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Are you Floating or Exploring!

Beyond the harbor

By Aya muradPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

In my city, there are 4 big ships sitting still in the nile, used as big restaurants and cafes. Whenever I look at them, my mind goes right away to something I’ve always wanted to do. I thought of having lunch or coffee on one of these ships while breathing the undeniably fresh air of the nile. Maybe this will inspire me with that long-wished for inspiration. Unfortunately, these ships never move or do anything ships are supposed to do. It reminded of an old quote “ I had to search a little to find it again”, it said “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”

Now, don’t get me wrong. I get it. The harbor feels safe, like that trusty old blanket you can’t part with. It’s predictable, comfortable, and well, safe. It struck me that we humans are often like those ships, hiding out in our comfortable harbors rather than venturing out into our own wide oceans of potential. We latch onto security and familiarity, scared to launch out towards growth and fulfillment. But just like ships, we are not constructed for stagnant waters. We are built to sail. Just like these ships, they’re born to navigate the wild, open waters, to dance with the waves, and to chase horizons that tease the imagination.

What ocean is calling to you? What dreams keep tugging at your heart, inviting you to chart a course towards them? Maybe it’s to start a nonprofit to serve a community in need. Maybe it’s to leave a drained job and finally pursue that passion project. Or maybe it’s simply to speak your truth and live more authentically. We all have our dreams, I know I do, but what if!

What if there are sea monsters? What if the ship springs a leak? What if I get a terrible sunburn because, let’s be real, pirates didn’t have SPF 50? These ‘what-ifs’ can be paralyzing, I know. what if my project fails? what if I lose all my money? lose my friends? what if it doesn’t turn out to be as I want it to be? All these “what ifs” are crippling me and you from moving forward and ignoring that calling we have to leave the harbor.

Now I’m not saying we should all impulsively quit our jobs tomorrow and set sail with no planning. That would be reckless. A good captain always respects the realities and challenges of navigation. But we CAN start taking steps to unfurl our sails. We can begin turning our ships to align with our inner compasses. We can chart courses toward horizons of potential while making sure we have sufficient provisions and training for the journey ahead.

And here’s a little secret: it’s okay to be scared. Every great sea captain was probably quaking in their boots before their maiden voyage. But what separates the harbor-loungers from the legendary captains is that they embraced the fear, hoisted the sails, and sailed off into the sunrise of possibility. Playing it too safe in life leads only to stagnation, boredom and regret. While venturing out into new waters involves risk and hard work, it also brings growth, excitement and fulfillment.

Your life is built like the ship, for the open sea, not for harbor daydreams. Yes, the open sea can be scary, but it’s also where the magic happens.

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About the Creator

Aya murad

Aspiring writer looking to connect and inspire through the power of words. Let's grab coffee and see where the conversation takes us!

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