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Avoiding Rough Patches When Dating Foreign Women

Leading a better and more fulfilling relationship.

By Florence WilliamsonPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
By Michael Austin on Unsplash

Some behaviors are deemed acceptable in certain cultures, whereas in other cultures, they aren’t.

That’s the thing about the different cultures of the world - their historical backgrounds and unique customs result in different attitudes towards different things.

This is a social attribute of human diversity that’s directly correlated with the past - everything from geography, religion, beliefs, languages, and politics set the standard for the current social consciousness in contemporary society.

When it comes to dating foreign women, you’ll need to be in the know about certain personality quirks and mindsets unique to their culture.

If you aren’t, you might offend your partner in ways you can’t understand.

To avoid this, you’ll need to be in tip-top research mode. Hit the books, pull up Google, and check out online forums where people discuss similar dating endeavors.

Fortunately enough, the near entirety of our collective knowledge as a species is accessible at the tip of our fingers, all from the comfort of our own homes.

Most of what you need to know about your foreign partner’s culture and dating customs is one Google search away.

If you have the time, do your own research. That’s the most logical thing for someone dating a foreigner to do.

Trust us, you’ll be happy to read up on these specific attributes beforehand rather than learn it the hard way, after you’ve made a mistake and she stops talking to you.

In this blog, we’ll attempt to lay out some of the basic precautions to take when dating a foreign woman (regardless of culture) so as not to bump heads with her.

We’re in the business of making sure everyone accomplishes their desired dating endeavors, and we hope that this content will serve as helpful research material for anyone going about a similar mission.

So with that being said, let’s begin with:

Assess the things you already know.

There’s no way you went full-steam ahead into a relationship with a woman from a foreign culture without a single idea about how their customs work, right?

Well, if you did, that’s a recipe for a disaster just waiting to happen.

Fear not, because it’s not too late if you haven’t already done so.

It’s safe to assume that this is the very first thing you should be doing before even interacting with your potential foreign partner.

Stop for a moment to ask yourself: “Just what exactly do I already know about her culture?”

For example, you might think this way: “Okay, she’s Filipino. I know that they’re somewhat timid in nature and a little bit shy, so I probably shouldn't expect her to be the extroverted type.”

That’s making good progress. Assess the things about her culture that you already know about and fill in the gaps from there.

This is the very first part of the research stage in your dating endeavor. Doing this allows you to gauge what you already know and what you need to find out more about.

Read up on their culture’s history.

By Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

It may seem far-fetched, but having a good knowledge of your foreign partner’s historical background is a huge advantage in this mission of yours.

Aside from gaining insight as to what type of government they have, what revolutions, colonizations, and civil unrest may have taken place, and what the current state of their economy is, looking up their nation’s background provides you with a knowledgeable advantage that allows you to dissect the culture and learn more about how the people have thrived.

Doing this is especially good for having some insight to refer to when having a genuine conversation with her.

Most likely, she’ll be glad to know that you took the time to appreciate and understand her culture’s history, and it shows that you’re credible and relatable - two things that tend to draw your partner closer to you.

It helps to be in the know, as it makes conversations more inclusive of her on a more personal level, and it highlights your willingness to immerse yourself in the ways of her people.

Overall, it’ll make her want to talk to you more. She might even end up giving you a good history lesson while you’re at it.

Learn a bit of her language.

This one’s a no-brainer. You’ll be surprised to see how delighted she’ll be when she sees that you know some native words from her language.

It’ll flatter her for sure, especially when you get the accent and pronunciation right. The best part about doing this is that you can ask her to teach you more.

That’ll engage you two in some close bonding and it will solidify your relationship with her.

Read up on the specifics.

As mentioned earlier, every culture has its own specific set of attitudes towards social aspects of society, like manners, body language, gestures, tone of voice, and so many other different types of behavioral cues that may be interpreted in different ways.

We highly suggest that you take the time to read up on these particular nuances of your partner’s culture to figure out what’s taboo and what isn’t, what’s pleasant and what’s offensive, and what to do and what not to do around your foreign love interest.

By doing this, you set a proper standard for yourself to avoid crossing any cultural boundaries that you may not have been aware of prior to your research.

But out of all of the ones mentioned, this is arguably the most important one to keep in mind.

Communicate with her.

This is extremely essential.

Most people will tell you that communication is key - and that’s universally correct in most instances.

Genuinely ask her what her standards, expectations, and mindsets are toward a wide array of things, and ask her in a comfortable, pleasing manner - preferably in a casual setting wherein you two are having a good, calm conversation (whether that be in person or through social media).

Just be open with her. Through your actions, allow her to understand that you only want to be sure of the specifics since your main mission is the pursuit of smooth sailing and harmony.

You want to cruise through this stage of the “getting to know each other” part with relative ease, and being open with each other in a friendly manner is the best way to achieve this.

This should come naturally the more you interact with her. Just maintain a good pace, keep all of these in mind, and be mindful. That way, you two won’t bump heads or reach any rough patches.

By Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

In conclusion, these are some of the most effective measures one can take to guarantee a fruitful dating experience with your foreign love interest.


About the Creator

Florence Williamson

Professional Matchmaker and Dating Consultant for A Foreign Affair

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    Florence WilliamsonWritten by Florence Williamson

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