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Be Kind or Else!

This statement is not exaggerated enough! I mean it when I say be kind! Be kind and nothing less. As kindness can help escalate peace and prevail happiness in the lives of anybody deserving of it. (Any-every body can be deserving they just need to show the effort of wanting it for graceful reasons and never on a wicked agenda.)

By Keanna Barry Published 3 years ago 5 min read

It’s time to let the world know; be kind! OR... there is actually no other option than that. I mean morally speaking there could never be another acceptable fact other than being kind at all possible points in ones life. Tragically speaking many people view politeness as an act of being fake. But it’s really an act of showing gratitude and protecting the peace rather than creating war. In my mind creating war has no purpose other than basically asking to be punished. Whether the repercussions includes intensified mental illness or maybe your physical health gets attacked from wanting to do evil or cause bad happenings. Why must more war be created when this place is supposed to be strung out on love rather than being destroyed by the bad stuff? It will never make sense to me on how why so many people invent these pestering matters and don’t succeed at holding onto their peace or whatever positive aspect they withhold without having to be fully there. By that I mean the things subconsciously and consciously being brought forward are just a matter of the simple truth.

The simple truth bends in ways where it won’t break. Was a truth even meant to break? I’d like to find out. Actually… no I don’t! I’m all over the place and it’s because there is always something going on. Whether good or bad the distractions are consistent and constant. Making it difficult to focus on better things because negativity is a distraction all on it’s own. These distractions are like a cloud hovering over us in ways that we focus on the fact that there is a cloud rather than why is this cloud hovering above us. I mean I may get and understand that there are more people that would question that but many are still more focused on the object occurring rather than thinking of the meaning behind all of it.

I just beg for people to be kind. Whether they are truly kind from the bottom of their hearts, or are working to be kinder for genuine purposes, or even have the intentions to do as so with some hurt in their hearts I want for the kindness in them to escalate and be on the horizon of all of our lives. It’s something we are in need of and by blessing one another rather than cursing one another we can bring that on and uplift each other in ways so true and caring that the acts of negativity may go away. Might not be a permanent thing but at least it’s a start. It’s a start to a newer way of life that makes us feel comfortable and safe.

I am so heavy on this topic of peace and kindness because what’s the point in existence if we don’t try to make the best of it? To lure out the kindness people may have been hiding from themselves or their fellow peoples because of the “well you never know about people” aspect of knowing anybody. It’s confusing to make way through a different way of trust and understanding with why we just haven’t been able to reach out and stand tall with our decision to keep things nice. On a daily scheme too! KIND? Did you mean keeping~it~nice~daily? Because that’s just what kindness means. In a literal form too.

The “or else!” Section of this article just flaunts matters that interrupt our interest in obeying laws of life that benefit us the people the more and more that these moral laws are followed. I say many more should be made but where could we start besides by listing off the existing pain we fragile beings don’t wish to keep on encountering. Whether by those means are on purpose or not the negativity we encounter does not need to dwell within our lives. At all too! To an extent or another I proclaim that what’s out there to trick us or make us question things is simply playing a card that deals that we should make right in the world and that we are able to do just that! There is no limit on doing good after all doing good only brings better things and that’s truly what the world of us needs so much and ever so desperately.

There is no other choice behind being kind! Being kind only promotes a state of life and a sense of happiness that needs to be sunk into our heart so deep that we never forget the feeling. “Be kind or else!” Well does that not say enough? Enough where you find that what I am saying is true and worthy of being actively acted on upon by people that decided or are the road to deciding that being kind holds no worries besides running into others that find kindness distasteful and aren’t kind themselves for those reasons itself or actually for any reason at all. To not be fully kind may just be a flaw in the system of us. Which truthfully I’m aware of all of it but I can’t accept the issue that there are flaws in our society and lifestyle yet nobody picks at them or tries to make them look/feel/be better! Then on to cope with the fact that there are people out there in the same land that I am living and they decide and defend the matters of why people aren’t holding in such characteristics like being kind or nice or sweet or polite or caring.

It’s not fair that I and then on we (we being anybody who shares the same views as me) give up ever so often on their purpose in life and can’t take the issues into our own hands because someone stronger and more importantly someone that can actually cure the world just don’t care to. Take kindness lightly or take kindness hard… either way you’re taking a procedure of something heartfelt and good to use in proper extremes where nothing in its negative power can cross us and demand for something stupid that will only be a burnt bridge with too many “I don’t know how to swim” swimmers swimming in a pool full of sorrow.

I came to conclusion that we can do this and if not then we can cheer on those doing it for us. In a better state even for those that will be doing it with us. That’s a principle right there. Where we don’t shun people over there inability to help save or do anything worth completing but now to promote a sphere of chaos that is about to die down and admit the horror in which we can tell is there by staying kind throughout our lives. It’s that simple but also that aggravating. So in time when the world rotates and you feel like you’re alone send a prayer to the version of yourself that may have been broken and not doing good. In time that version of you will over conquer the pain trapped in your heart and slowly will turn pain into strength.


About the Creator

Keanna Barry

Give me a chance to help you with my own words?

My writing is intended to be read by you and the lessons being learned from what i am saying is all i pray and hope for to help improve quality of life for you, me, and like everyone else too!

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