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City of Giants Unearthed!

Ethiopian natives assist scientists in the hunt for giants

By Julia SaundersPublished about a year ago 3 min read
City of Giants Unearthed!
Photo by Nikhil Singh on Unsplash

Archaeologists from the University of Exeter's Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies have made an incredible discovery in Ethiopia: the remains of a long-lost city that is believed to have been inhabited by giants. The city, which is thought to date back to the 10th century AD, was found in Harlaa, a small town in eastern Ethiopia. This incredible discovery has opened up a new chapter in the history of the region, revealing new insights into the past civilizations of Ethiopia.

The discovery of the forgotten city has been a breakthrough for archaeologists, who had been searching for years for evidence of ancient human remains in the area. However, it was the legends and tales of giants in the region that piqued the interest of researchers, leading them to search for evidence of ancient towns and cities that might have once housed these enormous creatures. Some of the structures in the area are so enormous that only giants or people with extraordinary strength could have possibly lifted the stones that make up the buildings.

While there is no conclusive proof of the existence of giants in Harlaa, the discovery of the city has shed new light on Ethiopia's history. Archaeologists have found that Ethiopia was much more connected to the rest of the world than previously thought. Evidence of a mosque from the 12th century was discovered nearby, along with Islamic burials and tombstones. The site also contained artifacts from Egypt, Madagascar, the Maldives, Yemen, and China, as well as coins, glass vessel fragments, rock crystal, and glass pottery. These discoveries suggest that between the 10th and 15th centuries, Harlaa was a prosperous trading center with strong ties to numerous other nations.

"What we have discovered indicates that this area was the hub of trade in that area," said Timothy Insoll, the lead archaeologist from the University of Exeter. The city was a wealthy, international hub where jewelry was crafted and then transported to be sold in surrounding areas. A mixed community of foreigners and locals lived in Harlaa, and they traded with people from as far away as the Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea. It is still unclear just how far items crafted in Harlaa could have made it around the world, but researchers are determined to find out.

Archaeologists are continuing to study the site to learn more about the city's inhabitants and historical background. Around 300 people from the city's cemetery are currently being studied to learn more about the people who lived in Harlaa earlier in time. While no conclusive proof of the existence of giants in the city has yet been discovered, many of the locals believe it to be true. The legends and tales of giants in the region have been passed down for generations, and while they may be difficult to prove, they continue to capture the imaginations of people around the world.

Ethiopia has a rich and colorful history, filled with stories of great empires, religious relics, and legendary creatures. Some people believe that the Ark of the Covenant was once held in Ethiopia, before being stolen by members of the Vatican. Others believe that the Ten Commandments are still being held and carefully guarded somewhere within the country. Whether giants ever inhabited Ethiopia, or any other part of Africa for that matter, is still a mystery. However, the discovery of the long-lost city in Harlaa is a reminder that there are still many secrets waiting to be uncovered.

The discovery of the long-lost city in Harlaa is an exciting development for archaeologists and historians, as it provides new insights into the past civilizations of Ethiopia. The site's rich history as a prosperous trading center is evidence of the country's strong ties to other nations during the medieval period. While the legends of giants may be difficult to prove, they serve as a reminder of the power of mythology and the enduring impact of oral traditions in shaping our understanding of the past. Across cultures and throughout history, myths and legends have been used to explain natural phenomena, offer moral guidance, and create a shared sense of identity and history. The stories of giants in Harlaa and other parts of the world may not be backed up by concrete evidence, but they still hold immense cultural significance and offer insights into the beliefs and values of past societies. By studying these stories and the artifacts left behind by the people who told them, archaeologists and historians can gain a better understanding of the lived experiences and cultural practices of ancient communities. In this way, the legends of giants can serve as a gateway to deeper knowledge and understanding of the human past.

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About the Creator

Julia Saunders

Hi there! My name is Julia, I'm a mom, influencer, and freelance professional. I've been a freelancer for 4 years now, and I have many things i specialize in, English being my most loved!

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  • 𝐑𝐌 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐧about a year ago

    Interesting and well written! Thanks for sharing this.

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