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Be You. Even If That Means Simply Taking Up Space

What are the odds of your existence?

By James SsekamattePublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Be You. Even If That Means Simply Taking Up Space
Photo by Ben Sweet on Unsplash

When I think about my existence and that of other individuals around the world, I am filled with so much happiness and gratitude.

Imagine that your chances of coming here were basically zero and yet you still overcame those odds and are now present in this life.

When you get here, depending on where you are born, people begin molding you into ideal social constructs that they know best.

As individuals, however, none of us while here on earth as babies ever get to pick and choose what ideas we accept as ideal or not.

A blank canvas we all are. We begin assimilating ideas and concepts of those who were here before us. Soon we have belief systems that we are willing to fight for till our death.

Someone across the world thinks their beliefs are absolute as well. In the end, we who were individualized beings of limitless potential find ourselves full of nothing but a sum of our insecurities.

We have our identities tied up in the little things own and what we have managed to accomplish. What we push against are the opposing ideas that we were told not to entertain.

Some of those are the very ideas that are supposed to free us and lead to our advancement in life. Yet we choose to oppose them. Someone looks at a nice house and instead of being inspired, they get filled with jealousy and resentment as if the acquisition of desires is a zero-sum game.

The framework of reality we hold sometimes does not match where we want to be and we are left with conflicting loyalty between our own desires and those of society.

This goes on for most of us until we are faced with a decision to make. The majority learn how to throw their desires aside and take up what’s “tried and true”.

Once in a while, some choose to move towards the non-tested paths. They are opened up to new realities outside what they thought possible.

The most common split comes when people have to face the reality of making money. They have to find a way to survive or die. Sometimes they have other people they are responsible for.

I have been on both sides of this conflicting loyalty when it came to what I wanted to do with my life. I have had jobs in the past and I now run my own businesses.

But whether we choose to listen to society or follow our hearts, there is one thing we can never get rid of. That is our own selves.

When we are alone, we will always be getting ideas from within our awareness like an evaluation of how well we are doing in life and how to best correct it.

Not gonna lie sometimes the remedies suck. They are unreasonable and they always want to push us out of what we know well.

The more we resist these instructions, the deeper we sink in misery which soon or later reflects in our actions and our physical well-being.

Ideas that call us to rise to the occasion take a special form of discomfort. They are guarded by the beasts of fear and doubt among other things.

Oh no. Conquering them is not the end of the ordeal. They always walk with us in all we do.

If we decide to walk that road of discomfort with them, we will occasionally find some fairies of hope and love and other spirits of brevity and courage.

We never cease to move forward. Once that happens, we begin dying to this world. Who knows what awaits us on the other side? — maybe a continuation…or nothing…

While here though, we move, we live and have our being attached to this corporeal structure we call our body. With all its imperfections, desires, and ideas, we wear it like our life depends on it.

I think over time we get so used to it. Boredom sets in. Throw in other ideas of what society teaches about beauty, we build our ideas of what is perfect. We begin looking at other corporeal structures to mark our beauty standards.

Sometimes that is our consciousness looking for ways to help us become better and other times, it's us being insecure, jealous, and resentful of other people and ourselves for not looking like them.

We take that hate personally. Reinforcements of self-pity internalize it and there we are, — lost and unattractive.

Soon we begin moving towards journeys we think will make us unlost and attractive. Of course, almost always, these are not our original journeys. We tread them anyway hoping to get “there” someday.

There? Where? No one knows. Maybe it's a fancy car, slim body, a six-pack, nice house, attractive partner…. I don’t know. No one does. We only delude ourselves into making the journey “there” bearable.

We never stop to see how far we’ve come. We just move. Move we go. Until we find ourselves deeper into the jungle we tried to get out of.

Insecurities build. Now we don’t even belong there. So we think. We then seek out journeys to which we “belong” — and a loop is created.

Sadly most people don’t ever get to break the loop. They move in circles until they leave this dimension of experience. Maybe they keep doing the same on those other dimensions.

Sometimes you who think are “enlightened” would wish to make their lives match easier by showing them the truth. But that is also true only through your frame of experience and probably despicable in theirs.

You nevertheless try to impose your ideas on them until you are met with opposition which could sometimes mean erasing you from the face of the earth entirely.

We all have our journeys. Some of us think we have our lives in order. While the rest of us are lost and looking for the fix.

A lot more people are beginning to follow their inner being. — Yes it’s been going on for as long as humanity has existed.

Allow me to delude you with my theory (thanks) …

We all have our separate journeys. Whether you think you are lost or not in life, whether you think you are beautiful or not, successful or a failure, whatever condition you think you have or don’t, there is no external fix that will aid you an inch. Only you can.

The “you” am talking about is your internal guidance system/the self/the God within/ the kingdom of God within you as Jesus called it in Luke 17:20–21/my-self

I look to my-self when times have been hard, I look to my-self for answers. If the self pushes me towards some mentor, guru, person, thing, treatment, or any other thing outside of itself, I am going to go there and if the results work or don’t work, I can only share my experience with the world without pointing to something or someone else as the reason I got here.

I know most people attach their beliefs to some spiritual savior. As long as you believe, that is great. Keep in your faith and practice every word it says to the dot. Practice it in your external deeds as well as your internal deeds. — Yes even in thought.

If you do not believe in spiritual stuff and it’s nonsense to you, do not fight it either. Be fearlessly you. Don’t apologize for it.

Most importantly, don’t keep looking for ways to fix it if no idea presents itself in your mind. If no beliefs match your fancy, don’t settle for any.

Look to your-self. Within. ALL the answers to your experience lie there and if the time comes when you need external help in any area of your life, don’t be too proud to seek it out but seek it out with pride instead.

Whichever life experience you hold as your own, make it yours and let it guide you.

I know that most of us haven’t been taught to lead our lives this way. A lot of us are scared of what lies deep within our minds. We don’t want to face what may or may not be there. — One thing that I know is that if think you harbor anything that could kill you and it hasn’t yet done so, just assume it's not there/it isn’t going to kill you and follow what is actually there.

Many people don’t know how to listen to their inner selves. That is why we have people who kill others and say.. “Oh...I had to. Something told me to kill him.” Or worse “God told me.”

Life is for all. You are not supposed to take it from anyone. Alas if you do. Your inner self is the life in all. It cannot hate itself.

Some ideas coming to us are from our inner selves/God/life.. while others are from social constructs/insecurities/devil… For me, there is one method I use to distinguish between them. And that came from Jesus’ teachings.

If you want to find out whether your ideas are from yourself or not, make sure that you would do the same thing to yourself. Moreso, make sure it is not meant to hurt the other person’s livelihood.

BE YOU. For the time being, being you might mean just taking up space. — Soon you will have guidance and make sure you follow it and it will lead you to where you want to be.


About the Creator

James Ssekamatte

Engineer and artist sharing my perpective with the world.

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