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Avoid Getting into a Relationship with a Toxic Woman by Spotting These Traits and Behaviors

Toxicity deserves no room in a relationship.

By Vera TischenkoPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels

It’s not easy to spot a woman with red flags right away. These people are very good at hiding their bad personality traits, especially if you’ve only met them for the first time.

This is why a lot of people get into toxic relationships. Most of them don’t even know they’ve entered one in the first place. People are either good at hiding their flaws or they don’t know they had any to begin with.

One thing’s for sure - you can avoid getting entangled any further if you just know what to watch out for. Some of these red flags can be hard to figure out since they don’t seem all that bad upon first glance. But if you’ve had experience with toxic people before, then you know what these signs are.

You can spot these during the early days of your relationship.

Frequently talks about her ex

It’s understandable that some people go through a rough breakup. There are those who will immediately jump into a new relationship, while others obsess over new hobbies to forget and move on. Then there are those that badmouth their exes to make themselves feel better.

I’m not saying any of us are wrong for doing any of these things in order to get over an ex. All I’m saying is that there is a limit to how we can do this.

People can go get a rebound all they want, desperately hoard new hobbies, or talk about their exes like they were the worst scum of the earth. Do whatever you want.

But if you throw all your problems at a new beau, that’s another thing. It’s okay to talk about past relationships. It’s even okay to make jokes about them with your new lover.

What’s not okay is comparing an ex to the one you’re currently with, cursing your ex too much, or even bringing them up almost all the time.

That’s not cool.

If the woman you’re dating does this, you should probably know that in the event that you two break up, she will do the same thing to you and throw all of that negativity at her future partner. Then she will act as if she wasn’t the problem to begin with.

She demands your attention a little too much

If she gets upset when you don’t reply after a few minutes, then you can bet you get no freedom in this relationship. It’s nice to text or message your partner while at work every once in a while. It shows that you two miss each other and that she’s thinking about you while she’s busy.

But if she demands for your attention 24/7, gets mad when you don’t respond right away, and blames it all on excuses like “I just miss you, why can’t you understand that,” “I have abandonment issues, I’m scared you’ll stop liking me,” or “I need to make sure you still love me,” then it’s bad.

You can say goodbye to your personal space, your time, and your privacy. She is only going to get worse in the future. Women like that are also the type to invade your phone just to see if you’re cheating on them.

She cares too much about the way she looks

Self-love and self-care are important, and I’m not trying to say a woman who cares too much about her looks is unfit to be your lover. Women will care about their looks and they won’t stop just to appease a man. A lot of them do it because it gives them confidence and simply because it’s fun.

But, like with everything else, there should be balance.

A woman who spends too much time in the mirror is a normal thing. That’s not so bad. What’s bad is when she spends all her money on beauty products and then expects you to do the same with the excuse of “I want to be pretty for you.”

Another thing that’s bad is when she spends too many hours on herself instead of the relationship, when she cares too much about the opinions of others, and when she gets mad at you for saying anything nice about a woman who isn’t her. That’s too much insecurity.

Being materialistic isn’t so bad these days. People will buy things in order to make themselves happy. And in a world where everyone is aware of depression and how bad it can be, people will support luxurious spending.

It’s different if she’s too materialistic, though.

She’s indifferent about the concept of family

If you’re in this relationship purely for fun, then serious topics don’t matter. But if you two plan to be in a long-term relationship with marriage on the horizon, this is a very big red flag.

Watch for the way her facial expression changes when the topic of family and children is brought up. The way she reacts to it is telling of how she’s going to be when you two are married. If she doesn’t care enough to have a family with you, then it’s possible that she won’t for a long time. People can change, but change is a long and hard process.

You should also watch how she talks about her parents. How does she treat them? What does she say about them?

If she has abusive parents, then the way she talks about them is understandable. But do remember that some people will justify the way they act and talk by lying about how their parents treated them.

How she treats her parents will be a reflection of how she’s going to be as a wife and mother. Don’t ever forget that.

Your partner should be wife-material, not girlfriend-material

Having a girlfriend is great, but if you ask me, a partner that is wife-material is better.

Everyone has their own preference on what makes a woman wife-material. But at the core of it, she should be capable of raising a family. If your partner does not exhibit any of the aforementioned toxic behaviors, is able to care for you, and doesn’t shy away from the topic of raising her own children, then she is wife-material.

Don’t just get a girlfriend. Get a lifetime partner.

Vera Tischenko, Dating Coach and Professional Matchmaker for Kiev Women


About the Creator

Vera Tischenko

Dating Coach and Professional Matchmaker for Kiev Women

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