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"Breaking Free From Old Baggage"

Learning To Thrive In Healthy Relationships!

By A Women's VoicePublished 3 years ago 2 min read

We often carry around a lot of old dirty baggage that no longer serves us. And initially, we serve it for so long that we lose ourselves, our purpose, our willpower to live, and have a healthy productive life. I've come to an understanding that I have brought that baggage into my personal life and relationships, without realizing it would have a very negative outcome in my future relationships.

We were not taught to heal. We were not taught to love ourselves. In fact, we were shown to chalk it up, get over it, and get moving. So as soon as the next guy came along you tucked your tail and you went with the flow. Sure he was great in the beginning and all exciting but soon his true colors would emerge and you would be forced to see the real him.

Now did that stop you? Did you see what you saw or are you just going to act as if you didn't see those behavioral tendencies? Oh sure you saw them, but you are mentally trained to ignore warning signs. The ones that say, do he have a serious drug problem, or did he just steal my money. I know he didn't just put his hands on me.

Ladies this is nothing to be ashamed of. Some of us are still struggling with the choices we've made. Believing that we could have somehow changed the trajectory of the story. when in fact, we never gave us the time to heal from past relationships and toxic people. And not only that but we ourselves never had the opportunity to heal from our childhood experiences.

So we unintentionally brought our pain and struggles in the relationship hoping for someone to cure it, heal it, nurture and protect it. When they themselves were full of toxicity. The bottom line here ladies is to heal from the inside out. Make you a priority first, get in tune with your emotional state. Be clear about your intentions, be clear about what you expect, and don't expect.

Remember when it comes to your mind, body, and soul you possess the outcome. you set the standards on what you allow. So stay adamant, stay focused, and lastly stay vigilant. There will be red flags. Do not, I repeat do not dismiss them, they can be a deal-breaker. You don't have to spend your whole life in a relationship trying to put pieces to a puzzle that never fit in the beginning.

You were meant to live this spectacular, beautiful life and have all the freedom to live it as you please. So never conform to anyone who makes you feel uneasy or frightened. Remember to take the time to heal and never bring old baggage to a new claim it will never work. Always make sure you're ready for future relationships and never rush into anything that you are not sure of. Taking your time in a new relationship is essential to you and your future partner so make sure that you are absolutely ready to move forward and that you are not carrying old luggage with outdated plans.

In closing, I would like to say that most of the stories I write about are usually a depiction of my life, something I have gone through and is going through. And I believe in sharing my pain and or struggles with my audience in hopes of helping those who may be going through similar events in their life. We all need to know that we are not alone.


About the Creator

A Women's Voice

Hi, my name is Tada Foreman I currently run a blog called A Women's Voice. I write about different topic and issues that affect Everyday life. The goal is to help those overcome their struggles. I created this blog to help heal the world.

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