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Be the Change

Because you can make a difference

By Heidi BaconPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
My son and I

I guess you'd say I'm like so many others who are living paycheck to paycheck, working day in, day out trying to make ends meet. No savings, no "buffer" account in case of emergencies, no insurance, no sick pay, nothing. Always living just on the edge, hoping that whatever income that comes in will cover the bills, with the constant stress of knowing that if I don't work for a few weeks, we may begin a downward spiral that will take a long time to dig out of. Or worse, lose it all.

A few years ago, I interviewed people who were involved with homelessness. The camera crew visited shelters, went under bridges, parks, and participated in mobile units that provided essential items. After visiting with each person, I always ended with the question: "What do you want to tell others about being homeless?" The number one answer was the desire to be treated like a human and to not look past them as if they were a fixture. How hard is that? I can answer that - it's very hard. It's so much easier to not make eye contact with someone who makes you uncomfortable. Which leads to the question "Why?" Is it because we don't approve of where they are in their life? If you were desperate and on the street, what would you want someone to do?

I started making a conscience effort to lock eyes with the homeless - to smile and to have that one shared moment that acknowledges their value as a person. I now buy a few extra bottles of water, and nonperishable food, nutritious odds & ends so I can have something ready when I see someone by the side of the road who is down & out. I've given hot meals to some folks and although I may not have money to provide, I can at least help a little. Direct eye contact and a smile, then most of the time I hear "God Bless You" from them as I drive off.

The scariest thing I heard from the homeless when interviewing them was "Everyone is a few bad choices away from being homeless". That resonated with me and I think of it every time the money runs out before the bills do. Did I make the right choices? Will I be homeless?

Another quote that hit home was to hear that no one I interviewed ever planned on being homeless. When asked as a child "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The answer is never "Homeless".

I encourage you to 'Be the Change'. One person - me, you - can't eradicate homelessness, but we can be make one person feel human. We can give one person a bottle of water. We can help one person at the soup kitchen, we can help someone have new socks and underwear. It's a big problem that we can't solve, but the little things, like a smile and looking into someone's eyes will make a small difference in that person's day.

The photo above is of my son and I. He has been homeless off and on over the years, and I love him dearly. Choices - every day we experience the consequences of the choices we make. Did those interviews years ago prepare me for when my son was homeless far away? I believe so. And now I know first hand how hard it is for someone to get back on track. As I help someone in need in my community, I can only hope that someone also was able to help my son in the same way where he was at.

Let today's choices be wise, our hearts kind, our souls compassionate and remember to give a helping hand because the gift you give one person may be the one thing that keeps them going for another day.


About the Creator

Heidi Bacon

I love mysteries, twists of fate and surprise endings. I start writing with a concept and I don't have any idea of where the story will take me on its journey so I'm as much along for the ride as anyone reading it.

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