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Change Perspective to Destress

Life is full of stressors, internal and external.

By Dean GeePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Change Perspective to Destress
Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

We all have stress continually in our lives, some of us worry and get anxious about the future, others get anxious about the past, and let that define them.

I am one of those thinking of the future always and what will happen, and in my work I have many stressors, a lot of things that I have no control over but I stress about them? It’s very foolish of me, but that’s what I do.

Past Failures

For those who stress about something in the past, let nothing define you. Failures or things we mess up are wonderful teachers. They teach us to change our behaviour they give us deeper insight and they make us wiser.

I messed up completely once in an international presentation. It wasn’t that I forgot what I was going to say, or was stressed about talking. It was that I presented the wrong information. I was trying to warn the business about a pending catastrophe, but the directors at the time were not interested. They wanted to hear only the good news. They were not there to give insight or advice, even though they stated that was the reason they were there.

When it came down to it, they really didn’t want to think, they wanted the rest of us to solve everything and then when it went pear-shaped they could point fingers. (At the same time they were trying to restructure, so this gave them an option to do so.) Pretending they knew nothing of the looming threats kept them nice and cosy in their jobs.

Stress about the future

I remember Master Oogway in Kung Fu Panda saying and I quote, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift… that’s why they call it present.” The original quote from Bill Keane is, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift from God, which is why we call it the present.”

If only we could all apply that thinking to every stressful situation we face.

In any movie where a stressful event happens like an earthquake or bomb blast etc. Anything life threatening causes people to focus in on survival, living moment to moment. We should apply the same thinking, rather than live our lives in our heads, we should live in the moment. Be present and worry only about what the situation is.

I am a fine one to talk. I like to plan out my whole life prior to living it. Then when things don’t go according to my prior thinking. I get despondent. I did this for years until I realized I was living like a computer. Too rigid, not flexible enough to adapt to change and circumstance.

We can have a plan of where we are heading and what we want to achieve, but remember life is going to throw curve balls, and it is in those moments that we need to be flexible and adapt and adjust.

Cross that bridge when you get to it

We can make preparations for ‘what if’ scenarios, but life is more interesting and more filled with intrigue when we take calculated risks. In order to grow we need to take some risks as long as we aren’t throwing all caution to the wind, senselessly.

My new outlook is to plan and do, and adjust as you go, cross that bridge when you get to it. Don’t run away from the bridge and do nothing.


Have you ever looked up at the stars at night? Have you ever thought about how huge our universe is, and how small your problem actually is. For people who increase the magnitude of problems in their minds like I used to. It is always good to gain perspective. Also, think of all that you have and are blessed with. Think of the problems that others need to navigate and then you will gain a perspective on your own problems. That’s what works for me every time I get hung up and too focused on my own problems. Looking at it from a different perspective also assists in coming up with solutions.

Final thoughts

Whether you worry about the future, or allow a past failure to define you, always change your perspective.

Observe the world around you, the size and magnitude of the universe, centre yourself again.

Observe the struggles that others have to deal with and then put your struggles and worries into perspective.


About the Creator

Dean Gee

Inquisitive Questioner, Creative Ideas person. Marketing Director. I love to write about life and nutrition, and navigating the corporate world.

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