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Breaking The Cycle

Understanding the Impact of Intergenerational Poverty on Individuals

By Axa y OxoPublished 12 months ago 4 min read
Breaking The Cycle
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Intergenerational immobility refers to the cycle of social and economic disadvantages that persist across generations. It's when individuals find it difficult to improve their socioeconomic status compared to their parents.

Most of the research on intergenerational immobility is done by researchers and scientists who haven't experienced generational poverty firsthand. As a result, the solutions they recommend often fail to capture the true realities and struggles faced by those affected. These solutions typically focus on government interventions without considering the psychological effects of long-term poverty.

One key issue is that these solutions are implemented without effectively communicating the actual problems to the people they're intended to help. For example, researchers might propose "more education" as a solution and then return some years later to assess its impact on intergenerational immobility. The solutions dont solve the issue(s) because the loop of implementing solutions that create more issues is how jobs and tax exempts are created. Those affected by generational poverty can benefit greatly from this realization

By Kristina V on Unsplash

Involving and Informing those affected is essential for achieving better results. However, informing is not adequate and forcing a realization on to someone is near impossible , even when the person is in the most content mindset and circumastances. This large group is harder to reach due to the asocciated trauma.

That trauma is also (inter)generational.

Its a lot to ask of someone in this position to take on generations of inequality and injustice as an individual to solve. As I see it though, its the only road available that can lead to a sustainable solution , instead of a perpetual grind we grind until enough individuals are reached to facillitate a shift.

While there is much more to explore on this topic, this article will primarily focus on the effects of generational poverty on individuals. Understanding this is crucial , before delving into solutions and then getting into the logistics of turning solutions into actionable steps.

By That's Her Business on Unsplash

Intergenerational trauma refers to the transmission of the effects of trauma across generations, even when individuals in later generations did not directly experience the traumatic event themselves. This concept suggests that the experiences of trauma can have lasting impacts on the psychological and emotional well-being of subsequent generations

For instance, some studies have used animal models to explore how exposure to stress or trauma impacts the genes and behavior of the next generation. Other research has focused on groups of trauma survivors and their children to identify patterns of mental health issues or other negative outcomes that could be connected to the transfer of trauma between generations. Scientists have also utilized molecular biology techniques like DNA methylation analysis to investigate the epigenetic changes associated with intergenerational trauma transmission. These investigations have revealed specific genes or sections of DNA that display different levels of methylation in the offspring of trauma survivors compared to those in control groups. Collectively, the evidence indicates a correlation between parental trauma exposure and unfavorable outcomes in their children, suggesting that epigenetic mechanisms might be involved

I am a realist with skeptical tendencies, but even I find the power of positive thinking in humans remarkable. A basic example of this is the placebo effect and many known theories and solutions of varying complexity can all be translated into simple terms as: "Fake it until you make it." This is also an effective coping mechanism used by humans to help them deal with uncomfortable situations and emotions; in essence, it is a mechanism we are adapt to and is a part of our collective experience.

However, a disturbing contrast emerges when it comes to generational immobility. The power of negative thinking, an inverse placebo effect, has taken root through multiple types of intergenerational damage.In fact, this mindset becomes an even greater obstacle to overcoming poverty than the causes and solutions uncovered by these studies, or the resulting "solutions" that are implemented. It is truly disheartening to witness the detrimental impact it has on individuals and communities.

By Alma Snortum-Phelps on Unsplash

All these complex causes and non-solutions have become an entire system on their own and as I mentioned before ; solutions are not the priority of those who come up with and implement them , its just that not solving them is more profitable to them.

Breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty requires a holistic approach that goes beyond traditional solutions. It demands a deep understanding of the psychological effects of long-term poverty and the transmission of trauma across generations. Informing and involving those affected by generational poverty is crucial to achieving meaningful change

By Mahdi Dastmard on Unsplash

I created a website that provides information on low and no-budget alternative investment platforms.I believe in ethical and inclusive financial growth, where everyone has the opportunity to improve their socioeconomic status regardless of their background. By sharing these platforms,I am doing this for myself without compromising my morals. With my website, I also hope to provide links, tools, resources, and insights to help someone realize their potential and have a safe environment to learn and grow . The lowest-risk opportunities and strategies in a high-risk arena can help you become comfortable with experiencing losses instead of being triggered or re-traumatized by them.

Click here if you want to take a look at the work in progress:

AI generated Image of a Bitcoin with Whippedcream and a Cherry on top

I strongly believe that solutions can only be achieved by individuals. We can still experience solidarity though; we can pay it forward as we go, get traction, and build momentum.

Wanting financial freedom is not greedy, and in this blog, I will show that you don't need to compromise or do without. It's like passive income: you work intensively for one stretch of time , and if you do it correctly, it then becomes a matter of maintenance, keeping an eye on it. We can do it!

  1. Learn More about Social Mobility Examples & Types :


About the Creator

Axa y Oxo

Most my adult life I rejected money and refused to have anything to do with it. The Grind still is the stuff of nightmares imo. Studying blockchain and DeFi showed me I don't reject money, I reject it as the only expression of value.

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