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By Chisom PeacePublished about a year ago 3 min read

Have you ever been tempted to sneak a peek at a classmate’s answers while writing a test or an examination? Have you ever been tempted to inflate figures in order to gain your boss' approval, meet a deadline or get a promotion? Perhaps you have tried to maximize profits through the use of dishonest scales in your business activities.

The aforementioned are examples of scenarios that could lead to cheating. Cheating is one of the most common unethical behavior prevalent worldwide. but no matter how enterprising it seems, cheating comes with grave consequences for individuals, businesses and the society. Today, cheating is common in schools, businesses, government and even relationships.

This article aims at addressing some reasons why people engage in cheating especially in schools and businesses as well as the repercussions. (For simplicity, the terms cheating and dishonesty are used interchangeably.)

The rate of cheating in examination among students in Nigeria is alarming. Alice, an SS3 student notes: "you look bizarre if you don't cheat along with fellow students." For many, cheating has become the easiest way out of a difficult situation. Everyday and everywhere, from the classroom to the boardroom, dishonesty is on the the increase.

In one survey, lack of preparedness, constant pressure from parents to get good grades and competitiveness was found to be the major reasons students cheat. Educators are amazed at how prevalent the practice of cheating has become. The big question is "why choose not to cheat?"

One purpose of educating children is to inculcate in them valuable ethics that will equip them for life during adulthood. However children who exhibit dishonesty by cheating fail to learn valuable skills and this can hinder their progress in many areas of life. And what is more,they find it difficult to function efficiently at workplace and because they do not believe in their own abilities, they begin to cut corners and risk getting caught. Such people can be likened to counterfeit products disguised as genuine ones. The result is often disappointing. Furthermore academic dishonesty lowers self confidence and erodes independence; vital qualities needed throughout adulthood.

"Many employees today present certificates and documents that are not true representation of their capabilities." observes one employer, "this too is cheating." The business world is also plagued with this menace. In business, each time you engage in a transaction, you risk getting cheated. Employees constantly seek for avenues to cheat their employers by stealing time, inflating figures etc. Employers too deliberately make policies and decisions to defraud or cheat their employees. The reputation of an organization depends on the integrity of its representatives, but when their ethical code is questionable, the image of the organization is seriously jeopardized and this is bad for business. Studies have shown that people who cheat their way through school may bring this habit to their workplace and this can hamper productivity.

People who cheat believe that honesty places them at a disadvantage compared to those who cheat and get away with it. This is a skewed perception. Of course cheaters risk getting caught; which may involve embarrassment, expulsion\ job termination, a ruined reputation amongst others.

What can be done? Educators should cultivate the habit of commending and rewarding efforts and progress as much as they reward good grades. This helps to reduce the urge to cheat in order to gain validation. It also serves to boost the students' confidence and good ethics. The notion that only good students get good grades should be discarded as this is not always true. Parents should be anxious to see their children succeed but definitely not through the wrong means; they should not turn a blind eye to dishonesty.

While many consider cheating\dishonesty as the quickest way out, in reality, it is a disaster in disguise. Everyone must work hard not to 'catch' the plague.

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About the Creator

Chisom Peace

Life is hardly what it seems

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