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Biblical Secrets for Startup Business Success

The Secret Weapon of Billionaires

By Nathal NortanPublished 15 days ago 5 min read

The Bible offers a wealth of wisdom that can be applied to building a successful startup. Many times we believe more in what we think we know than looking up to what God can download within us. God’s way are more secure and heavily protected against failure.

There are a few general, common-sense principles that you should apply to help determine whether any investment is wise for you. Though some of these concepts are biblical, basic, and wisely known, you would be amazed how often people overlook them.

Here are some key biblical foundations to consider as a startup.

1. Never invest in an Arena you Don’t Know a Lot About.

Eager to get into business for themselves, many people have bought into ventures that they know little or nothing about. Many of these have had disastrous results. With all the demands of business, nobody needs to be playing catch-up on how the business works.

Additionally, how can you ever do a valid evaluation unless you know what you are looking at? Every industry has its own peculiarities, hidden hazards, and set of risks.

Unless you are very familiar with the industry, it will be impossible for you to assess the value of the business to you or to know how to make it successful. (Proverbs 24:5)

2. Explore All the Factors

It is rare when you can, at first look, see the real potential and associated risks of an opportunity. Spend all the time necessary to get all the facts.

Before jumping into anything, there are often many ‘’hidden’’ factors that are left up to you to uncover. ‘’ A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps’’ (Proverbs 14:15).

3. Evaluate Your Data

Review the facts you gather to determine if there is really an opportunity for you. Will it really make the profit needed? Can it produce enough to justify the investment?

Is there a real market? ‘’Every prudent man acts out of knowledge, but a fool exposes his folly’’ (Proverbs 13:16).

4. Educate Yourself

No matter how good the opportunity is, you will never be able to make the most of it unless you are prepared. Get all the ‘’how to’’ training and information you can. The more prepared you are the more likely your prospects for success.

5. Apply your Own Tools

David took his own tools, a staff and a sling, because he knew these tools and was skilled with them. While the king’s Armor worked for Saul, David’s equipment worked for him and got him the victory he was believing God for.

All too often, individuals jump into opportunities to invest precious resources, time, money, and talent, only to be gravely disappointed and even suffer severe losses when it does not work out as anticipated.

What worked at another time, in another place, and for someone else, may not work for you at this time for many reasons. Here are just a few:

1. The conditions you are dealing with are not exactly the same; The talent and abilities God developed within you can’t be effectively applied this way:

2. God’s purpose for you may actually take you along a different path;

3. Doing what the world has done doesn’t always produce God’s intended results; and

4. The validity of the opportunity may last only a short time because it was fad-driven.

This does not mean that we don’t look at the success (or lack of it) others have had when we are making our decisions.

It is to our advantage to observe the results other may or may not be getting to determine if something could be feasible for us.

We can learn much about how to approach certain options to gain the best result (and should always be ready to learn) from others mistakes and successes as well as our own.

6. Wise Planning

Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts’’ (Proverbs 24:3–4,TLB).

“Everything that glitters isn’t gold.” Every deal you will be presented with is usually packaged in its Sunday best. Only with diligent investigation can you be sure of what may be getting.

Some of the best sources of information will be others in the same business. They can tell you a lot about the pitfalls and rewards, since they have uncovered them personally. If you can’t find out enough to make a valid decision, it is better to pass it up “(Proverb 21:16).

7. Don’t Start Something you Can’t Afford to Finish

Every business requires more resources than the basic costs of the business (rent, utilities, merchandise, purchase price (if buying).

There are myriad of costs that many folks never think of until they meet them face-to-face after starting-up.

Be sure that you have reviewed every possible cost, including the initial investment. Then look honestly at your resources to be sure you have more than enough to get the business really established (Luke 14:28–30).

8. If it Looks Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is

If, after looking into the venture and asking all the questions, all you see is the “Sunday best” and you haven’t uncovered any downside, then walk away.

No business venture is without risk. If that were true, everybody would be wanting in and everyone would be making millions of dollars.

The fact that something has a downside or risks does not make it unfavorable. Not knowing what these are, is what will get you in trouble,” (Proverbs 23:4).

The Bible encourages perseverance through challenges (James 1:2–4). The startup journey will have obstacles, and maintaining faith and a positive attitude can be crucial.

Remember, these are just a few principles. It’s important to explore the Bible yourself for further guidance and inspiration.

If you want to read the full 14 Biblical Principles for Start Up Success, you can download the full article on my GumRoad Account Here:

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Nathal Nortan

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Embark on a journey through the sultry landscape of love, science, and technology. I'm an unapologetic wordsmith and fervent explorer of the heart's deepest desires. My tales are woven with threads of deep care for humanity.

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  • Ricardo de Moura Pereira15 days ago

    Very good

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