have expanded to pretty much every other race and cultures.

There's no doubt that the darker your skin, the more suffering you endure. But racism can also go the other way.

Honestly, I blame our society—our old society. It's understandable, humanity in the older days were not as "in tune" with cultural differences. Mankind was always on the defense and power hungry. But somehow, we've allowed our past to drag into the present; and more than likely, it will continue to drag on into the future if we don't make a complete stop.

Unfortunately, we don't have the power to control what other's think, say, or feel. Nor do we want to, because at that point, we'd be stripping even our own freedom. However, we DO have the power to control our own thoughts, words, and feelings. We could easily use our ability to control our actions to make a difference, even if it's just in our own neighborhoods.

I always felt blessed being a part of the "black" community. Being able to enjoy tasteful food, enjoy good company, and have the privilege of learning afro-dance before it was even in style. Though, I enjoyed being a part of the culture, I was saddened to be a victim of racism from one of the most beautiful colors in the world.

Growing up, I was the target of some pretty racist words. I'm from Miami, FL, and went to school at Charles R. Drew Elementary & Middle School located in Liberty City. I transferred there from a primarily Hispanic school in the heart of Little Havana. When I transferred there, I was unaware that it was a "black" school. I had begged my mother many months prior to put me in some kind of dance class, and so she ended up transferring me to Drew, a magnet school.

Being in a school with majority of the staff and students being African Americans was delightful, and refreshing. And I couldn't wait to start my dance classes.

Attending a school where there was barely a handful of Hispanic children, or "whites", was fun. But I had to learn how to defend myself. This is where I learned that racism lives in all, not just the "white" community. If I could count the many times I was called "white", I would be pretty rich right now.

It didn't bother me being called "white", but it was definitely tiresome having to educate others that there was a difference between whites and Hispanics. And the attempt to educate others was futile.

This was a major culture shock for me.

I remember this one time, a young boy in my class called me a white cracker. I got so mad at him, I called him a burnt cracker as my self-defense. (Please note, I was and still am really bad at come backs.) He got so offended that he snitched on me, telling the teacher I was being racist.

My question is, how can I be a racist when I love all people, no matter the color, the language, or religion?

I felt joy being a part of the community, as I would being a part of ANY community. There was no shame, just a love so profound that I so badly wanted to be accepted and loved the same way.

Even now, there seems to be this crazy separation. I am this and I am that...

No, I refuse to be a part of that. We are one. One world, one race. Humanity is one.

Our culture needs to be renewed, revamped, and re-established.

The moment we stop putting emphasis on the survival and equalization of one color, that is the moment we can truly call ourselves "woke".

The moment we stop being racist within our own communities, "Black" vs. "Black", Hispanic vs Hispanic, and so on, that's when the cycle will be broken.

The moment we stop fighting with violence, and start fighting with kindness, that is the moment our lives will improve.

Change your wavelength, make a difference. Educate yourself. Stop being blinded by hate. Stop putting money in pockets of those benefitting from our struggles and pain.

Take the time to learn from others, we all have a story. Be willing to openly share yours, and be open to listen to theirs. Close your eyes and listen to their heart, their soul. Dive into their world, see their struggles and their accomplishments.

Fight peacefully together. Fight for a better world. Together we can, one color at a time.

We are slowly making progress. For now, let's focus on strengthening our "black" community. Embrace their culture.

Dance to their music, eat their food, vibe with them—it's that simple.


About the Creator

Janis E.

I'm a writer, a dancer, and a photographer. I love being creative because hey, why not! Creativity sells, entertains, and inspires. And I am all for it! ;)

Let's get to it!

Yours Truly,

Janis E.

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